April 2012

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Comment by Marie Wintzer on April 22, 2012 at 8:33am

Thanks for the comment, that's pretty much what I wanted to say without finding the words. But now that you are making your own books who is going to do all the analysis? :-o

Comment by De Villo Sloan on April 22, 2012 at 4:06am

Non-linear doesn't mean chaos. With you, I imagine it's associative - one image leads to an association with another & something starts to unfold, although you might not be completely aware what is. That's how the stream-of-conscious works w/people like James Joyce, although it's more calculated. There's a narrative there, but it's told by jumping back & forth in time through associative shifts, changing points of view so you are in the minds of multiple characters & how they all view the same thing differently.


Another approach is using a randomness principle which is far more disjunctive & non-narrative. We all know that one pretty well via Fluxus & DaDa.

Comment by Marie Wintzer on April 22, 2012 at 3:19am

Thanks DVS. I'm a big fan of non-linearity. I don't know if I'm consciously aiming for it when I work on a boekie, but it's definitely something I am very interested in. Again, I have probably learned from Cheryl and her books. Non-linearity doesn't mean chaos and mess. It's hard to explain with my two cent english. When I worked on the boekie, every day I had a new idea for a page or two. It wasn't linear but in the end the story just happened and sustained itself and... arggg, I don't know know how to explain... :-))

And oh, Cheryl is getting this beauty??!! And it's the first book under the Minxus-Lynxus imprint? This can only be a very good omen, looking forward to seeing all of it!!

Comment by De Villo Sloan on April 22, 2012 at 2:56am

And just so you believe me, here are two pages from "Meta-L." The root text is Virgil's "Aneid," but I doubt you'll find many traces of it here:

Comment by De Villo Sloan on April 22, 2012 at 2:15am

We talked about this idea of sustained work in the Vispo Anthology #1 blog, pertaining to Nancy Bell's Scott chapter especially & Cheryl's use of narrative in some of her work. Marie has accomplished the same thing as NBS. I think this is very intriguing, and I'm going to explore the idea further. Linearity is pretty much out the window, but something drives this work - there is beginning, middle, end - closure. Very interesting watching this evolve. I would say just keep doing it, and let fools like me try to explain it.


As for imprints, my "Meta-L" completed & on it's way to Cheryl for the book about books thing is under the MinXus-Lynxus imprint. Dw thinks we should be able to release 100 titles per year. The other title? We shall see. But it exists. I am actually capable of completing things.

Comment by Marie Wintzer on April 21, 2012 at 9:36am

Oh, it's been a while since I've heard from the spell chick :-)) This book just worked out like magically on its own. I remember you telling me just put all your ideas there, even if they seem different they will all get along in the book. Great advice....

Comment by cheryl penn on April 21, 2012 at 8:11am

Good point De Villo - a longer book somehow DOES create a sustain. One is able to develop the narrative/idea further and I find the beginning the hard part, the rest flows, so to add and extend is not a difficult talk.  Marie - this IS a goodie! And interesting about the way the pages assemble themselves - for sure they do! Esp if its a nonlinear book - they seem to dictate their own order - AND IT LIVES WITH ME!!!!! :-)))X

(Sorry took last answer off - the spell chick wants to play with Torquin..)

Comment by Marie Wintzer on April 21, 2012 at 6:16am

Thanks DVS. This one was indeed a longer piece, and it's different yes. The birth of a book is interesting. Pages accumulate on the table without a clear order, and then one day they naturally find their place and page number.

Dw, you have made two books?! I knew you were launching your own imprint, what I didn't know was that you also MADE the books. I hope we'll see them at some point. Editions du Manoir aux Visons is doing well so far. Waiting to have customers other than me and myself. Ventures are hard...

Comment by De Villo Sloan on April 21, 2012 at 4:54am

MW, you should send me a book suitable for the MinXus-Lynxus USA imprint. I have already produced two books under the imprint, but I made them both.

Comment by De Villo Sloan on April 21, 2012 at 2:31am

Marie, "A Written Oracle" is an amazing book. It's rich with all kinds of material, but what I really like is that this is a sustained piece. It has a structure and consistency that carries across the pages. Short pieces are one thing. Longer sustained pieces are another, and this one really works for me. Congrats! Another breakthrough.


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