I´m a writer. After publishing two novels, I got bored of the typical publishing establishment, so I decided to create my own projects with experimental literature for internet. My first project (2012-2013) can be visited in https://laraizcuadradadeloquesoy.wordpress.com/
That was a project about collecting napkins, writing on them and publishing them on internet.
Nowadays, I´m walking in the opposite direction. I´m spreading the sentences of a book on stickers all around the world. "Exercises about incomprehension" is the name of the project.
Finally, after a few years, the project has become a book!
Thanks to all mail artists who collaborated. Love IUOMA.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
Enrique Fernández Pastor
Plaza Malva, 17
28522 Rivas Vaciamadrid
Madrid (SPAIN)
Jul 11, 2016
Juan Petry
hola Enrique Fernández Pastor,
gracias por tu carta. me encanta tu humor.
suerte en tu camino.
Nov 9, 2023
Sabela Baña
Me alegro que lo recibieras . Gracias
Nov 16, 2023