hi Amuldo/Annemiek, here is an invitation to pARTicipate in the SECREt eXCHANGE exhibitions...pass the invitation on to your friends, and let me know on my page if you will or won't be able to contribute; go to IUoMA Events...or click on the link http://secretexchange.yolasite.com/ thx, Terry Reid, and hope to hear from you
Carlos Botana and “Milpedras” lithography studio call to all mail-artists and visual poets to participate in the project
In this event, which will take place at the “Milpedras” studio, we will talk about mail art and visual poetry, experimental poetry will be recited and a performance will be carried out. A workshop on mail art will be held in the same event.
All artworks received will be exhibited at “Milpedras” studio during the days when these activities will be held.
Size and technique will be free and the deadline for the reception of the artworks will be April, 10th, 1012. The artworks will also be exhibited at http://www.elartedeloinvisible.blogspot.com, together with information about the activities that will be organized.
Send your artworks to
MILPEDRAS TALLER DE LITOGRAFÍA C/ Brasil, nº3 bajo 15009 - A Coruña - Spain
Mail Art - CONTRA LA TRATA DE MUJERES- Se agradece la difusión
Hola como estan ? . Les envío la convocatoria de Miradas y Postales para presentarse en el IV Encuentro de Artistas por la No violencia hacia las Mujeres en noviembre de este año en la ciudad de Bahía Blanca-Argentina ,por si estan interesad@s , este proyecto en particular va a trabajar el tema de la trata de mujeres ,concientizar a traves del Arte , el envío es solo por correo postal ,este proyecto se va a mostrar en varios países sea por medio de proyecciones de videos,diapositivas, como por envío postal para muestras en galerías,museos espacios públicos y/o salones ,la idea es crear una red de información a través del arte . El proyecto anterior de Miradas y Postales -Por la No violencia hacia las Mujeres -recibío una convocatoria de 152 personas de 25 países y un total de 256 postales artísticas.
Muchas Gracias Saludos Cordiales Olga Corrales
Se agradece la participación y difusión del proyectoMAIL ART-ARTE POSTAL --CONVOCATORIA 2013 - MIRADAS Y POSTALES- Contra la trata de Mujeres -Against trafficking in Women para el IV Encuentro de Artistas por la No violencia hacia las Mujeres en Noviembre-Bahía Blanca-Argentina .
Se Agradece difusión Se invita-convoca a Artistas-No Artistas a realizar Arte Postal . Reflejando la situación Sociocultural-Política-Económica sobre el Tráfico de mujeres en sus países ,para el ” Encuentro de Artistas por la No violencia hacia las mujeres” a realizarse en Bahía Blanca-Argentina,en Noviembre de 2013 en el marco del Día Internacional por la No violencia hacia las Mujeres. Técnicas ;Libre( fotografías, collage ,pinturas , grabados, escritos, poemas, etc. Todos los escritos, poemas, versos, frases, deben ser pasados al ingles y al español. Tamaño: Libre Cantidad :Libre Fecha de cierre de recepción: 10-11-2013 No jurado, , no devolución, no comercialización.
Se seleccionaran todas las obras recibidas salvo las que no guarden el criterio de la temática propuesta,por q la intención es concientizar por medio del Arte.
La participación en esta convocatoria es libre e implica el conocimiento y plena aceptación de las bases de la misma.
Re 'Traash...Art', please tell me when you have an exhibition organised and I will contribute something. I send stuff to exhibitions regularly, but not to blogs or on-line exhibitions. Traash..Art seems to be a good idea.
Thank you, for the comment .....and the compliment, too. Do let me know when your Exhibitions are: I'll be in the Netherlands sometime next spring/summer, and will try and visit anything that you have on. As a one-time social scientist (at Erasmus for a few years in the late 70's), I don't understand why it is necessary to rewrite history and pretend that things didn't exist and/or need to be interpreted using today's standards rather than those of the time in which things happened. For example, Asterix, Tintin and Enid Blyton children's books (the Smurfs too, I think) have been 'edited', and it must be almost impossible to teach the colonial history of countries like the Netherlands and the UK in schools without some mention of slavery, colonialism, imperialism, etc.
