

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
http://gonca yengin.com
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
Because I am an artist and I love share my world with people
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
I'm moving to another country, I'll update my address when we settle down

My e-mail address; lilithmor@hotmail.com

Comment Wall:

  • Patricio - The Celestial Scribe

    As soon as you decide that is the right time to share your world with another world, mail art exchange is a proper way to do it here. My address is:

    The Celestial Scribe

    Av. Paraná, 1489 apto.1004




    South América

    As soon as I receive yours I will send a bit of Brazil in an envelope to you.  That´s a celestial promise.  I´m the Clestial Scribe 

  • Mim Golub Scalin

    Merhaba, Lilith/GNC. I'm the mentor for the month of August. If you have any questions not answered in the I'm New Here section, please let me know.
  • Patricio - The Celestial Scribe

    Lety´s share it then!  As from this moment I will be seated beside the mailbox expecting a bit of Singapore   Everyone here had also his first time sometime ago.
  • Yvonne Neldel

    Yes, thank you- he´s unbelievable beautyful---***sigh** Greetings from Berlin, Yvonne.

  • Patricio - The Celestial Scribe

    I still remember an old Delta Airlines newspaper ad that said: "We are ready when you are"   It applies fully to the mail-art territory and that´s where we, both, are living now.  

  • Patricio - The Celestial Scribe


    Thanks !!


  • Torma Cauli

    Thank you, I'm glad. :-)



  • Edward J. Davis Jr.

                                     Merry Christmas and the best for 2012

  • PIRO

    Hi Gonca

    I recieved today your wonderful mail art. What a nice surprice. My first from Singapore, Thank you so much and a Happy New Year 2012.

  • Bruno Cassaglia

  • Bruno Cassaglia

    Grazie !!! sono felice di essere tuo amico. Bruno - poetamailartfluxus

  • Celestino Neto

    Grupo Toca do Lobo - Mail Art Call



    Convidamos voces para participarem do nosso Projeto de
    Arte Postal
    Mago ou Magi, plural da palavra Persa antiga magus,
    significando tanto imagem quanto "um homem sábio",
    que vêm do verbo cuja raiz é "meh", significando grande, e em sânscrito,
    “maha". Mago usualmente denota aquele que pratica a magia ou ocultismo;
    no entanto, pode indicar também alguém que possui conhecimentos e habilidades
    superiores como, por exemplo, quando se diz que um músico é um "mago dos teclados",
    pois toca com perfeição o instrumento musical.

    Tema: Mago
    Técnica: Livre
    Tamanho: A4 ( no máximo)
    Inicio do Projeto: 2010
    Término do Projeto: 3 / 11 / 2013

    Qualquer pessoa pode participar,
    Artistas e qualquer pessoa ao redor do mundo, enviando trabalhos com o tema “Mago”.
    Não Haverá Júri e os trabalhos recebidos não serão devolvidos.
    Os Trabalhos serão catalogados e estarão disponível no blog da Toca do Lobo sem valor comercial.
    Exposição dos trabalhos online no blog oficial da Toca do Lobo e exposição em espaço público.
    Os trabalhos podem ser enviado para o endereço:

    Grupo Toca do Lobo
    Rua: Nossa Senhora Aparecida, novo Nº69 (antigo 28) Apto 21
    Vila Fátima – Guarulhos – São Paulo
    Cep: 07191-191
    email: tocadoloboartepostal@hotmail.com
    blog: www.tocadoloboartepostal.blogspot.com
  • Bruno Cassaglia

  • Bruno Cassaglia

    GRAZIE!!!  questo lavoro nasce come murale , poi trasformato in web art ... ti abbraccio con affetto!!! Bellissima la tua foto! hai un sorriso stupendo!!!

  • Sevgul Sumer Dielemans

    <3 <3 <3 hosgeldin wilkommen bienvenue welcome


  • Maria José Silva - Mizé

    Gonca, boa noite.

    Enviei por via postal, no dia 25, o meu tijolo.

    Espero chegue bem.



  • Dean aka Artist in Seine

    Happy Birthday at Raffels !

  • Maria José Silva - Mizé

    Minha amiga, já chegou meu tijolo? Obrigada se me informar.

    Saudações, Mizé

  • Carlos I. Botana



    Proxecto Cárcere calls artists to participate in the open, international project 
    for the old prison of A Coruña to become a Selfmanaged Sociocultural Center.
    The works will take part in an exhibition this year.
     It will take place inside or outside the prison, abandoned and disused at present.
    A picture of each work will be uploaded in jailartproxectocarcere.wordpress.com
    For further information please visit our blog: proxectocarcere.blogaliza.org 
    or send an e-mail to proxectocarcere@gmail.com

    Subject: Jail
    Deadline: 1st June 2013
    No measurement limits
    Free technique
    The works will not be returned and will become part of the archives of Proxecto Cárcere.

    Send your works to:
    Carlos Botana
    Avda. Gral. Sanjurjo, 62 - 2º
    15006 - A Coruña
  • Bruno Cassaglia

    Molto bella la tua foto! ...con lo sfondo del murale ... ti abbraccio ,bruno

  • Bruno Cassaglia

    ti dono l'opera fatta oggi sul mar ligure:

  • Carlos I. Botana

    Thanks for the cooperation. regards

  • Bruno Cassaglia

    Ti attendo nel mio gruppo "performances" ... un abbraccio , bruno

  • Maria José Silva - Mizé

    Amiga Goncayengin, podia mostrar-me a foto de meu tijolo, pois eu não sei do processo.



  • Joaquim Lourenço

    Thank you Gonca for adding me

  • Caly DePalma

    Thanks for adding me as a friend. Look forward to sharing art with you. 8-) Caly

  • Jenny Kennedy

    Thank you for commenting on my postcard. 


  • Jean-François Aillet

    Hi, goncayengin

    The artist Jean-Francois Aillet invites you to collect your sample of sand from a moraine, from next to a waterfall or beside a river, along the shore of a lake or a stream, in a desert or on the border of an ocean. One should not, however, send him sand from a construction site. You are asked to document your collection of the material with a photo, taken as you are pouring the sand into a container. For an example, kindly visit his home page at www.aillet.com . English : http://www.aillet.com/traductions/anglais.htm

    See you to take part in this international project.

    Jean-François Aillet
    Sculpteur / Designer
    10, Allée des Tilleuls
    14860 Amfréville
    Normandie / France

  • The Red Door Gallery


    I have just posted our Mail art project on our page.

    here is the link


    thank you and look forward to hearing from you or seeing your mail art

    best regards,


  • Apartis - MMA

    Gonca,somos 11 elementos no grupo, algum de nós poderá participar! Que viva a Arte Postal !

  • Jean-François Aillet

    Hi, Goncayengin, Here you are :  N°0912

    MERCI from Jean-François Aillet

  • Jean-François Aillet

  • Jean-François Aillet