Nancy Bell Scott


South Portland, ME

United States

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
2011 at the latest. (By the way, please NO add+pass. Can't do it.)
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
Woke up one morning and there it was, in my DNA.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
47 Parrott St, South Portland ME 04106, USA

Comment Wall:

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  • Carina

    Nancy, I agree with Nik below! I got your package today and Mr Gregory Peck himself delivered it :))) Thank you so much. Noticed you put my favorite 3-scrap with the package. Will hang your tricks on my studio wall tomorrow!

  • DKeys

    Nancy--this last trash batch was the best to date! I LOVE everything. I felt like I was opening an ancient crypt straight from the NBS archives. thank you so much. Your little tiny masterpieces are so interesting. a deck of playing cards like that would be great like Mr sleepy head!!  XO


  • Neil Gordon

    The lap top is working, Luddite elves be banished! Thanks for your always kind words and provoking art,feel better!

    Chap-Neil AKA-"Dew Drop"XO

  • Amy Morton

    Hi Nancy, I got your wonderful 3-scrap collages yesterday...I loved the directions and have already made 3 myself. You are inspiring me! Thank you.

  • An. U.

    Thanks a lot for your wonderful and inspiring 3scrap collages! Got those today and these made my day! 

    Best wishes & hope for further mailart exchanges,


  • E Coles

    Hi Nancy,

    I received your 3-scrap studies yesterday. Thank you very much - they are fab! 

    I am sending something back to you today.

  • vizma bruns

    Nancyyyyy! You are too too, kind!! Wow! I received a 3 scrapper + 66% more bonus scrappers! That equals 5 , yes? Sort of, my maths is pretty scrappy... Thanks very much for these little treasures!!!

  • Claire (aka Cleo)

    Hey Nancy, recent return to your wondrous envelope of 3 scrappers - they're marvelous! Mmm, and instructions too! Thank you soso very much for your ever beautiful touch and thoughtfulness! (btw, I cannot fathom anyone ever being sick of this theme - the ideas/instantiations are infinite...) (Hmm, too much "to-do" backlog presently, but might have to send you some scraps for you to possibly plumb the potential of...?)

    Best to you ma chere, xx, C

  • Eraser Heed

    Hi Nancy! So glad You liked it. I bought 10 papers from the 1970s at a "barn sale" this summer and it is good reading :), especially the ads.. Yes, it is imprints from erasers I have carved, actually the Chaka Khan I took from one of these papers. The others are Henri Michaux and Gertrud stein etc.. I put them around the mail artist Fluxus Yoko Ono ad!
  • vizma bruns

    Ha! You should've just said," No, Vizma, 3+ 40% minus 7/8ths of 11 scrappers = 5 scrappers. I absolutely would've believed you. (And thought to myself, "Man, she's  sooo smart.)

  • Eraser Heed

    I forgot to show You this. it is linoleumknifes in wich all my secret lies, just wished they were smaller, I use the v-shaped one;

  • DKeys

    Hi Nancy--glad they got there. you clearly had to be the first recipient of the piece inspired by you. It was pure synchronicity that my husband found an AS IS tag around the time of that convo. I have never heard the term upperous, but now I will be using it each and every time I get a chance!! The lettering on the Acceptance piece are cut out from various bits of trashpo, but the as is one is my handwriting. If that looks like yours, then we are morphing into each other which is great, because I need a change!!!


  • borderlinegrafix

    About 10 years ago I had the chance to sail on the 'Alyssa' a Texas tall ship at a Galveston Museum.  The guest captains were from Maine and Mass. and they definitely love sailing those ships!  If I remember to, I'll print out another set so you can tear one of them up!

  • DKeys

    Who said anything about my family coming with? If we swap lives, I will be able to luxuriate in Maine and dig through all your even more luxurious trash

  • Patricio - The Celestial Scribe

    Why I am involved in Mail-Art:Woke up one morning and there it was, in my DNA.

    We came to the same something, in the same somewhere, at the same time (same month, same year).  That´s brotherhood to say the least.

  • Patricio - The Celestial Scribe

    Mail art from Old Orchard Beach coming my way? Oh God!!!!!!!  You made my day.  We exchanged messages last week.  At the time I went through your profile to refresh my memory and found out what probably is one of the better sentences I saw in this place.  I plan to quoute your "Woke up one morning and there it was, in my DNA" on an envelpe soon. Your name will be properly honoured Ms the author!

  • Jim SantAmour

    THANKYOU for the series Of wonderful NBS 3-Scrappers!!!! each a miniature masterpiece!


  • PIRO

    Hi nancy

    I got your great mail art yesterday. Love the instructions and samples of the 3 - scrapers. What a sence of humor you have. Great. :) Thank you so much. Will answer soon.

  • Eraser Heed

    I have found a kind of eraser that is (I think) a little bit softer than most erasers people use for carving, it the  classic "for big mistakes" eraser wich give me quite many when cutting up. It's funny cause this eraser comes in like five different colors but it is the yellow one that I feel is the best for carving, could not imagine the different colors would have different feel to them when carving. The green is the worst, pink is not that good either :)

  • E Coles

    I am pleased you liked the boekie (the covers were monoprint scraps from some experiments I have been carrying out this summer). 

    Can't wait to find more 3-scrap studies arriving through my letter box!

