Vivi, We follow what´s going on in your country closely. We hope you economical peace the soonest possible. Regardless of today, mail art keeps walking arround the world. If you wish to attend a Transpersonal Mail Art call in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil by sending some mail art, please send an e-mail to me in order to provide you with further information. Thank you. The Celestial Scribe.
Another Jennifer
Feb 9, 2015
Apr 11, 2015
Patricio - The Celestial Scribe
Vivi, We follow what´s going on in your country closely. We hope you economical peace the soonest possible. Regardless of today, mail art keeps walking arround the world. If you wish to attend a Transpersonal Mail Art call in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil by sending some mail art, please send an e-mail to me in order to provide you with further information. Thank you. The Celestial Scribe.
Jul 11, 2015