Wow, two postcards from Neil in as many days . . .

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Comment by Neil Gordon on December 8, 2013 at 8:56pm

Erni, lets collaborate on something for Mr. Richards! That would be fun, maybe we could make up a fake Stones gig. "Live at the Indra Club" or something like that, I'm game for anything..let me know your ideas!!!! Erniness rocks.... And Keith studying under a disciple of Klee was pretty cool... Thanks for your input XX &eraser!!!!!

Comment by Keith S. Chambers on December 5, 2013 at 3:14am

Oh, and Janice introduced me to mail art and was an avid mail artist herself

Comment by Keith S. Chambers on December 5, 2013 at 1:49am

Oh no, please keep old man Klee out of my art. If anything, look up Janice Lowry — another teacher of mine — who had a huge influence on me [I took painting and illustration classes from her]. But, I'm hoping what I create has everything to do with what's coming out of my head, not what somebody several decades ago showed me how to do what I need to be doing.

Heck, Klee was dead and buried before I was born.

Comment by Eraser Heed on December 4, 2013 at 10:59pm

That is cool K.S Chambers, one might otherwise only think these giants in art are coming only from glossy "fictional" art books. Back to reality with the old masters. I will from now on only interpret your m.a. with Klee in my mind ;)

Comment by Keith S. Chambers on December 4, 2013 at 9:42pm

Paul Klee. I took a master's class in painting at university [I was not a post-gratuate student, nor a fine art student, just a slick-tongued sophomore design major talking my way into an artist-in-residence's class]. Anyway, My teacher, Michael McManus [not the Canadian actor or the UK artist of the same name] was a student of a student taught by Paul Klee . . . honestly, I'm not sure how that effects me or my outlook, but Michael thought it important to tell his students that they have a conceptual link back to Paul Klee . . . so, he taught us about Paul Klee among other artists. Overall, I had other teachers that were much more influential on my artistic outlook, but it is nice to know that such things are passed down in education. I hope none of that sounded pretentious because, I'm really just a hack :]

Comment by Eraser Heed on December 4, 2013 at 8:54pm

That was nice to hear XX Jones. Just like she uses "pictures" and stories from (for example) a Fassbinder movie in the song "White Lily". Beautiful. Laurie Anderson is one of the greatest artists ever. And you saw her too Chambers! 

Hi Neil Gordon! :)

What Fassbinder film is it? 

The one-armed man walks into a flower shop 

And says: What flower expresses 

Days go by 

And they just keep going by endlessly 

Pulling you Into the future

Days go by 


Endlessly pulling you 

Into the future?

And the florist says: White Lily.

Comment by xx Jones on December 4, 2013 at 6:19pm

the idea of the angel blown backwards into the future is by Walter Benjamin writing about a picture by Paul Klee

Comment by Neil Gordon on December 4, 2013 at 4:58pm

WOW!!! Just tuned into this amazing conversation of cosmic coincidences( Mr. D. Jones), Erni's wonderful poetry, eraser heed and Keith's commentary on Mr Richards, whom thanks to Erni's detective work, +Photo of the "Keef's" mansion  and found a way for me to contact"Keef"...Sorry those CD's didn't work Erni and i will take it easy on the incense! And thanks to the other Keith-Chambers also a musician/artist and all around mensch!

Comment by Keith S. Chambers on December 3, 2013 at 7:21pm

Actually, Erni, I bet if you sent mail art to: Keith Richards, c/o Postmaster, General Delivery, Westport, CT 06880 USA . . . it would go directly to Mr. Richards estate. No street address needed. I'm sure the town is small enough that there wouldn't be a question as to which Keith Richards you mean to direct your mail to.

Comment by Keith S. Chambers on December 3, 2013 at 6:56pm

Darryl is a friend of a friend and I don't think I'd ask for his address for myself, let alone for the Union Network --- that kind of borders on stalking . . . Wow, Keith Richards has a nice house. I guess that's the difference between being a shareholder in Rolling Stones, Inc [a.k.a., Beggars Banquet] and being an employee of the Rolling Stones — like Darryl and other musicians who work for the band. I understand that it was a long time before Ron Wood was promoted from pay-check recipient to shareholder.

Perhaps you should just sent mail art directly to Mr. Richards. I'm sure his address is just as easy to acquire as a satellite photo of the place.

Also, I know of Neil's ludditism; I too call myself one. Even my blog is named a luddite's journal.


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