  • borderlinegrafix

    Glad to correspond with such a talent as you!

  • Petrolpetal

     Hi there

    I have sent you some mail art. I hope we can become mail art friends. Is your technique wax-based? Its really great.

  • DKeys

    Hey Nancy--glad it got there.  Sooo sorry to hear about Rams. I will be thinking of him and his lion's mane.  Still using the trashpo supplies you sent me daily!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Beautiful BLUE 3-scrappers arrived in Greece.

    Wonderful! thanks so much sweetie!

    xxx Kat :-)

    blogged here:

    Beautiful "3-Scrappers" from Nancy Bell Scott...Art works!

  • borderlinegrafix

    Happy Birthday!

  • Susan McAllister

    Nancy, I hope you've had a spectacular day!
  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Early morning wak-up greeting from Greece, Nancy :-)

    XRONIA POLLA! Happy Birthday!  OPA! xxx

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Ha! WAKE-UP greeting: Happy Birthday :-)

  • Frieder Speck

    Happy Birthdasy Nancy

  • Rebecca Guyver

    Thanks for your message.  I mentioned you (today) on one of my blogs and many people have 'liked' the photos DVS posted on Facebook and I shared!  To see the comment visit:

  • Frieder Speck

    You are very welcome! Did you ever played it on your piano?

  • Neil Gordon

    You must be Psychic Dharma Momma Nancy! I just Finished a piece for you thats on its way soon!!!! XOX!


  • Neil Gordon

    nancyness is next to erniness! Queen and king of mail art Prom!

  • vizma bruns

    Oh Nancyyyyyyyyy, I'm so happy that the flimsy boekie delighted you!! And those bits almost ended up in the bin!! I'll be happy with any mail from you  as long as I don't have to wait toooooo long!! Ha ha! BTW, if you remember me on  March 24, I'll be ecstatic!!! ;-P Yah!

  • Claire (aka Cleo)

    Thanks for the wishes my friend! Ah, did I miss yours (think I caught it last year)? Sorry if so And: Belated Best and Creative Wishes if so! (What's the date btw? I don't get to iuoma daily anymore...)

  • Amy Irwen

    Thank you Nancy for the mail art!!, Will blog soon. What a wonderful surprise *!*
  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    'Glad the birthday mania cards arrived ok. I just knew you might be s big fan of Rauschenberg! xxxKat

  • Neil Gordon

    Nancy... I sent you something a few weeks ago, did you get it>>???? Ever time i make something w/ the "Bell"(s) Seasoning theme to you it seems lost in the USPS? I will try again w/ some other art... Love your Blog spot, your work is Stunning!

  • Amy Irwen

  • Neil Gordon

    So Glad you got it!!!! Things i sent out seem to be getting lost in the USPS lately... Don;t get blogged down w/ the blogging! Hang in there!

    Best, Neil!

  • Neil Gordon

    Yes Nancy! Only you can probably read my trashpo scrawl! The USPS May not have "Neil to English Interpreters!"

    All the best!

  • Neil Gordon

    Nancy, Love what you said on your wonderful word press blog that " A piece of art is not finished until it is seen by the other person"! Wow!!z You Rock My World Dharma MoMa Nancy!  Keep Scrappin'

  • David Stafford

    thanks and you're welcome, Nancy. Yours hasn't arrived yet but I'll let you know when it does.

  • Carina

    Nancy, your beautiful ma has arrived. And brightened the November gloom. I'm always thrilled to open your packages. Thanks so much.

  • Neil Gordon

    I got your Beautiful 3- 3 scrappers and the lovely letter written on an old religious track. The old insulation was the icing on the cake! Also the old U.S. Poland stamp too... "Rust never sleeps" & "Go trashpo stamps! And Sciatic demons be damned!!!!

    All the best!

  • Amy Irwen

    Thank you Nancy...the "fear no art" was a large sticker from Mim...I reduced it down to postage size and printed out a sheet...I don't remember where Mim got is very appropiate for me....

    I value your comments....thank you again *!*

  • Neil Gordon

     Thanks for the Shalom Nancy! Also Brightens my day to hear from you! Its amazing what we can find through the "scraps of life" like the insulation to turn into art! Keeps us going and the Sciatic daemons at bay for a hour or so....

  • Claire (aka Cleo)

    Ah, dearest Nancy... Recently returned from NYC to two huge piles of mail (and I already have a HUGE backlog which I imagine I shall be addressing for at least a year...) Aaaayway, salient among them (well, for me anyway...%_^) was an envelope which stuck out above all the rest: MA from you! Exceptionally Beautiful as ever my dear, as ever... (At some point, I think I may gather my little set of "3 scrappers" and have them framed.  But that is a maybe/I do hesitate because as if I did so, I would lose visual access to the backs, which are strong and stunning also... Oh, decisions...) Thanks again ma cher! Hope to see you in the mail soon love... xxxC

  • DKeys

    I believe dogs understand everything--it's people who don't

  • Neil Gordon

    Nan!!! Love the "where is your poetry" on the old poster card!!!! WE see beauty and poetry in so many things... both natural and mundane, I have always loved radios since i was a kid, i even like "Static"!!!! Love the old USPS Stamps and the old Kodachrome colors you don't see any longer! See you in the mail soon!XX,Neil