Heleen de Vaan



Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
2009 (and not aware being mailarting since 1979)
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
Making illustrations is my life. Love rubberstamps, coloured pencils, watercolour, black fineliners.
And how great to see other people's creative outbursts, creative additions to envelopes. Including those by the postal services (even a pen cancellation can have it's charms). I love the small pictures stamps show. And like to communicate via art works. And isn't it fascinating how snail mail works? We put a stamp and address on an envelope and a whole system of people and transportation means is bringing that single envelope to other places.
Count up all previous words and see: Mail Art is inevitable.

P.S. If you want to create and send me mail art about your favourite (weird or common) animal I will be most happy; I'll like to post it on my http://realweirdanimals.blogspot.com blog.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
Postbus 581
1180 AN Amstelveen

Comment Wall:

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  • Suus in Mokum

  • Bruno Cassaglia - netpoetartist

  • Guido Vermeulen

    Tiny Trees Mail Art

    Bedankt Heleen

    Gepubliceerd op een nieuwe archiefblog:



  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    not easy to post here, why?
    Thank you for the mail art and BUTTERFLIES!
    here on a blog:
    Butterflies from Heleen De Vaan

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Here is the blog, Heleen:

    Butterflies from Heleen De Vaan

    Thank you :-)

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Glad the summer sandpo island arrived Heleen...

    PLEASE do NOT put directly on a scanner!

    It can scratch the glass :-)

    I should be a "warning" on my sandpo mail art :-0

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Lucky for that Heleen! It is good to place clear plastic between

    my sandpo and the scanner :-)

    Very happy that it did not scratch xxx

  • JOB [5Blanks]

    you´re welcome :)

  • Mariana Serban

    Thank you too , Heleen.. some new ''Solitude'' is flying to you !!!

  • Sarah Churchill

    Thank you for your art that arrived last week!

    It features in my new video here: http://youtu.be/daKnxXkZ9po

    See you in the mail soon! x

  • vizma bruns

    Glad you liked the surprise, I had no idea that you had a weird animal call! Thanks for adding my work there, I don't mind at all!

    And the coincidence of our cards??!! wow, that's fantastic!! ;-))

  • samantha alpert

    your welcome :)  i was thinking today if it would arrive :P . I hope its on par with the other letters you receive for that category ,this is one of the first mail art pieces I sent out so its not the best.

  • Mariana Serban

    I'm so glad you like my students' projects Heleen ,and mines...

    we are working so happyly for all these projects.... see you in the next mails !!!!!

  • Karin Hofvander

    Thank you very much for your letter! I love the picture of your tree! Birds and trees are big favorites. I'm a bit precooled today so the letter came as an extra welcome surprise. :)

  • samantha alpert

    I just got your letter today, love it ! the birds are so cute :) . will post a picture in a sec.

  • Ruud Janssen

    it arrived without any problems. It is now in the "Koelkast" (Fridge), so I can drink & share on a special occasion.

    Thanks so much for this nice surprise!


  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Thank you, Heleen, for the "onion art" :-)

    I am in the city and did a mail pick-up,

    so now to post it at ONIONS group:

    (Nice "Greece" wordings on the envelope! )

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Your "onions" are also blogged here:

    Onions from Heleen and Carina... tears of joy shed

    Thank you xxx

  • Antonia Mayol

    Thank you for the opportunity to make mail art

  • Petrolpetal

    Hi there

    Some mail art is on its way to you from me. I hope we can become mail art friends.

  • Ruud Janssen

    another large envelope is on its way to test the postal systems....

  • Ruud Janssen

    aha, the other one arrived. That wasn't such a big one as this one. It doesn't even fit the photo I took.......

  • Ruud Janssen

    expect some more animals to crawl into you mail-box coming week too.......!

  • Bruno Cassaglia - netpoetartist

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Thank you, Heleen!

    I will add n' pass on the stamp sheets, too.

    Here all is blogged:

    Snail Mail with IUOMA goodies from Heleen in Nederlands


    Heleen...Enviei uma obra para sua convocatória...Chegou?


    Tomara que chegue...Acho que você vai gostar...Abraço!

  • Suus in Mokum

    Ha Heleen, punnik-slakkie is fantastisch! Komt iets punnik-ish naar Amstelveen ;)
  • Suus in Mokum

    Al kilometers gepunikt als ik voor tv zit ;) nee, helemaal niet jarig geweest. Pas op derde kerstdag!
  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Thank you, thank you, Heleen!