As you say, it's a children's feast. But what next... after all Sinta Klas is an ageing, white, male figure, as I'm sure that militant feminists are advocating somewhere.
But then, I'm an ageing, white, male figure, so tot ziens!
Amuldo--I can send photos of the children's art--but i have yet to scan them. i'll try to get to it this weekend. I did not scan what I sent to them, sorry.
Amuldo--here's the photos of Jack and Yamen's colorful mail art. You should be able to drag them to your computer's desktop and then insert them into your blog. Sorry, but I did not have time to scan what I sent out to them. Thanks again for including me in your project.
Amuldo--Sorry, but I cannot make mail art at this time. Please do not use my name and address for the school project. I have received 4 more pieces of mail art from children and do not know when I can respond. I do not want to disappoint them.
Terry Reid
(in facebook it is at :https://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=100000748977585 )
May 16, 2011
Carlos I. Botana
When you come back from your holidays at the seaside, bring a mermaid
along and send it to me.
Whether you saw her, drew her, photographed her, imagined her or whether
the sea inspired her to you; even if somebody told you about her
If you spent your holidays inland then let your imagination run and
Size: 10 cm x 15 cm
Deadline: May 1st, 2012
All artworks will be exposed at:
Send your mermaid to:
Carlos Botana
Avda. Gral Sanjurjo, 62 - 2º
15006 - A Coruña
Jul 2, 2011
Carlos I. Botana
Carlos Botana and “Milpedras” lithography studio call to all
mail-artists and visual poets to participate in the project
In this event, which will take place at the “Milpedras” studio, we will
talk about mail art and visual poetry, experimental poetry will be
recited and a performance will be carried out. A workshop on mail art
will be held in the same event.
All artworks received will be exhibited at “Milpedras” studio during the
days when these activities will be held.
Size and technique will be free and the deadline for the reception of
the artworks will be April, 10th, 1012. The artworks will also be
exhibited at http://www.elartedeloinvisible.blogspot.com, together with
information about the activities that will be organized.
Send your artworks to
C/ Brasil, nº3 bajo
15009 - A Coruña - Spain
Dec 31, 2011
Mail Art - CONTRA LA TRATA DE MUJERES- Se agradece la difusión
Hola como estan ? . Les envío la convocatoria de Miradas y Postales para presentarse en el IV Encuentro de Artistas por la No violencia hacia las Mujeres en noviembre de este año en la ciudad de Bahía Blanca-Argentina ,por si estan interesad@s , este proyecto en particular va a trabajar el tema de la trata de mujeres ,concientizar a traves del Arte , el envío es solo por correo postal ,este proyecto se va a mostrar en varios países sea por medio de proyecciones de videos,diapositivas, como por envío postal para muestras en galerías,museos espacios públicos y/o salones ,la idea es crear una red de información a través del arte .
El proyecto anterior de Miradas y Postales -Por la No violencia hacia las Mujeres -recibío una convocatoria de 152 personas de 25 países y un total de 256 postales artísticas.
Muchas Gracias Saludos Cordiales Olga Corrales
Se agradece la participación y difusión del proyectoMAIL ART-ARTE POSTAL --CONVOCATORIA 2013 - MIRADAS Y POSTALES- Contra la trata de Mujeres -Against trafficking in Women para el IV Encuentro de Artistas por la No violencia hacia las Mujeres en Noviembre-Bahía Blanca-Argentina .
Se Agradece difusión Se invita-convoca a Artistas-No Artistas a realizar Arte Postal . Reflejando la situación Sociocultural-Política-Económica sobre el Tráfico de mujeres en sus países ,para el ” Encuentro de Artistas por la No violencia hacia las mujeres” a realizarse en Bahía Blanca-Argentina,en Noviembre de 2013 en el marco del Día Internacional por la No violencia hacia las Mujeres.
Técnicas ;Libre( fotografías, collage ,pinturas , grabados, escritos, poemas, etc.
Todos los escritos, poemas, versos, frases, deben ser pasados al ingles y al español.
Tamaño: Libre Cantidad :Libre
Fecha de cierre de recepción: 10-11-2013
No jurado, , no devolución, no comercialización.
