XX Jones: Vienna post card or Windows in my mind

VEry clever idea from the Raised Letter Queen herself.  There's more than meets the eye.

Open the windows, and you will find deep thoughts ...

 and even some nice dreams.

Thank you very much for my first Mail Art from you.  I look forward to trying to match it.

Views: 135

Tags: Jones, XX


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Comment by xx Jones on November 30, 2012 at 1:46pm

Hi Dean, ah, ok. This reminds me that I have not updated my blog in ages, well, actually since I joined IUOMA! And I have abandoned postcrossing, mail art suits me much more, although I do like these Raised Letter postcards! Looking forward to an exchange!

Comment by Dean aka Artist in Seine on November 30, 2012 at 1:24pm

I was trying to remember where I saw that information, and then I remembered.  It's from your website: http://wordandimage.wordpress.com/  or I think it is your website.  You call them "multiview tourist postcards, which use the letters of the name place as a frame for images."  I call them "raised letter postcards", but it's the same thing, your description is just clearer.

   In any case, Raised Letter Queen has a nice ring to it, and is very confusing as we both know.  So it shall be.

Comment by xx Jones on November 30, 2012 at 11:44am

Never saw a postcard with raised letters :-) No problem though. There is always time for a first. It's something I will grow to like, especially if it comes from you. Ha, now thats a challenge!

Comment by Dean aka Artist in Seine on November 30, 2012 at 11:06am

I'm quite sure you are the one, anyway I hoping you are the one, but I thought I read somewhere that you like postcards with "raised" letters or something like that.

  I might be wrong or confused ... yes it happens even to me.

Comment by xx Jones on November 30, 2012 at 10:27am

Oh I am glad you like it. It is fun to hear your reading of the story. But what do you mean by Raised Letter Queen?


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