From Paris, comes Santa :-)

"It is Christmas soon, don't delay..."

and check out the US license plates :-) ARIZONA!

did you notice: Washington and Nevada?

hidden a bit below the clock is California (The Golden State")

and Oregon (with the tall evergreen)

and Massachusetts, and Utah, too:

Not exactly, "postcards",

but this card will be in my "50 States " postcard album, oh yes!

"Thank you for your loyalty..."


Thank you Dean...

and there was a SECOND card, too,

all on the same day's mail delivery (not bad, 11-12 days from Paris,"snail mail! ):

check the next blog :-)

Views: 61

Tags: ArtistInSeine, Clock, DeanMarks, Dec2020, Katerina, Paris, Santa, USstates, licensePlates, postcard, More…x2cards


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Comment by Nancy Bell Scott on December 22, 2020 at 12:39am

My mother burst into hysterical laughter when she saw my 1st-grade pastel portrait of George Washington. First + only thing she ever framed. I inherited it 2 years ago. It's hiding behind a trunk, but it IS funny. This might be the right year to hang it.


Comment by Mel Anie on December 18, 2020 at 11:15pm

Haha, Dean, mothers in the secret meeting room burning things in fireplaces! I wish. We hung onto those horrible paintings and weird necklaces for many more years than we should have!  ;)

Comment by Dean aka Artist in Seine on December 18, 2020 at 7:18pm

Dear Ana, Only for a short time.  Then back to the real world.  

Dear Mel, Yes, Mother's day.  Remember when you had to make a horrible painting at school for Mother's day and then your Mother thought she had to display it in the living room until you were old enough to leave and live on your own?  I bet Mother's got together in one of those secret meeting rooms and burnt it all in the fireplace.  ha ha

Not funny, but I tried.

Dear Kateriana,  The Queen of Blogs.  You are amazing.

Comment by Ana Kawajiri on December 17, 2020 at 1:40pm

So good to see Dean's mail art again!

Comment by Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) on December 17, 2020 at 8:06am

Haha...the postage stamp is about "engravings" 

for "artists" / "artisans" ?

Comment by Mel Anie on December 16, 2020 at 8:44pm

Oh! You wrote "It is Christmas soon don't delay" then I saw the stamp saying 'Mothers Day'. I thought that was very funny. But, Metiers d'art! That's another story.


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