Jean-François Aillet




Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
For the Art project "Le Solitaire... des marées" : "Solitary…of Tides".

It has been the intention of Jean-Francois Aillet to invite 7000 people from every corner of the world to collect as many samples of sand from as many beaches. A major portion of the sand collected will be merged into a large Solitary to be situated atop his project: “Le Solitaire …..des marées” ("Solitary….of Tides”). This unique monument will be erected in a public place somewhere in the world in the future.

The artist Jean-Francois Aillet invites you to collect your sample from a moraine, from next to a waterfall or beside a river. along the shore of a lake or a stream, in a desert or on the border of an ocean. One should not, however, send him sand from a construction site. You are asked to document your collection of the material with a photo, taken as you are pouring the sand into a container. For an example, kindly visit his home page at

To date Jean-François Aillet has received 1160 samples. One may view these in a stable near “Pegasus Bridge” next to his residence. You, your friends and acquaintances are invited to see his project through to completion. Your name will be mentioned in connection with your sample. So please go out at once and gather sand, or bring it back from a beach where you vacation.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
Send it along to the following address:

Jean-Francois Aillet
10 Allée des Tilleuls
F-14860 Amfréville / Normandie
FRANCE / Europe
E.mail :

Comment Wall:

  • Ruud Janssen

    Welcome to the IUOMA Jean-Francois!

  • goncayengin

    Hello Jean-Francois!

    I will send sand to you soon!That is great project! Thanks for invite!

  • Mim Golub Scalin

    Welcome to the Union, Jean-Francois.

     I hope that you'll participate in activities and exchanges with members of the Union. We are a very good group of people around the world who love to exchange Mail Art.

     I am the mentor for July and August. If you have questions, you can ask me and I, also,  suggest that you check the groups "Ask Anything" and "Start here at IUOMA."
You can send Mail Art to me: Mim, 2422 Floyd Ave, Richmond, VA, 23220 USA and I'll absolutely send mail back to you.
Hope you see you in the mail. Enjoy the Union. regards, Mim

  • Mim Golub Scalin

    I like your sand project very much. I wish I lived near a sandy place, but, in November, we'll be going to the Outer Banks of North Carolina (USA) for holiday. Hopefully, I'll remember to get some sand from the great sand dune of Jockey's Ridge for you. Best wishes on this project.

  • samantha alpert

    im sorry I cant afford to send international anymore, my funds are limited,maybe when I get a job.

  • cheryl h.

    Bonjour Jean -François,

    Est ce que vous me permittez de vous envoyer un peu de sable de la plage à Silicon Valley? (Près de San Francisco, California)

    cheryl h

  • Alla Kupriyanova

    Спасибо, это интересно...мой дом на берегу реки, обязательно соберу для вас песок.

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Sending you sand from the beach by the Aegean Sea at Nea Kallikrateia, Greece.

    original name: Néa Kallikráteia
    geographical location: Halkidiki, (near Thessaloniki) Greece
    geographical coordinates: 40° 19' 0" North, 23° 4' 0" East

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    So Glad that the sand from Greece has arrived.

    Je suis tellement content que le sable de-Grèce est arrivé!

    Puissiez-vous avoir beaucoup de succès avec votre projet de sable,

  • goncayengin

    I am glad my sands was arrived! Thanks for photos and for page!
    I wish your project going very well:)

    Greetings from Singapore!

  • Bruno Cassaglia

  • Patricio - The Celestial Scribe

    Earthling, this is the last but certainly not the least welcome message to IUOMA you receive. I’m a celestial mail artist living in a heavenly corner of the faraway universe called Republik van Patland. When you joined IUOMA on 31 July  I was unable to welcome you on board.  At the time I was in a celestial journey far beyond the Milky Way. Now, back to planet Earth, I´d love to be the other end when you decide it’s the right time to start trading snail mail art. If this is the case at the time your envelope should read as follows:

    The Celestial Scribe

    Terrene Embassy

    Republik van Patland

    Caixa Postal 24827



    Brazil (a sandy country)

    I look forward to see a piece of yours in our terrene mailbox. I will do my homework after receiving yours. This is nothing less than a Celestial Promise. I’m Patricio, Celestial Scribe & Republik van Patland official envelope provider.

  • Anna Banana

    Great project, love to participate, but am really SWAMPED with other things I need to do just now; complete my Mapping Banana Culture on the Sunshine Coast, including a report on my findings, and get International Art Post into production toot sweet. . . . and proceed to find presenters for my next PechaKucha event.

    Life is full!

    best wishes,


  • José Luis Hernández Galán


    My name is Igakusei

    I have a Mail Art Call.  I invite you to participate. Would you like ?


    Mail Art Call 2013: a CHRISTMAS postcard


    Christmas is time of joy, rejoicing, greetings, gifts and holiday songs. It´s time of hugs, good wishes, meetings, forgiveness and promises. It´s time to generously share our spiritual and material goods, a time of worship and thanksgiving.




    Subject: Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Season's Greetings, etc. Small format (10x15cm). Handmade. Free technique. Send by airmail. Do NOT use ENVELOPE (must have postmark)


    Deadline: December 25th, 2013.


    The postcard will be published on my blog ( , making reference to the author. Offensive material will not be published. No returns. Documentation will be sent to participants. Please, indicate your name, address and email on each postcard.


    Send to:

    J. L. Hernández Galán ( igakusei )

    PO Box 6236. Zip Code 41080.

    Seville. Spain.




  • Celestino Neto

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)