I've been thinking about hosting a Mail Art event and wondering what the theme, exhibition location etc could be. My latest thoughts have been to gather all the works I receive and pin them to a large overcoat. I would then visit the national gallery, national museum, commercial galleries etc and photograph/film myself wearing it as I walk around. If anyone asked about the works I'd hand them a small catalogue. So I'd be a walking exhibition gallery. Just a thought at this stage.

Views: 191


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Comment by CtlAltDel on March 4, 2023 at 7:15pm

Thx Carmela.

Comment by Carmela Rizzuto on March 4, 2023 at 4:25pm

Truly unique way to exhibit: Fulgor Silvi's Beard Gallery


Comment by Carmela Rizzuto on March 4, 2023 at 2:28pm

Mail Art Martha displayed mail art on a Shopping Trolley and visited galleries, cafes, etc for a number of years. Check out her online books documenting her experience. The book list is below her blog on her iuoma page. She also displayed mail art on her front door. Great minds think alike.


Comment by Nancy Bell Scott on February 24, 2023 at 8:06pm

Seems to have great possibilities, plus the originality. I hope you do it. Bradford's reference to this "artwork appliance" adds a lot to the appeal of the idea -- first laugh of the day for me and might even last into the night. Much appreciated. 

Comment by Maxima Strange on February 23, 2023 at 7:33pm

“Monkey mind,” lol

Comment by CtlAltDel on February 23, 2023 at 6:58pm

Not sure. I bought them online and they didn't mention size. But they look to be about 4cm x 4cm maybe. I like having constraints when making art. I find the challenge helps to reign in my monkey mind.

Comment by Bradford on February 23, 2023 at 6:00pm

What is the image area/size of work that would fit this artwork appliance?  I think Artistamps and/or Faux Tickets/Ephemera would work well for this application.

Comment by William M on February 23, 2023 at 11:18am

that's a nice idea. i remember someone in the early 90s who had a window gallery. they had a window that faced the sidewalk and would display work for passerbys to see. i think probably different people have done similar things over the years within the mail art network.

Comment by CtlAltDel on February 23, 2023 at 8:37am

Hahahaha true. Not sure if this happened where you are but during COVID lockdowns here, families created art displays in the front windows of their homes. There was even a site where you could register your home and download a trail map. 

Comment by William M on February 23, 2023 at 7:59am

there's always been a performance aspect of mail art so this seems to fit right in. maybe time to update "if you have a wall you have a museum" to "if you have an overcoat you have a museum"...


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