Corresponding with Erich means entering a world of make believe where lines are simple and borders are easily crossed. The Zine page call for Mail Art Makes the World a Town resulted in a full visual narrative titled The story of Sigi.
I'm not too sure how I'm going to deal with the Story of Sigi in the Zine - but as the starter page for Zine 3 - its GREAT!…
Added by cheryl penn on August 4, 2012 at 3:00pm — 18 Comments
Carina Granlund sent a drawing machine, I would need one cause my time is so limited these months But it didn´t work! But I don´t complain about it, cause of beauty. 1000 kg thanks!
There came a wonderful package, wonderful paper to work with and some papers will find the way back I think, or will travel to discover the world, some will stay to be part of a book or…
ContinueAdded by Frieder Speck on August 4, 2012 at 11:39am — 10 Comments
Roberto Rios Thanks for your great mailart it seems your looking for an answer sorry Im not very fast these days digital normaly much slower in your case not Thanks alot and keep looking somethings on the way!…
Added by Frieder Speck on August 4, 2012 at 11:05am — No Comments
Added by Suus in Mokum on August 4, 2012 at 9:00am — No Comments
Many famous painters through history were so prolific in their practice that they used their canvases over and over so as not to waste their resources. Nadine, too, is always exercising her portraiture talent depicting the people she encounters, and she often paints on BOTH sides of her canvas-medium, doubling the usefulness of her materials. It's like getting a bonus in the mail! Take this paint on board piece she recently sent my way...…
ContinueAdded by Thom Courcelle on August 4, 2012 at 6:51am — 3 Comments
Stripes can be slimming--if worn in the right direction. But Dean Marks sent me a BIG mail art piece with stripes in every which direction! Hey wait... that's one of his famous bar code masterpieces!
I thought there might be a secret message hidden in the jumble, so I brought this piece to the grocery store and asked the check-out girl to scan it for…
ContinueAdded by Thom Courcelle on August 4, 2012 at 6:19am — 1 Comment
Nancy Bell Scott's been at it again--turning ephemera, art-fragments, and clippings into mailart treasure. Several pages and views of this flip-book-style work are here presented for your viewing enjoyment (some commentary by the recipient included, as he was unable to restrain himself...)
Though the main artwork is diverse and enthralling, one of the…
ContinueAdded by Thom Courcelle on August 4, 2012 at 4:49am — 3 Comments
Added by Thom Courcelle on August 4, 2012 at 3:42am — 9 Comments
Creative genius from David Stafford...
The depicted sacred scroll (possibly inspired by School House Rock's "I'm just a bill, up on Capitol Hill..."???):
The envelope in it's complete view:…
ContinueAdded by Thom Courcelle on August 4, 2012 at 3:30am — 1 Comment
Added by PIRO on August 4, 2012 at 2:06am — No Comments
Added by liketelevisionsnow on August 3, 2012 at 9:06pm — 1 Comment
Here's a part of Cheryl Penn's Authentic Massacre of the Innocent Image...and a fine part it is. I'm honored. Thanks so much Cheryl!.
Added by Peter Goudaman on August 3, 2012 at 6:08pm — 11 Comments
Human or not, I'm thrilled to have received this from Carina. My mail carrier loved it also.Something from over here will be in your mailbox keeps getting more involved. LOL..
Added by Peter Goudaman on August 3, 2012 at 6:00pm — 3 Comments
two new entries posted on my blog.
Kat, the Queen of Po=integration has combined shredpo, sandopo, listpo, squishedcanpo, choco glam-and synthesized it into a fabulous trashpo montage.
Jim Sant amour's style is unmistakable in this trashpo made from bits and pieces of his scraps.
Added by DKeys on August 3, 2012 at 4:41pm — No Comments
I love her purposeful and sparing use of trash bits and I've heard of that fabric that reveals images when you sweat-like a workout incentive I think. Love this Rockette tribute thanks Dani!
Added by DKeys on August 3, 2012 at 3:45pm — No Comments
When I was in London, I had the chance to meet in person Mail Art Martha and see her famous Shopping Trolley Art Gallery. We both agreed that there is no reason not to share these moments with other Mail Artist, but also the whole world.
I hope you enjoy this new star of the silver screen in her acting debut. Here is the link:
Added by Dean aka Artist in Seine on August 3, 2012 at 12:15pm — 8 Comments
I know that I sent a few of you my silly record of silly songs some time back. For those that missed the limited edition of 50, I have just the songs online. I thought this may be something of interest to our little community. Let me know what you think and let me know if some of those jokes make no sense.
ContinueAdded by jon foster on August 3, 2012 at 1:53am — 1 Comment
Claudia writes, "What? Me Worry?" as the caption for the awesome Picasso-esque tree. I am totally fascinated by Claudia's painting technique. I'm really not sure how she achieves this look. She makes it look effortless, and that it is created on trashpo puts it over the top. Thank you for another masterpiece…
Added by DKeys on August 2, 2012 at 7:41pm — 4 Comments
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