I read an article about this Post Office in our local paper the other day. It gets inundated with mail once a year, of course. And, of course, it's in danger of having hours of service reduced as are many rural Post Offices. This is a photo, taken by Bill Tiernan in 2011, of the store in which the Post Office is located.
I was thinking that perhaps we could all note the address down and during the year, sometime, we could just send the Postmaster a piece of mail. It'd brighten her day, for sure.
If you'd like to do this, send to: Kathy Fajna, Postmaster, Valentines, VA 23887, USA.
FYI - There's a guy whose goal is to visit every Post Office in the USA. See his blog HERE.
Update for all - Val portrait being etched on a glass panel for front door of Valentines VA intl Airport. Funding is trickling in for both Musée and aéroport. At this rate, we should be up and running by, oh let's say, 2040. I think the Postmaster will be profoundly moved by the plans/proceedings that are afoot, or aloft, or interned. She remains clueless. Carry on, Ladies and Gentlemen.
All of you wannabe -ghouls should join the New Tombstones Group.
And then you might like to amuse yourself by writing your own epitaph...and/or the text of the plaque for the Valentine International Memorial Airport.
PS 1; I think I've given up flying.
PS 2: my late father-in-law was a career Royal Air Force officer. When he came to visit us one time, he got bored, wandered over to the bookcase, picked up Erica Jong's "Fear of Flying", and said "This is just the sort of book for me". He got as far as page 1, where, I seem to remember, Ms Jong introduced the concept of the 'zipless f***', put the book down (forever) and went for a long walk.
Great hat indeed
Need one be dead for a International Airport to be named after ya?
Well, there is the Houston Int'l...named after George, ("both" are not dead, are they?)
However, if it is a "Memorial Airport"...well, my dear Valentine :-(
(Nice hat, however)
Mim, could you please start a fund-raising event to cover the costs of getting Valentine and his coffin to Virginia, VA, so that his corpse could attend the opening of the Valentine International Memorial Airport? (if you don't raise enough for a coffin, I'll consider getting someone to send you my ashes in an envelope or a Vally Bag)
If my coffin or envelope is going to e graced with a hat, I suggest this one:
A Crash Landing on the opening day might work. Can you send Mim a copy of your schedule? She will be in charge of extra events and hats.
I can arrange to die if that will help the planning of all of these things.
However, if you want me to open the Airport that could be a bit difficult.
Thanks for this Mim. I say we just buy the place ourselves and make it our Bananas headquarters. Next to it, we can build on a Mail Art Musée. Later we will add on a Mail Art Holiday camp, and then extend it to a theme park. People will come from miles around. Of course, we will have to top it off with the Valentine International Memorial Airport. In honour of Val. Can you have a Memorial Airport for a person still alive? If not, then we'll have to wait a bit. Thanks again.
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