DKeys's Blog (538)



Please write a letter to YOURSELF. It can be literal or any kind of interpretation, but intended for You and You alone. Send it to me and in one year's time, I will send it back to you--unopened, unchanged. They will be locked up in the DKult temperature controlled Vault. Make sure your address is clearly visible.  I will send all submissions back to their owners in November of 2015. What would you like to tell the future you?



Added by DKeys on July 31, 2014 at 4:51pm — 11 Comments

Digital Collabs

I sent several different people a starter for a digital collab. here are the results posted side by side

I am still in the process of…


Added by DKeys on June 29, 2014 at 2:45pm — 1 Comment

puzzle Piece collaborations cont.

this last one is still in…


Added by DKeys on May 3, 2014 at 1:53am — 4 Comments

puzzle Piece collaboration : collage A and B

I  created minimal backgrounds on large sheets,then cut them into sections and sent off to different people. I have 4 of 6 completed and here are the result s so far!…


Added by DKeys on May 3, 2014 at 1:49am — No Comments

Stunning hand made envelope from Rebecca

This is a gorgeous stitched envelope full of ephemera along with some large slides that I believe she found at a flea market. The slides are incredibly inspiring and were made with a very nice camera I think--hasselblad?

Thank you Rebecca!!!!!!…


Added by DKeys on March 28, 2014 at 2:56pm — 1 Comment

Please Help! Richard Canard's Computer Died!!

We must get RC back online!!!  He was starting to post more of his amazing commentary and now this??!!

We need to raise funds to get the Geek Squad out to his house. 

Added by DKeys on February 28, 2014 at 2:28pm — 6 Comments

In Search of Grigori Antonin

Added by DKeys on February 28, 2014 at 2:08pm — 7 Comments

Stafford Cliffhanger

Added by DKeys on February 28, 2014 at 2:07pm — No Comments

Cool Watercolor from Rachel Carter and Classic Alicia Starr

received this super colorful piece from Rachel. I love the patterns she has made with what I don't know-the end of a paintbrush? and this from none other than Alicia Starr:

she didn't put her name on it but I knew it was hers at first sightthis is junior and Todd They

the They Twins…


Added by DKeys on February 27, 2014 at 8:39pm — 3 Comments

Trash books from Eduardo Cardoso

I've been lucky enough to receive two trashbooks from Count Cardoso over the past few months. It is nice to see these again and to have a DKULT one in specific is really special. thank you Eduardo! Ask him about his amazing experimental music project--some great stuff!!!



Added by DKeys on February 27, 2014 at 2:48pm — 12 Comments

DKult is the Shit Swag Bag from Mean Sheena of the Naughty List Bitches

Amazing Trashpo Video from Newest DKult Member---Fine Art!!!!!!

Added by DKeys on February 22, 2014 at 6:49pm — 7 Comments

Barfa Valentine's from Angie

Angie sent me this wonderful Barfa Valentine's garland.  It is also appropriate for the Naughty List Bitches Punk Band. These were heartwarming and my son snagged them and is giving them out today.  So Angie--some girls will either be laughing or crying today thanks to you:)

thank you for this it made me LOL!!!!…


Added by DKeys on February 14, 2014 at 12:21pm — 2 Comments

Barfa Valentine's from Angie

Angie sent me this wonderful Barfa Valentine's garland.  It is also appropriate for the Naughty List Bitches Punk Band. These were heartwarming and my son snagged them and is giving them out today.  So Angie--some girls will either be laughing or crying today thanks to you:)

thank you for this it made me LOL!!!!…


Added by DKeys on February 14, 2014 at 12:21pm — 4 Comments

You knew this was coming.....

my Faux DeVillo

cerealism, scannerpo, asemic writing

Added by DKeys on February 12, 2014 at 2:50pm — 22 Comments

My 'fake" Rauschenbergs

I used Rauschenberg as inspiration for these pieces more than flattering myself into thinking I could even come close to a fake. posting hoping maybe others will share??…


Added by DKeys on February 10, 2014 at 9:29pm — 26 Comments

Fake Nancy Bell Scott Series

I had a bit of an advantage as many of you know Nancy Bell Scott is my number one trashpo supplier. In the latest trash package, she sent me some actual NBS scraps.  I found it surprisingly difficult to mimic her distinctive style. In doing so I discovered that while Nancy's style appears random and chaotic, the choices are all very calculated, such as the torn paper never has any raw edges.  These are based on vintage Nancy as her latest pieces are moving in a more minimalist direction. …


Added by DKeys on February 9, 2014 at 2:36pm — 23 Comments

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