Ian-Patrick McAllister




Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
My interest in mail art started by accident. I was working the streets of Toronto as a bicycle courier to finance courses at art college. During my down time between deliveries I'd occupy myself by drawing on scrapes of card stock. It was around the summer of '94 when a close friend of mine moved to Bermuda to start his apprenticeship as a chef. I began mailing these drawings to him and my mailing list grew from there. It simply started with people I knew. I wasn't even aware of the mail art community at large, until '98 when I participated in my first international exchange.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
167A Campbell Ave.
North Bay, Ontario, Canada
P1A 1W2

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  • Terry Reid

    Ian-Patrick,  have you sent a SECREt to the Tell Me Tell Me exhibition at MoCA in Korea?
                                                             Duchamp's not Klein Blue blue suit

  • Guenda Mai

    Open Call for Artist dedicated to GENDER DIFFERENCE

    The gallery VISIONI ALTRE in Venice  in collaboration with the collettive AE in Rome, invites artists to reflect on the theme contestualizing it in their socio-geographical framework.
    The topics of research and reflection are: WOMAN’S RIGHTS AND THE LGBTQ+ COMUNUITY

    This call is made in collaboration also with Guenda Mai a grad student in Economics and Art Management at Ca' Foscari University of Venice. All the works recived by the artist will rapresent an important sourse for her  thesis paper.


    galleria VISIONI ALTRE
    Campo del Ghetto Novo, Cannaregio 2918, 30121, Venezia (VE)

    DEADLINE: 15 dicembre 2020- PLEASE SHARE

    It’s possible to send, signed and completed with technique and title:
    Collages, Photografs, Postcards, Objects and Art’s book and so on without any limitation on the use of techniques and medium, but all the works must be in small or medium size.

    All the material will be exhibited at the Visioni Altre gallery in Venice from 15 to 30 January 2021, and then will be kept in the archive of Visioni Altre for future events.


    Photographs and news of the works and the event will be published on the internet page of the gallery: www.visionialtre.com and on the facebook page of VISIONI ALTRE 

    Documentation to all. No jury, No fees, No return.

  • Predrag Petrovic

    Hello ! here you can see some of my works: 


    (if interested in exchange, message me for more details) thanx , cheers