    Yummy Onion and Cheese!

     at the blog: ONION...and CHEESE, from Heleen in Amsterdam


  • Petrolpetal

    Hey! Thanks for the autumn art - I especially love the leaves that fell out all over me when I opened it! I had seen it on your site, but never dreamed I would be the lucky recipient!!Thanks

  • Mail Art Martha

    Hi Heleen; good to be friends I will send you some of my snail mail  art about snails soon.

  • Cernjul Viviana María

    Gracias!!! por el espíritu del otoño.!!!


    waiting your participation:

    Obrigada, Hellen...Fico feliz que tenha chegado e que você gostou...Eu também gostei muito de fazê-lo para você...Abraço!

  • Mail Art Martha

    Thank you Heleen for such good reception of my little snails and the cuckoo.

  • Keith S. Chambers

    You're very welcome. I didn't know about your Weird Existing Animals blog — very enjoyable site. I guess there's no truly weird animals on the piece I sent you, but perhaps [perhaps] I may come across some unruly beast of strangeness that will better satisfy your readership. See you in the mail.

  • Ruud Janssen

    het velletje dat je naar Australië stuurde is nu weer terug in Nederland.....

  • Eraser Heed

    Glad you liked it, nice pictures in your blog too. Yes it was an experiment mailing the brain cell letter to you and I really thought it would reach all the way... maybe later?! I sent another one with just 20+ complete adresses on it and no marker to favorite an adress, it is like throwing out a bottle into the sea and hope it will reach someone, and hopefully this someone will show it, I put my adress inside the envelope not to make the post office return it.
  • Carmela Rizzuto

    Heleen--thank you for posting the link to the Van Abbe Museum's catalogue. I was pleased to have my mail art pictured and to be listed among the participants.

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Hellen, for the 3rd day running, IUOMA 'active membership' is 25%, and 815 members on the 'Birthdays Today' blog.

  • Carmela Rizzuto

    Hello Heleen--It seems that our mail art works have been crossing paths. I was checking out the Tiny Art Project and came across your MUMA--absolutely delightful! My third entry to the project was sent out last week and I'm sure it will be blogged soon.

    Best wishes for a creative new year!

  • Cernjul Viviana María

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Happy New Year, Heleen! I hope that you have enough oliebollen to share with the other 680 'active' IUOMA members that my Birthday analysis reveals -- about 1 in 5 of the niminal IUOMA members.

    Enough for a good party and lots of oliebollen though.

    Bestest, Val

  • Valentine Mark Herman

     Goede morgen, Helee,!

    The number of IUOMA Members is falling in my Birthday analysis, slowly but surely as the month unfolds. It is now down to 646 Members, 20% of the total.

    One in five supposed IUOMA are here and active, but I don't know where, or even if,  the other 4 out of 5 are  in the Mail Art universe.

    Regards, Val.

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Hi Heleen! There might only be 638 Active IUOMA Members according to my latest findings, but one of them is more than making up for this by setting herself up as our International Copyright Expert -- even though she doesn't know what she's talking about in her comments on Rose's bike photo. I hope the weekend weather is mild and that you can go cycling in the polders. I wish I could -- even cycling up and down the hills in Zuid Limburg. Bon weekend, Val


    Invitation to participate:


  • vizma bruns

    Wow!! Roamboatabobyelarse! Was that right?? I've never tasted them!! And I've never pronounced it correctly either, I suspect...but thanks so much Heleen!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    i Heleen! Here's an update on IUOMA membership. More info can be found on the Blog. Have a good weekend, Beste wensen, Val

    Today's News: predicted 'Active' Membership shows a slight rise to 553 -- approximately 17% of the nominal IUOMA membership. And IUOMA 'activity' was at an all-time high last month, with the site visited 140,000 times. It seems that controversy (and boy did we have a lot of it!) leads to increased interest amongst IUOMA's (far too few) 'Active' members. Do all the ongoing sagas impact on new membership?, Probably not, as, on average, 2  new Mail Artists a day have joined IUOMA in the 3 weeks I have been conducting this analysis.

  • xx Jones

    oh. cool. I have looked for foam letters here before but so far no luck. Erni sent me some great cardboard letters.