New mail from the one and only Grigori Antonin to his devoted Marie Antonette :-))
A yellow envelope containing an A4 sheet which I will happily Pad and Ass on. And on the back of the envelope, Groot Suster (to me, every woman with blond hair in a comic = Groot Suster) is very much inspired by Mary. Now that's a twist! Usually it is rather the other way around. But very flattering, for sure! Good one Grigori.
I already knew that Grigori was a photographer, his Tokyo mail a while back contained a mysterious snapshot. Today he is sending me a couple of polaroids. Well, not exactly polaroids. A Zalopolaroid and a quasi-Zalopolaroid :-)) Could this be a reference to my failed Zalop card to him? NOT that I think that those are failed photos! Not in the least. I love experimental photography, and I think he captured exactly the essence of Zalop with those shots. In fact I will be posting them in the Zalop group, I think they will have much success.
Grigori, thank you for this great envelope, you will be hearing from Marie Antonette any day now.
Jim Leftwich invented Trashpo. I thought we established that, although a guy named Lanny Quarles (Cecil Touchon axis) has been using the term for a long time.
Wow, change of plans. Looks like I have some serious 'issues' to be dealt with (Translation: Holy shit--MORE hate mail). KDJ? KDJ? are you there? We need 2 talk
ebay here we come!!!
LUCKY you to get an envelope from DVS - those are an absolute RARITY down here. Highly collectible due to their frequent infrequency. Some of us have to resort to Hi-Jacks to maintain perceptible contact!!! :-))) X
P.s. Richard Canard has been sending corporate packaging trashpo as long as I've been doing mail art. Maybe he's the inventor?
I think there needs to be trash classifications: public vs. private trash ( representing the merging of the public and private sectors), corporate packaging trash (representing rabid consumerism and our throw away society), street trash (candy wrappers, handwritten notes etc. representing lack of respect for the environment and the destruction of our earth and lack of respect for beauty), cast-off trash ('reject' art falls in this category as well as 'in-house' notes, lists, art scraps--anything that has been cast aside or set aside because it has diminished value to the trash-bearer). There are many more that are very subjective, such as, who needs to consider it trash for it to be trashpo? Okay, mails here gotta go and believe it or not I see a RK envelope from DVS. Will wait til tonight to open it but it looks quite clean (santized trash?)
DK, it's good to read your thoughts on G-Man and the TrashPo-Litzer. He definitely created the condom book. No one understood at the time it was a Trash Book. He also has done a lot with cereal boxes. So I will turn it over to The Committee to see if he can get the award. Thanks for settling that.
I've sent art to GA, but never received anything back, so maybe inviting him to run off a copy of the nomination certificate would bribe him into sending me something? He definately deserves to be in the Landfill hall of fame for the condom trashbook. Is he the one who made that? It's so shockingly bad, that its good--and that really sums of Trashpoetics dont you think? THere needs to be a resident code cracker (wasn't that Kat?) to deciper yerz guyzez conversations--it's hard to keep up:)
Thank you cp-sa, now I can't shake off that mental image of Grigori wearing bright orange slippers with pom-poms and dancing the mambo :-))))
Do you think he wears bright orange slippers? Could be :-))) - I wonder if they have pom-poms? Elvis does Latin?
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