It's no surprise that you didn't get the b'day mailing, as I found it in my studio under a pile of books! Sent it off to you a few days ago! Der Freddy!!
Guido, deepest (although belated) thanks for Travels with Collages - an mazing book. I've posted excerpts and some commentary at MinXus-Lynxus. Regards, DVS
An envelope inside an envelope . . . the fun continues on. With the artwork on the back of the envelope, I was apprehensive to open it, but there was obviously something inside there, so with my best surgical skill, I carefully opened the envelope to not only find your wonderful ink wash drawing book, Reflections, but also another envelope with yet another drawing on it and, again, something inside that envelope. Like nesting dolls, the adventure continued . . . thank you so much for the mail art journey.
No esperaba ninguna bienvenida...y estoy asombrada de ello. Agradezco de corazón semejante recibimiento, y tan hermosa obra, Guido muchísimas gracias. Afectuosamente Leonor
ps I really love that drawing. It evokes strong feelings in me - and a kind of dream like memory. I have been trying to express what I see in that picture in a poem, which I have not finished yet. I tried it in Haiku form - and the last line was "Dread mother." - but the haiku form didn't work. I will try to articulate my response more carefully for you, but it will take a little time.
Faeorain Ui'Neill
Thank you for the welcome to the site! :)
Apr 19, 2013
Susan McAllister
Apr 25, 2013
vizma bruns
Hey Guido,
It's no surprise that you didn't get the b'day mailing, as I found it in my studio under a pile of books! Sent it off to you a few days ago! Der Freddy!!
Apr 30, 2013
vizma bruns
Better late, than never! ps...mine was 24th March, but it's never too late in my opinion! HA!
May 1, 2013
De Villo Sloan
Guido, deepest (although belated) thanks for Travels with Collages - an mazing book. I've posted excerpts and some commentary at MinXus-Lynxus. Regards, DVS
May 4, 2013
Jenny Kennedy
Thank you for the welcome.
May 8, 2013
Keith S. Chambers
An envelope inside an envelope . . . the fun continues on. With the artwork on the back of the envelope, I was apprehensive to open it, but there was obviously something inside there, so with my best surgical skill, I carefully opened the envelope to not only find your wonderful ink wash drawing book, Reflections, but also another envelope with yet another drawing on it and, again, something inside that envelope. Like nesting dolls, the adventure continued . . . thank you so much for the mail art journey.
May 14, 2013
Thank you Mr.Guido
May 28, 2013
May 30, 2013
Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)
May you be well and in strong health, Guido.
Missed you , glad to see you are back. Take care ,xxx
Coming to you soon,
for the "25"on the "25" of June:
Jun 9, 2013
De Villo Sloan
Glad you are back and well GV.
Jun 9, 2013
Henning Mittendorf
Dear Guido,
did you get my contribution for birthday mania that I sent to your Group Birthday Mania?
Jun 25, 2013
Thanks Guido for your MA received saturday. Nero, Tarantino, Buzzy, Guido et Joyce ont fait la joie de ma soirée au retour de WE!
Jul 9, 2013
Mariana Serban
Nice, nice new works Guido, on your blog !!! Very interesting and inspired collages and portraits !!!
Jul 12, 2013
C. Z. Lovecraft
Hi Guido,
Thanks for all the most interesting mail! Unique and interesting.
I hope to see more of you in my mail box! Thanks again and happy creative and festive summer months are wished to you. CZ
Jul 15, 2013
Joaquim Lourenço
Hi Guido, thank you. Nice work.
Jul 15, 2013
Claude Nguyen
Merci beaucoup pour votre mail art pour la libération de la poète Angye Gaona, l'exposition à Montevideo est reportée car on vat recevoir d'autres travaux, Claude
Jul 15, 2013
Claude Nguyen
Jul 15, 2013
Susan McAllister
Jul 17, 2013
Hi Guido, I received your great mail art, thank you!! Loved to meet Nero, Tarantino and Buzzy!
Have a nice evening :)
Jul 18, 2013
ave gaile peraz-sergi
Jul 20, 2013
Robin Moore
Thanks for the welcome Guido. ~Robin~
Jul 24, 2013
Claudia Garcia
Thanks Guido!!!! It is a very nice collage!!!!! . If you want send my a card by post, then I send to you one of mines.
Vaarwel ,
Au revoir
Jul 24, 2013
Claudia Garcia
Jul 25, 2013
Jul 31, 2013
David Schulze
Thank you for your welcome message.
Aug 5, 2013
Sara Lauwereins
Bedankt voor je bundel en de spectaculaire envelop!
Aug 7, 2013
daniel maiga
Aug 8, 2013
Corinne T. Stubson
Hello! Thank you for the 'new' friendship!
Aug 8, 2013
Susan McAllister
Aug 14, 2013
David Schulze
I'm so pleased to have received your painted envelope and postcards this week. The images are great! Thank You.
Aug 18, 2013
Amy Irwen
Hugs hugs hugs....
Aug 21, 2013
Joaquim Lourenço
Thank you Guido. Nice piece.
Aug 25, 2013
Thank you!
Sep 5, 2013
Leonor Maass
I¨ts very nice to be here. Thanks Guido !!!!
Sep 5, 2013
Dias Prabu
hello Guido Vermeulen...
waaaw...awesome artwork.. really like it :)
Sep 6, 2013
Dan Mouer
Love the goodies you sent, Guido. About Tomb Faces: you must be robbing my dreams for those images!!!
Sep 8, 2013
Daniel de Culla
Thanks Guido by Faces.
Season's Greetings and Blessed Be¡
Sep 8, 2013
Thank you for your intriguing envelope and beautiful cards.!
Sep 17, 2013
Hi there
I'd like to send you something in the mail. Could you send me your address?
Sep 20, 2013
Leonor Maass
No esperaba ninguna bienvenida...y estoy asombrada de ello. Agradezco de corazón semejante recibimiento, y tan hermosa obra, Guido muchísimas gracias. Afectuosamente Leonor
Sep 21, 2013
Sorry - I was looking in the wrong place! Something is on its way to you !
Sep 23, 2013
ps I really love that drawing. It evokes strong feelings in me - and a kind of dream like memory. I have been trying to express what I see in that picture in a poem, which I have not finished yet. I tried it in Haiku form - and the last line was "Dread mother." - but the haiku form didn't work. I will try to articulate my response more carefully for you, but it will take a little time.
Sep 23, 2013
Agota Krnacs #KRNago
Nice work!!
Greetings from Budapest! Agota
Sep 25, 2013
Sara Lauwereins
Thanks for the mountain poem and the customized envelope. Your stamp wasn't stamped by the mail :-)
Sep 26, 2013
Bruno Cassaglia
Ciao Guido ! è un po' che non ti fai sentire! come stai ? ti abbraccio con affetto , bruno
Sep 27, 2013
Daniel de Culla
Lovely to meet You again and again¡
Blessed Be¡
Sep 30, 2013
Rebecca Guyver
Many thanks for another beautiful booklet full of wonderful (tragic) faces! I have blogged it here:
and here:
Thank you, Guido!
Sep 30, 2013
Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)
Thank you, Guido! Great "earth" and little book! xxx
blogged here:
The Earth and a mini boekie from Guido
Oct 8, 2013
Roberto Scala
Oct 14, 2013