Todas las obras serán publicadas on-line en el blog -
Se seleccionaran todas las obras recibidas salvo las que no guarden el criterio de la temática propuesta,por q la intención es concientizar por medio del Arte.
La participación en esta convocatoria es libre e implica el conocimiento y plena aceptación de las bases de la misma.
Las Postales deberán ser enviadas en sobre cerrado junto con datos personales a esta dirección Argentina:
Olga Corrales
Dirección:Libertad nº3756-Ing White Bahia Blanca-Pcia de Bs As-Argentina
C.P. 8103
IMPORTANTE: Enviar las imágenes en formato JPG (preferiblemente no muy pesadas) a las siguientes direcciones mail: corralesolga@hotmail.com
Serán subidas al blog http://http://miradasypostales2013.blogspot.com.ar/
Jul 23, 2013
Heleen de Vaan
Great knitting Reindeer, made and sent by Amuldo. You can see them also here.
Hartelijk dank, Annemiek, prachtige tekeningen!
Jan 6, 2014
Celestino Neto
Sep 11, 2014
Valentine Mark Herman
Goede morgen!
Re 'Traash...Art', please tell me when you have an exhibition organised and I will contribute something. I send stuff to exhibitions regularly, but not to blogs or on-line exhibitions. Traash..Art seems to be a good idea.
Tot ziens, Val (billytulip1956@yahoo.com)
Nov 19, 2014
Valentine Mark Herman
PS Did you take part in the Zwarte Piet protest last weekend? Are you pro or anti Zwarte Piet?
Nov 19, 2014
Richard BAUDET
this is my TRAsssh ARt !
Dec 9, 2014
Valentine Mark Herman
Thank you, for the comment .....and the compliment, too. Do let me know when your Exhibitions are: I'll be in the Netherlands sometime next spring/summer, and will try and visit anything that you have on. As a one-time social scientist (at Erasmus for a few years in the late 70's), I don't understand why it is necessary to rewrite history and pretend that things didn't exist and/or need to be interpreted using today's standards rather than those of the time in which things happened. For example, Asterix, Tintin and Enid Blyton children's books (the Smurfs too, I think) have been 'edited', and it must be almost impossible to teach the colonial history of countries like the Netherlands and the UK in schools without some mention of slavery, colonialism, imperialism, etc.
As you say, it's a children's feast. But what next... after all Sinta Klas is an ageing, white, male figure, as I'm sure that militant feminists are advocating somewhere.
But then, I'm an ageing, white, male figure, so tot ziens!
Dec 10, 2014
Bruno Cassaglia
Felice Anno Nuovo Cara Amica : pace fra i popoli MAIL ART = PACE - bruno poetamailartfluxus ;)
Dec 30, 2014
Antonia Mayol
I received your mail art. Thank you very much for your participation.
I have published work on my blog:https://amayolcafelicidad.wordpress.com/2015/12/04/trasshart-la-fel...
The exhibition will be in 2017
Dec 5, 2015
Carmela Rizzuto
Amuldo--thanks for posting photos of the November exhibition. It's a very innovative installation of mail art.
Jan 13, 2016
Carmela Rizzuto
Thank you for the mail art from the children. I'll send mail art in return as soon as I can.
Apr 13, 2016
Carmela Rizzuto
Annemiek--today I sent mail art to 2 students.
Apr 15, 2016
Carmela Rizzuto
Amuldo--I can send photos of the children's art--but i have yet to scan them. i'll try to get to it this weekend. I did not scan what I sent to them, sorry.
Apr 15, 2016
Carmela Rizzuto
Amuldo--here's the photos of Jack and Yamen's colorful mail art. You should be able to drag them to your computer's desktop and then insert them into your blog. Sorry, but I did not have time to scan what I sent out to them. Thanks again for including me in your project.
Apr 15, 2016
Carmela Rizzuto
Amuldo--Sorry, but I cannot make mail art at this time. Please do not use my name and address for the school project. I have received 4 more pieces of mail art from children and do not know when I can respond. I do not want to disappoint them.
Apr 27, 2016