Charlotte Geister's Comments

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At 11:25am on October 18, 2019, Mary Anne said…

I have learnt from experience that addresses, and hunting for addresses, can be a huge drain on time and patience but If you start a list at the beginning of a project and keep up with it, it works out OK.  I'm happy to do it for the group . . . nice to make a useful contribution and it keeps me out of mischief . . .

At 8:33pm on October 16, 2019, FromMNQ said…

Danke für deine herbstliche Karte! Schöne Farbkombination und interessante Muster. Die Natur ist doch immer das beste Vorbild!

At 6:42pm on October 12, 2019, FromMNQ said…

Das freut mich! Adresse folgt. Und der Postweg ist nicht ganz so weit und sollte nicht allzu lange dauern...

At 3:12pm on October 11, 2019, Mary Anne said…

We have our own bit of Merz not far from here - his last effort - preserved in a museum whilst the pig-sty he built it in is a sort of shrine even though its now empty.

Kurt is a recent discovery of mine - that is to say, I knew his work but didn't think much of it till now.  Funny how things change!

At 10:43am on October 11, 2019, Mary Anne said…

That is wonderful news . . . I had really given up but . . . now where have all the others gone . . . so many that it can't be coincidence surely/  Maybe after all it is only a case of our post holding things up.  I find I am more confused than ever. I wonder if any m,ore will turn up?

Hope you liked the little collage.

There will be more to come . . .

At 5:15pm on October 9, 2019, Mary Anne said…

You should have had it by now - I fear it is lost.

A replacement on its was as soon as I can.

At 8:59am on October 9, 2019, Mary Anne said…

Hi there Charlotte.  Last week I posted you something for H H's Birthday Box but irt seems that a huge amount of my mail sent out has gone missing.  Can you let me know when (if) it arrives please.

At 7:22am on September 18, 2019, Kevin Geronimo Brandtner said…

Freut mich dass dir die Arbeit gefällt! Bis bald :)

Alles Liebe, Kevin!

At 5:53am on September 3, 2019, Kevin Geronimo Brandtner said…


Ich bin in den letzten 3 Monaten 3x umgezogen und hatte die schwierigste Phase meines Lebens. In jeglicher Hinsicht. Aber jetzt bin ich zurück und stehe langsam wieder auf! Ich werde dir in den nächsten Tagen etwas senden, ist die Adresse dieselbe?

Liebe Grüße, Kevin!

At 10:52pm on August 28, 2019, Steph Dodson said…

Thank you for the beautiful stitched collage postcard! It did pretty well on its voyage...and I didn't see the little lizard until I looked at it again the next day. He was hiding in plain sight. A return will be coming soon! xS

At 3:37pm on August 18, 2019, Steph Dodson said…

Hi Charlotte! I would love to exchange mail art with you! Thank you for reaching out - I'll look forward to seeing you in the mail. xS

At 5:15am on June 24, 2019, Penny Reinecke said…

Glad it arrived and that you liked it.

cheers Penny

At 5:40pm on May 27, 2019, Kathy Barnett said…

So happy you like the catapus!!

At 3:39am on May 23, 2019, Penny Reinecke said…

Hi Charlotte.

i am travelling at the moment.

i will send mail art after I return. Hopefully next week.

you can follow some of my travels on Instagram.

it is


if you have an Instagram page let me know?

cheers Penny 

At 4:35pm on March 19, 2019, Kathy Barnett said…

I'm happy you like the lady!!! 

At 8:16am on February 10, 2019, Yayoi S.W. said…

Thanks for the comment Charlotte! Your beautiful art arrived this week!

At 5:34pm on December 31, 2018, Kathy Barnett said…

Charlotte, thank you for the beautiful stars. I hung them in my at room, so nice!! And I love the card. I hope you had a really nice holiday! Happy New Year!-Kathy

At 4:36pm on November 21, 2018, Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) said…

Thank you, Charlotte, for the lovely winter print!

see the blog:

At 4:29pm on November 18, 2018, Debra Mulnick said…

Good morning Charlotte!  It is morning here we have some frost on the ground also today.  It is becoming winter, but we still have our farmer's market until Chistmas (indoors now), and we are having warm-ish clear, sunny days.  I've been out walking most every afternoon.  So much mail to catch up with when I got home!  I had a fabulous trip, hanging out with Bettina and Marcel (her husband), and my friend, Roberto came later for x1 week.  It was perfect because I had time with my friends alone, time with them all together, two days alone with Roberto, and the last 3-4 days by MYSELF!  A dreamy itinerary for me.

Visiting Maria's mail art exhibit in Athens was most inspiring and I feel motivated to plan for a mail art exhibit here in Boise, in 2019.  Stay tuned on that.  Of course, I would love to see you in the mail again, but it will likely be in 2019.  I cannot believe how fast time flies.  Meanwhile I send you love and hugs from Idaho.  Debra

At 3:15pm on November 11, 2018, Kathy Barnett said…

Thank you for you kind words!! I also love your art work, you are so creative!! I hope you feel better. Take care- :)


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