Did a mail art piece last October (not from here). The person I mailed it to posted me a nasty letter saying my art was crap and a waste of time. Which has rather put me off participating again. I know I'm not a brilliant artist, but I do the best I can. I'm disabled and thus on limited income - this sometimes limits my access to materials.
I8.01.21 I hope one day that I will be able to achieve the understanding & clear thinking of someone like Ms. Katerina Nikoltsou (See MomKat's previous commentary). Sighed & signed, Richard Canard
Hello Vernon...and here you are on this "social media" mail art platform, sorry you are hurting. Cyberspace should give you an opportunity to express your opinion and respect the right for others to express their opinion, without being judged, as in mail art there is "no jury". When one sends mail art they are sending a "gift" to the receiver...what that persons does with it, thinks of it, praises it or tosses it, is solely the receiver's choice. Since mail art has come to this social media platform, we are able to "share" here with more than 5,000 member artists around the world and "meet" with groups of similar interests, encourage and be encouraged to continue to create and send mail art. Mail art has expanded its importance and relevance thanks to the internet. But then again, no mail artist is obliged or forced to participate on a social media platform...being solely snail-mail is a fine choice, too.:
I suggest you take the jerk off your mailing list . No point in wasting a stamp on him. Keep making your art. There are plenty of members here who will enjoy it.☆☆☆☆☆☆
wow! I have just seen this discussion and i also think that letter is rude and downright mean to say those things. I myself am not a fantastic artist but I enjoy creating and i appreiciate being apprieciated when I mail anything I have created to others and I also apprieciate what I have been sent.
for the attention of Cal Desmond Pearson please dont let this nasty person ruin something that you were enjoying before their nasty letter.
theres far more people on here that will like your art so keep enjoying creating and exchanging
besides,limited resources are the best way to challenge yourself;make art and be happy!
don't listen to "noise" mail to me:)
I’m sorry you dealt with this. Keep making with whatever you have.
First off, the person who did that to you does not understand mail art and the community. The whole point is to share and be exposed to a wide range of thoughts and ideas, styles, and kindness. If somebody was as cruel and can't appreciate that then they don't need to be trading. I say kindness is a part of it because taking the time to make mail art, package it, and put a stamp on it is a kind gesture.
Also I want to put your mind at ease that mail art doesn't have to include fancy supplies. Several mail artists recycle and reinvent things from around the house. Please don't feel limited by your access to materials. A person can do a lot with a pen, a pair of scissors, magazine/newspaper/junk mail, and a glue stick.
I am always up for a trade! Please try again!
16.01.21... of course, there is such a thing a "Common Courtesy" & most of us were told early on to "Play Nice". ......but, having said that--it is generally understood that "there are no rules in mail art" & if that statement has any merit --it could also mean that the reactions to "mail art" would also cover a wide range of responses. & so, with that in mind , I propose that it's just all " par-for-the-course"...Don't worry about it! It's merely to be expected............one of my own statements that I like to pull out on such occasions is: "Most people wouldn't know a work of art if it slapped them in the face---as it often does".....how about this? If I said: "I'm gonna get a Coke--y'all want one? Inevitably, someone would say: No thank you, I prefer Pepsi. & some one else will only have a taste for Orange soda. & someone else wants "Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice" Another is surprisingly content with Kool-Aid & yet another seemingly sophisticated one demands the very best wine, (I don't dare mention the various types of coffee & tea available here), but continue with etc., etc. & maybe even-there may possibly be some bold individual out there who wishes to lecture me about the evils of soda pop. ( All very human responses & to be expected is my point.) & finally, there is that old standard about "not being able to please all of the people, all of the time." It's okay.
I hear you, getting that kind of unsolicited opinion can be so damaging. Its also clear to me that whoever felt the need to tell you that has issues, has a crumby personality, and has a pathetic perspective on what art is...I'm sorry that this situation has made you hesitant about participating in this magical artform which is meant to connect people....not hurt them. Fortunately, this network is overwhelmingly full of supportive, wonderful, kind people who will hopefully affirm your art. I'm here to correspond if you'd like :)
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