And Then There Were Three - Marie Wintzer

Three’s Company???

Lets start at the end – it’s a very good place to start.  Why? Because its an answer to a question -  Marie, how do you work? 

That question began when Jen Staggs asked me to write to her and tell her how I make art - my art making processes. I then asked J F Chapelle.  He sent me a diagrammatic explanation of his working process. I answered to him and Marie with a further work, and now its my turn to see how Marie works.  Asking questions about another artists work – its DEFINITELY  how I work.   Their voice – their intentions?  I NEED to know.  You may not, but I do.   Unlocking Maries puzzle? A delight as always.  Stitching, observation, paper, photography a personal color sensibility. Somehow an AWARE blend of east and west.

O, its all there.   Match, Pair, Compare, Question. After all there ARE 129 other choices, but she chose this ONE. There are 139 Be Aware of Multiple Exists to the work – o – I’m choosing mine with care.

Chicken on a stick???? Now that’s that X factor, the wild card. And the two hundred year old book cover :-)

As always, Marie's work carries a sense of  impermanence, nothing is held down forever.  She constantly appears to explore the  transient nature of beauty. Her  ability to articulate the spaces between? Its emotive for sure. Read her text. 

I don’t know if somewhere in Japan, when Marie inserted her work into a plastic rice packet that she KNEW it would be raining on my post box here in? But there it is, her work stayed dry, protected from African rains. 

We know that grave yard photograph  in the cherry blossom storm.  She has been there. But she has not been there.

And this? This is  terms of affection  developed in the ether. Unique relationships and friendships these. People who have never met, yet find affinity.

Marie - receiving three piece in one week :-) - whoever said three's a crowd hasn't been as lucky as me. Thank you for your continued FAB correspondence Cherry Blossom XXX

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Comment by De Villo Sloan on June 19, 2011 at 1:14am
take a br-ether
Comment by cheryl penn on June 18, 2011 at 9:56am
:-( - your ether and my main page are NOT on speaking terms :-))) - no problem - a topic of another day X
Comment by Marie Wintzer on June 18, 2011 at 9:53am
Catch my Ether on the main page
Comment by Marie Wintzer on June 18, 2011 at 9:28am
Yes I noticed the subtle ray of sun on the photograph!! Wonderful. It warmed up a day that was all but sunny. A few more weeks of rainy season ;-((
Comment by cheryl penn on June 18, 2011 at 8:21am
To touch the world through a letter :-) - you sure did that Marie - mine. Performances for sure DVS - even unpacking it and re-packing it physically - Marie's way of doing things is unusual.   I can feel ANOTHER series on the way - How Do YOU Work???  Just by the by - those photographs of your work were taken in a REAL ray of sunshine Marie - just to take with you on this rainy Tokyo afternoon X
Comment by Marie Wintzer on June 17, 2011 at 11:37pm
Good morning my genki people, thank you for such heartwarming comments, I am keeping them with me on yet another rainy day. Arigatoooo...
Comment by De Villo Sloan on June 17, 2011 at 9:22pm
I can't say enough about how completely impressed I am but every new work by Marie these days. These are practically assemblages, almost haptic. She's always had a great sense of texture, and it's going in new directions here. Also great visual/verbal combinations. She doesn't use narrative the way you do, Cheryl. These are almost little performance scores, very active: "Thread, bind, layer, attach..." is probably my favorite. "I would like my roses to see you," "Don't throw," - great stuff from all different places. "I was never here" is a good one - it's like a ton of little performance type things you can find on Yoko Ono's flickr photostream - cryptic yet direct at the same time. Totally impressive blog by Cheryl & work by Marie. A real gift.
Comment by cheryl penn on June 17, 2011 at 5:09pm

o - by the way - on Marie's envelope - the following equation - its a FAB :

2 X ether + ZALOP = VASBYT

For sure Sweet Pea, for sure ;-)X

Comment by cheryl penn on June 17, 2011 at 3:53pm
Hello :-) - thank you all for your comments. There was something else in the third envelope too - ether pages from Marie - but those I am leaving for another day. One of Marie's notes explained that "I was never here" is a song by Stephen Jones (Babybird) (one of her fav's) - I forgot to add that. DVS - I think you agree - somewhere we forgot to ASK - just ask about intention - look at the wonderful answers we get. I know that because you also tend to ask.
Comment by Marie Wintzer on June 17, 2011 at 1:12pm
DW!! :-)))) Is it only Po then?


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