It's a great bunch of folks and I hope that you enjoy exchanging Mail Art with us. I'm your Mentor, and if I can help to ease you into IUOMA in any way, then please don't hesitate to ask and I'll try to explain what's going on and how IUOMA works.
Would you like to exchange some Mail Art with me? If so, send me something to 1 Rue de la Vieille Fontaine, F-11130 Sigean, France, and I PROMISE to sedn you something back.
John, I'm delighted to make your acquantaince, and to put a face (well sort of) to the man who wrote 'The Englishman...'.
It's one of my all-time favourite postal history/mail art books. One that makes you think, 'I wish I'd been able to research and then write it.' The first two chapters, especially, have been much read by me, 'cos they are great. In a way they inspired a French IUOMA colleague JF Chapelle (look him up on the site) and I to start a project called, Experimental Artistic Postage":we test the tolerance of the French postal system in seeing what we can send to each other. Items to date include wrong sized envelopes, out of date stamps, cheese box lids, 45 rpm records, CDs, beer mats etc. Most of these were unwrapped, à la Bray, but aaddressed (or sticky labelled).
I also have an on-going project called 'An Envelope a Day', & will have an exhibition here in Sigean this summer showing the 365 envelopes I have mailed myself over the course of a year: they, too, test the tolerance, or otherwise, of the local postal authorities. You can find some of the envelopes in the Photo section of my IUOMA page.
I also like the 'Postmarks' chapter of 'The Englishman...', because I'm an avid philatelist (but a poor one, who sometimes has to focus on postmarks when he can't afford to buy stamps).
I should tell you that your book is one of the most highly rated amongst the IUOMA boys and gals.
I'm not sure that I can Mentor a man of your talents. All I can say is take your time, and send stuff out when you are ready.
here is an invitation to pARTicipate in the SECREt eXCHANGE exhibitions...pass the invitation on to your friends, and let me know on my page if you will or won't be able to contribute; go to IUoMA Events...or click on the link thx, Terry Reid, and hope to hear from you
Bonjour New Friend John. You might be interested to know that I've managed to send a beer mat through the post to my French IUOMA mate with whom I eam engaged in a minor Bray/Tingay 'How far can we push La Poste?' project. Hope to receive something from you one day soon. Bon weekend, your New Friend Val.
Was the beer any good, No, it was french beer. You may well know this: wht's the fifference between making love in a punt and drinking French beer?
Now turnip art/addressing isn't something that I've previously considered, mais pourquoi pas? The French probably do this on a smaller scale -- garlic bulb art, but as I'm allergic to garlic that's something else I haven't gotten into.
Bonjour John, Your 'in the spirit of Reginald Bray' card has arrived safely today (1 July). That's pretty good, seeing that the sort-of-map Google address you provided could be read as 1 Rue de Serinan, and I live at 1 rue de la Vieille Fontaine (no jokes about the old fart from the old fountain, thank you very much!).
I don't have a scanner, but will arrange for both sides of the card to be scanned and sent to you when I get back from a trip to the UK in the middle of July (I'm going tomorrow night, but hope to get something -- that will not be challenging to the Post Office -- to you before then).
I'm keeping your card tucked in to my copy of your 'Englishman who posted himself ...'book.
Two questions: i) do you know Harriet Russell's 'Envelope' book? ii) would you be interested in forming a IUOMA Group (called 'Reginald Bray'?) so that like-minded people in other countries could continue these sort of postal experiments? If so, I can give you a few tips on how this could be done.
Hi John, Great to hear from you. You know I'm a big fan of your book! I think your book on Bray should be read by everyone who has any interest in mail art, your book is very inspiring.
I will write you soon. I'm in Greece for another month, at PO Box 21, GR-180 40 Hydra Greece. Then back to Sweden and the ice and snow... /Hank
To exchange some mail? I have no other reason to be here than mail exchange.
Í am ready when you are. Your envelope should read as follows:
The Celestial Scribe
Av. Paraná, 1489 apto. 1004
I look forward to see your piece arriving on the mail. I will do my homework after receiving yours. That’s a celestial promise. I´m the Celestial Scribe
Thank you for the friendship! You now have an enthusiastic follower of Brays Life and Art. I became a fan-he indeed was a very unique personality---.....and if he/you would leave some traces in my postbox I´d thank you.
Until soon and you really did a great job in keeping his spirit alive.....Yvonne.
John! Got card #38 yesterday. It arrived perhaps 3 days ago. I was in the desert where I have no mail service. Lovely stamps both postal and inked. I love the size of my address next to the magnifying glass. Working on something for you!
Official Report: "Yesterday we received a crazy postcard register 33, dated 04Aug coming from Planet Earth. I do not like it. It is, by far, better when compared to what our Celestial Mail Art School masters produce". Patland Post Master General
The real report: Excellent homework! The stamp is something to write home about. You were able to relate the card to my name Celestial Scribe. Congratulations.
