Minneapolis Gnome's Comments

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At 6:27pm on November 3, 2016, A.Hennig said…

Thank you for the nice compliments - if you would give me your address, I love to send you a mail art....

At 1:59am on September 1, 2016, Carmela Rizzuto said…

Hello MN. Gnome--thanks for the reinforcement. Part of the reason to question the e-mail is that it purported to come from Ruud, but the details of my app said that it came from Mail Art Martha--who would never attempt such a thing, I'm sure. So I decided to go to the 'master communicator' himself for an answer. The mystery continues.

At 3:56pm on July 20, 2016, Heleen de Vaan said…

WOW!!!! Minneapolis Gnome, thank you so very much  for  your wonderful mail art!

Here a snapshot, 

I'll post the complete version of this and the others tomorrow at the Animals blog.

Thank you!!!!

At 10:20pm on July 11, 2016, Petrolpetal said…
hey! Please send me your address - want to surprise you with some Mail!
At 12:19am on July 9, 2016, Toni Hanner -- tonipoet said…
Most esteemed Gnome! Your cow made my day,,, completely. The foot is nice, too, but lacks the sexy eyelashes of the cow. Great letter. Also I enjoyed the very thorough warning on the outside of the envelope. In spite of it all, I did open it and am so happy I did. You will be receiving something from me as soon as soon, although I am out of commission for much of July.
At 5:09pm on April 12, 2016, Debra Mulnick said…

Greetings from Idaho to the Gnome.

I'll need a snail mail address to post something to you.  Cheers.  Debra

At 4:33am on April 11, 2016, Debra Mulnick said…

Hi Mr. Gnome,

I made a comment about your description of April's last mail art to you, but I'm not sure where you will see it posted - on her page, and not yours, maybe?  Anyway, I thanked you for your blow by blow description and photos.......fantastic! 

At 4:23pm on April 4, 2016, Bruno Cassaglia - poetArtist said…
At 2:35am on March 21, 2016, Toni Hanner -- tonipoet said…
Oh gee, I forgot the Sweet n Low poetry book! Amazing, and yes, bad.
At 2:34am on March 21, 2016, Toni Hanner -- tonipoet said…
OOOH lovely! Another fab package from MG! The envelope is impressive, the way you've drawn about justice and used ALL justice oriented postage stamps! Incredible! The crappy mini-zine addresses an issue that has long intrigued me--the single shoe beside the road. A pair I could understand, but just one? Your zine is a fascinating look into this neglected American problem. And I'm so pleased with the new glasses. I'm sure they'll improve my vision a great deal. Sharkie doorhanger? Going on the downstairs bathroom doorknob. I'll try and blog all this some time soon, but for now, THANKS!
At 2:40am on March 4, 2016, David Alan Goldberg said…

Thank you and you're welcome, M.G.! This is a great community!

At 9:04pm on February 22, 2016, April Jean Rocco said…
Your gnomes have landed in the Space Coast. Thank you for the colorful mail.Loved the handmade paper with a secret gnome in it. Your mail art brightened my day .
At 12:22am on February 14, 2016, Toni Hanner -- tonipoet said…
Oh and the letter on hand-made paper! Love!
At 12:20am on February 14, 2016, Toni Hanner -- tonipoet said…
Gnome, Your mail art package leaves me completely gobsmacked! I love love love what you did with the poetry prompts I sent--not enough that you made a add-on cut up poem out of them, but you illustrated it as well! The schoolbus, the baby on top of the car, and the house/jail at the end "[Just lock the door, it will be alright....]" The very honest plea on the inside to civic responsibility -- welll said. AND the little paper bag turned into a boekie with its own little bag--brilliant! And your envelope, the ephemera, etc. etc. Like the previous package from you, this all just blows me away--you are obviously so connected to this art and this work at such a deep level, even though you are often very funny. Good stuff. I'll blog it all in the next few days so everyone can see.
At 10:05am on February 3, 2016, stripygoose said…
At 5:13pm on January 30, 2016, stripygoose said…

subway map-birdy arrived, complete with typed letter inside. That's really neat! Thank you. Keep on making and sharing in the post. Something coming your way soon.


At 8:56pm on January 18, 2016, Toni Hanner -- tonipoet said…


At 1:05am on January 16, 2016, Toni Hanner -- tonipoet said…

Gnome, I received, without injury, my amazing mail art from you today! Hooray!!!!

Far from crappy, I think it's pure genius. It makes me laugh and I keep turning it over in my hands because there's so much to it! I feel incredibly honored to receive the original "finger tip book" -- which also makes me think "this guy is truly insane." But so are many great artists throughout history, so no worries. I love the "Methane Boekie" I did read all the way to the end, I think. Wonderful. I think you are what we so badly need in this world -- a cheerful anarchist! The piece made from Transit materials -- also genius. I want to check out the artists you credit in that piece. The envelope, too, is a gem. Thank you so much. I can't be snarky about it because I love it so much! 

At 11:51am on December 24, 2015, Carlos I. Botana said…


Las Meninas by Diego Velázquez
Size: Free
Technique: Free
Deadline: August 15, 2016
Exhibition: September, 2016
No sales. No jury. No return
The work is publisehed in the "blog": mailartlasmeninasdecanido.blogspot.com
Send your work to:
Carlos I. Botana
C/. Javier López López
Nº 11 - portal 2 - 3º E
15009 - A Coruña - Spain
At 7:47pm on December 5, 2015, Grethe Bjørnhaug said…

Hi Minneapolis Gnome. I will send you a letter tomorrow, hope it arrives soon. Please let me know when you have received it :)


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