Sean Woodward




Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
As the IUOMA Ambassador to Cyberspace it is my duty to encourage, develop and support mail art initiatives in and beyond cyberspace. Also known as Planet Dada I have curated mail art calls, published documentation and edited 191, a mailart assemblage zine.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)

Comment Wall:

  • Bifidus Jones

    Welcome to IUOMA!
  • Michael Leigh

    Hi Sean, nice to see you here. Thanks for joining my little group.
  • Maurizio Follin

    is a pleasure to do your knowledge

  • Maura Di Giulio

    Welcome SEAN!

    Would you like to partecipate on my Mail Art Call?
    Here informations:
    Mail art call : No oil in abruzzo!
    No return
    Technique free
    Size maximum A4
    All works must be sent by snail mail
    Deadline : 31 March 2010
    New deadline 31 july 2010
    Artworks arrived untill 12 april will be shown also at the first exhibition 18 April 2010
    So if you don’t feel like the Giants of the Oil say your No! a.s.a.p
    More info about the exhibition and documentation will follow...
    You can find info about the fight against oil and about Abruzzo on the following link:
    Send to :
    Maura Di Giulio
    Via Sant’Antonio 22
    66020 Pollutri (CH)
    Keep in touch
  • Jan-Willem Doornenbal

    Thank Sean for your comment on my webpage. I tried to answer your question on your page itself but couldn't. So I can do it here.
    To my shame I must admit that there are no perforations at all in these stamp sheets. I just printed holes with shadows generated in phototshop.
    I once used zig zag scissors for artistamps (in fact to big for this purpose) and I heard about special perforating devices.
  • treena

    hi sean
    glad to be your friend yes the stamp is still available its from catslife press
  • Lee Jackson

    hi sean, thanks for the mail i got this week, some very cool stuff, food for thought, thank you, lee
  • Rachel Fasig

    Hmmm...intriguing but teensy tiny. I am not above art bribes! :-).
  • ginny lloyd

    Yes it did come off a bit....but I appreciate the apology. Looking forward.

    ART OLYMPIC; Equivalent to the; Sport Olympic; Will B the greatest event ever Globally; please join CASA & relay 2 all THE LEGACY OF THE CENTURY;

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    CASA Founder
    Recipient of 10 International Award
    Amman ,Jordan
    00 96 2 65 81 59 55
  • Dewi

    Thank you Sean, it is a great idea!
  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    KALIMERA from Greece, Sean,
    When I hit the blogsite you put on Digital Novel, I get an overlay of images on the right upper corner and I cannot get to see the novel entries:-(
    Am I doing something wrong?
    I will be sending you chapter 5...but it would be interesting to see what has been done so far.
    all the best,
  • Rain Rien Nevermind

    At 1:06am on May 3, 2010, Sean Woodward said…
    Would you like me to add you to the list of participants
    in the IUOMA DIgital Novel ?

    RAIN RIEN ROTE BACK :: That's a Novel Idea.
  • Rain Rien Nevermind

    At 11:35 am on May 3, 2010, Sean Woodward said…Hi rain, could you be a little more cryptic about if you'd like to take part in the digital novel ;-)

    SEAN....long yawn....followed by another longer yawn with extra breathing
    and a stretch and a stretcher painted with images of more stretchers
    YOU MUST BE thinkin' of CARLA.

    rain rien nevermind is totally transparent apparently transitivishly

    KEEP PET SPE Deh ?
  • Severino Domenico

    Thanks Sean,my compliments!
    Hi -domenico.
  • Test Tower

    Hi Sean, I hope this doesn't sound too ignorant, but please tell me where to sign into Planet Dada to edit the Digital Novel. Can't figure that out for some reason. Am I blind? Thanks for any help on that - I need to swap out the Photo with one I made. Scratching my head, Test
  • Rachel Fasig

    Hi Sean: I see your point about quoting the CD Wright poem. Do you want me to edit my chapter directly on the Planet Dada site? Email you my revision to just that portion? Sorry for not having thought of that! Rachel
  • Rachel Fasig

    Sean, you're absolutely right about the poem and not being pedantic at all! I appreciate your educating me. Tonight I am working on some other writing (horse lessons for 6th graders), so I won't have a chance to get to editing Chapt. 6 until tomorrow. Some part of my brain will be editing while I'm on a horse tomorrow, so it will be a quick fix. Rachel
  • Rachel Fasig

    Thank you for the electronic tease of the MA to come. I love it ~ I should think about debasing my higher self to lowly bribes more often! :-) R
  • Rachel Fasig

    Hey Sean: the link to the editable page on Planet Dada seems to be broken. I can get to the novel by typing in the url, but I'm not getting the sign in page so I can make the revisions to my chapter. Thanks, Rachel
  • Rachel Fasig

    Hi Sean: looks like you were right about the web web traffic on the Planet Dada site. I was able to get in this afternoon with the Chapter 6 revisions and update the page. Thanks! Rachel
    P.S. - the web elves are holding my single navy blue socks hostage. We are in delicate negotiations. Please don't even approach the elves about their mischief with the digital novel webpage. It's very disconcerting to go out in public thinking that my socks are matching just to discover that (yet another) match has disappeared from the dryer!
  • Rachel Fasig

    Ah no - not Dobby! Ornery little bugger but quite sweet under that tough exterior.
    I hadn't heard. RIP, dear Dobby!
  • Natalie Rose Craven

    Hi Sean, thanks very much for your contribution to my project! Its all going really well and my assessment is tomorrow! I hope I can help you out in the future!

    Thanks again,
  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Bonjour Sean!Yep, I'm still interested and will contribute a chapter; let me know when my Big Literary Moment dawns. Regards, Val

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Hi! I can't seem to log in to the Digital Novel site, I'm hopeless at computers, and really don't intend to futz around trying to sort out log in nonsense, so and instead I'll write my text in Word and send it to you somehow and then you can add it in (or not). Regards, Val

  • Laurence Roberts

    It's as well -- and just in the (olde ?) nick of time !!  :)
  • Terry Reid

    hi Sean

    은밀한 교환

    a reminder, here is the invitation to pARTicipate in the SECREt eXCHANGE exhibitions...pass the invitation on to your friends, and let me know on my page if you will or won't be able to contribute; go to IUoMA Events...or click on the link   thx, Terry Reid, and hope to hear from you

    (in facebook it is at :!/profile.php?id=100000748977585 )
    send me a friends request to speed up communications

  • Kerri Pullo

    email for Ruggerio Maggi: