August 2012 Blog Posts (235)



Guido Vrmeuien (belgium)比利时/. Roberto Rios(usA)美国/、Dragan jukic (germany)徳国 /,Swyzen-Vermeulen (Amtwerpen)比利时/,Froim Niklas(sweden)瑞典 /Stephen Walker (usa)美国/ 毛欢(中国) /xxxxxx xxxx 南非 /Susanne Schillings 荷兰.等地的邮件.这是我在安徽芜湖市北京路邮电支局,寄交邮件时工作人员在加盖航空像皮章,她说这是她第一次看到有人把铜版蚀刻的图案印在邮封上,邮封是手工纸自制封,她每个邮封都欣赏一遍我只好认真的等着,.....…


Added by nijianming on August 31, 2012 at 10:37pm — 1 Comment

Accordion book from ARTLIKEART, Florida, USA

From ARTLIKEART a sweet accordion book "RAIN MTN" with a playful flower landsscape.

Wonderful to follow the stiched lines - - - - - -…


Added by Carina on August 31, 2012 at 5:30pm — 5 Comments

Heavy Metal ...and feathers and ribbons from Dean Marks!

What is it?

And of course we are talking about "naked" mail art items...

no packaging, no envelopes here...pure metal,... and feathers and ribbons, too.

Of course, I did have to go to the post office and claim it,

no way was the post gal going to carry this around.(about 15 x 30  cm)…


Added by Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) on August 31, 2012 at 9:30am — 15 Comments

Banana Day 27th August, Dean Marks, Valentine Mark Herman and Janine Weiss

From Dean Marks a story better than ever! There is something about those Madame Lavoisier's breasts.. :)

Dean was kindly to send the original on the back of the card, so funny. Thank you Dean!

From Val a photo and stilleben with a seamonster…


Added by Carina on August 31, 2012 at 7:59am — 2 Comments

Maravilla, mi amor, from Peter Goudaman, USA

Beautiful collage and asemic writing from Peter! Very cool to read / see letters from an old fashioned typewriter, wish I had one!

The envelope full of surprises, wonderful to look at! The stamps are fantastic.

Back of the envelope. Woman…


Added by Carina on August 31, 2012 at 6:59am — 2 Comments

Diane Keys, Lisa Iverson and a Vizma/Katerina collaboration

First up from Elgin the awesome Interface Trashpo Collage from Diane.  It doesn't look like it even lost any bits along the way Diane. I have no idea how you always manage to make everything you touch so trashionable but pretty soon you may be on the run from the trashpoparazzi.  I'll be proud to say I knew her when...  ;) and I'll be proudly wearing my glittery D-KULT for Life…


Added by Arac on August 31, 2012 at 4:06am — 5 Comments

Apfel Keks -- "Eat Art" -- from Off-Scene Akademie at Hamburg

Ok, "Off-Scene Akademie" wasn't on the package this time, but "Eat Art" must emanate from that view and its priors. Stills of an Apple Biscuit from Germany experiencing life in OOB today: A whole.

Bite one: Bite two:…


Added by Nancy Bell Scott on August 31, 2012 at 4:00am — 3 Comments

Svenja Wahl, Susan McAllister and Sarah Churchill

From Svenja...a collage of a God, I really like the foreign word background page, too bad I'm a stupid American who has yet to master even my own language ;)

muscles and sweet wishes too First time getting mail from Susan McAllister.  She sent a wonderful…


Added by Arac on August 31, 2012 at 3:57am — No Comments

Stephanie Blake, Claudia McGill and Janine Weiss

Yep, just a plain white envelope from Stephanie Blake but inside another colorful envelope and Official Trashpo pins WOOHOO Can't decide which is my them both :)

A colorful painted collage from Claudia McGill.  The front says Sunrise,…


Added by Arac on August 31, 2012 at 3:56am — 5 Comments

Dean Marks, DeVillo Sloan and Kemal Ozyurt

Two from Dean Marks, the first in Celebration of Banana Lover's Day

A child eating banana...WOWZA!!! And to think I didn't even know it was Banana Lover's Day. I'll definitely be marking my calendar August 27th so I don't miss it next year...August 27th  :)…


Added by Arac on August 31, 2012 at 3:52am — 1 Comment

Jon Foster, Test Tower and RCBz

I've lots of catching up and blogging to do so here we go three at a time.  Looks like boys first this time...

A really cool tape transfer piece from Jon Foster.  If you haven't checked out his video on how he makes these yet you should take a minute to do so. Very impressive and he makes it all look so easy. 

Straight from Heebee Jeebeeland More Fun-Less Worry…


Added by Arac on August 31, 2012 at 3:51am — No Comments

Cans On Blue, from Katerina Nikoltsou

This is the second time Katerina has stitched a found can to a K.N. blue painting, but this time we have 3 at once:  There the piece is, now on a wall, as it arrived in a large envelope. Katerina may have thought I'd want to cut the cans free and eventually do something else with them, but this is a work of art unto itself from Kat.'s own mail-art sensibility, and I love it. It…


Added by Nancy Bell Scott on August 31, 2012 at 3:44am — 3 Comments

Hamburg bottle caps, crushed cans, reptile, rope, dark pink O's, toothbrush--you name it

From Erni Bar, of course, but even extra variety:  Cameras in Maine don't like close-ups. Will Erni kindly include in a comment his photo of ALL the bottle caps laid out plainly and beautifully? It's posted now at the E.B. Fan Club, and quite wonderful.



Added by Nancy Bell Scott on August 31, 2012 at 3:34am — 1 Comment


Bonjour !

You might have been wondering as to why I have been posting a seemingly endless series of photos about Beach Art (and my 'collection' or 'zoo' of 200 Sea Monsters) and Driftwood Art. Well, read on, and I will try and explain.…


Added by Valentine Mark Herman on August 30, 2012 at 8:12pm — 9 Comments

Envelope art and "Travels with Collages" from Guido Vermeulen

Stephanie's post below about Guido's amazing book has me blogging same day as arrival, a rare occurrence. First the envelope art, then a bit more of the book:   Title: "What hits me in the eye is that there is no end to our imagination." Clearly.…


Added by Nancy Bell Scott on August 30, 2012 at 7:08pm — No Comments

"birdie determined to take a walk" by Stripygoose.08.18.12

You can see the determination on Ms. Birdies face and in her stride!  thank you Sue... *!*

Added by Amy Irwen on August 30, 2012 at 4:57pm — No Comments

RECEIVED: Fluxkit & Bagism from Claire Dinsmore (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA), Asemic Haptics from Christopher Skinner (Norfolk, UK) + Famous DVS-Planet Claire MinXus interview,

Contents of one bag from among about a half dozen in Fluxkit by IUOMA member Claire Dinsmore (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA)

August 30, 2012 I have already noted a recent trend in mail-art that involves sending scraps and unaltered, found…


Added by De Villo Sloan on August 30, 2012 at 4:00pm — 23 Comments

From Susanne Schilling

Reçu, ce matin, ce petit carnet superbement relié et délicatement illustré par Susanne Schilling d'Amsterdam.

I received, this morning, this beautifull little book from Susanne Schilling ( Amsterdam ). Thank you, Susanne !



Added by laurence gillot on August 30, 2012 at 2:23pm — No Comments

Grigori Antonin (USA) and Not Hi Ng (USA)

From Grigori Antonin, Minneapolis, MN, USA

From Not Hi Ng, San Pablo, CA, USA…


Added by Carina on August 30, 2012 at 6:28am — No Comments

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