Went to visit the post office and for the first time argued with the ladies there. They took exception to my card to Samantha Price, said it wasn't bendy enough. Well duh, that's why I put the extra postage on it for non machinable. But, I couldn't send it as is. Does this call for a disguise and trying again with a different clerk? should I give in and wrap it as a package and send it that way? Don't worry Sam! I haven't forgotten you. I'd preview It for you but that would be cheating.
Good thoughts from many of the dear m.a. pals I've gotten acquainted with the past two years. Has anyone had a chance to see "behind the scenes" at the USPS .. how does equipment react to non-bendy items?, how does equipment deal with an item that spreads glued on items?, how are wonky addresses handled?
Appreciate the suggestion to throw questionable items in the box outside. The also gives an item the chance of not having postage cancelled (clerks always hand cancels things dropped off). My two cents. Yours?
In another lifetime i would go to other sub stations to mail my pieces. I send anything and everything naked. wooden postcards, 3d postcards etc...
I must be very fortunate that all the clerks at my local post office now are kind and interested in mail art.
When I lived in Ohio where I first began mail art,the resistance from the clerks was overwhelming.
In Florida,the issue is when the mail goes through the sorting machine, it comes to my mailbox,not the recipient,which as one can imagine,results in unnecessary trips to the post office to further argue with clerks.So now,I no longer put my address on the outside of an envelope ...I just hope the mail gets to it's destination.
Oh yeah, anything that won't run thru a machine costs 15 cents extra, which if you think about it is not unreasonable, since a real human being has to actually handle it (and is paid union wages). My plan is to go back Friday with it in some sort of envelope. Should be OK then. I was within the guidelines earlier, but that doesn't matter, they are the Gate Keepers.
We have chunky wooden postcards here and now for the tourist. Would they fall foul of a bendy-surcharge if posted to the USA?
An experiment is needed methinks . . .
19.11.19 Dare Heide Monster, ...Of course, I don't know all of the particulars concerning your P.O. dilemma but have oftentimes (over the years) run into (what I suspect) are similar problems. Of course (again), I am the party involved that has a tendency to place things in question. Usually , I am courteous & respectful & will sometimes act abundantly naive in order not to ruffle any feathers of P.O. personnel (Mostly because I do appreciate the service). As you stated, (& I am in support & of the opinion that you are entitled) the extra postage should have covered the situation. Yeah, try a different clerk & or post office (hopefully not too far away from your routine). Generally, I place oddball mailings in an outside dropbox & if really questionable I will not include a return address (it's simply the chance one chooses to take (believing the P. O. will be more inclined to just send it on to its intended destination). Not that this is same thing that you have described, but years & years ago the tourist trade in this country used to produce wooden postcards. All best wishes with your mailing & I am hopeful that Ms. Price will show us the results. SinCelery, Richard Canard
if still in doubt, just slap some more postage on it, toss it in a mail box/slot; & hope 4 its safe arrival. extra postage never hurts. i hate 4 u 2 have 2 pay extra 2 have it sent it parcel.
in my experience, it seems that not every postal clerk is on the same page. an additional 15 cent non machinable surcharge should suffice. the advice i've been given when something like that occurs, or if something is in question, just bypass a clerk & toss it in the mail slot unseen. i appreciate u wanting 2 preserve the surprise heidi so ty. i look forward 2 receiving ur "not bendy enough" mail art!
For a moment there I thought I was reading something I had written . . .
I don't know enough about the US system to make any sensible suggestions but I have solved my problems here by going to a post office that has machines to weigh and price up the mail. Then it goes into a postbox and no one is the wiser.
I am wondering how they measure the bendy-ness of mail in the first place. Sounds suspiciously like nonsense to me . . .
Do let us know the outcome.
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