The Future: The Celestial Oven will be coking something for you soon. You will notice the arrival of it because one of our "postbirds", a hummingbird will be flying over Newbury. Let me know when it happens. Caelestis
Card 46 arrived today without problem. Photos on "my photos IUOMA" and on the book of Ann blog. I signed the card as requested and also mentioned the date of arrival.
John- Such fun! I will scan and send the two cards (latest is the candy jars-today). Am I to sign where indicated or is that only for your signiture? I've GOT to buy your book! The stamps of yours are really quite great.
John: a hummingbird, the "postbird" of Republik van Patland Postal Service, left heaven today and is on its way to Valley Road. Pay careful attention to the sky, postbirds usually arrive when no one expect them, mainly when they carry a Celestial Promise. All the best from the heavenly Republik van Patland.
Valentine Mark Herman
Dear John,
Welcome to IUOMA!
It's a great bunch of folks and I hope that you enjoy exchanging Mail Art with us. I'm your Mentor, and if I can help to ease you into IUOMA in any way, then please don't hesitate to ask and I'll try to explain what's going on and how IUOMA works.
Would you like to exchange some Mail Art with me? If so, send me something to 1 Rue de la Vieille Fontaine, F-11130 Sigean, France, and I PROMISE to sedn you something back.
Hoping you enjoy your IUOMA days.
Regards, Val Herman
Jun 3, 2011
Lorraine Kwan
I see we have a new member, welcome Mr Tingey!
Lorraine Kwan, Vancouver
Jun 3, 2011
Valentine Mark Herman
John, I'm delighted to make your acquantaince, and to put a face (well sort of) to the man who wrote 'The Englishman...'.
It's one of my all-time favourite postal history/mail art books. One that makes you think, 'I wish I'd been able to research and then write it.' The first two chapters, especially, have been much read by me, 'cos they are great. In a way they inspired a French IUOMA colleague JF Chapelle (look him up on the site) and I to start a project called, Experimental Artistic Postage":we test the tolerance of the French postal system in seeing what we can send to each other. Items to date include wrong sized envelopes, out of date stamps, cheese box lids, 45 rpm records, CDs, beer mats etc. Most of these were unwrapped, à la Bray, but aaddressed (or sticky labelled).
I also have an on-going project called 'An Envelope a Day', & will have an exhibition here in Sigean this summer showing the 365 envelopes I have mailed myself over the course of a year: they, too, test the tolerance, or otherwise, of the local postal authorities. You can find some of the envelopes in the Photo section of my IUOMA page.
I also like the 'Postmarks' chapter of 'The Englishman...', because I'm an avid philatelist (but a poor one, who sometimes has to focus on postmarks when he can't afford to buy stamps).
I should tell you that your book is one of the most highly rated amongst the IUOMA boys and gals.
I'm not sure that I can Mentor a man of your talents. All I can say is take your time, and send stuff out when you are ready.
Stay in touch! Regards, Val
Jun 3, 2011
Terry Reid
here is an invitation to pARTicipate in the SECREt eXCHANGE exhibitions...pass the invitation on to your friends, and let me know on my page if you will or won't be able to contribute; go to IUoMA Events...or click on the link thx, Terry Reid, and hope to hear from you
(in facebook it is at :!/profile.php?id=100000748977585 )
send me a friends request to speed up communications
Jun 5, 2011
Valentine Mark Herman
Jun 11, 2011
Valentine Mark Herman
Was the beer any good, No, it was french beer. You may well know this: wht's the fifference between making love in a punt and drinking French beer?
Now turnip art/addressing isn't something that I've previously considered, mais pourquoi pas? The French probably do this on a smaller scale -- garlic bulb art, but as I'm allergic to garlic that's something else I haven't gotten into.
Regards, Herman's Hermit
Jun 11, 2011
Valentine Mark Herman
Right first time, John!
Regards, Peter the Herman's Hermit
Jun 12, 2011
Winged Heart
I do hope it ends quickly, at least I am getting caught up on my mail art here in Canada : )
Jun 25, 2011
Svenja Wahl
Jun 26, 2011
Valentine Mark Herman
Bonjour John, Your 'in the spirit of Reginald Bray' card has arrived safely today (1 July). That's pretty good, seeing that the sort-of-map Google address you provided could be read as 1 Rue de Serinan, and I live at 1 rue de la Vieille Fontaine (no jokes about the old fart from the old fountain, thank you very much!).
I don't have a scanner, but will arrange for both sides of the card to be scanned and sent to you when I get back from a trip to the UK in the middle of July (I'm going tomorrow night, but hope to get something -- that will not be challenging to the Post Office -- to you before then).
I'm keeping your card tucked in to my copy of your 'Englishman who posted himself ...'book.
Two questions: i) do you know Harriet Russell's 'Envelope' book? ii) would you be interested in forming a IUOMA Group (called 'Reginald Bray'?) so that like-minded people in other countries could continue these sort of postal experiments? If so, I can give you a few tips on how this could be done.
Thanks again, and Bon weekend, Regards, Val
Jul 1, 2011
Nadine Wendell-Mojica
Jul 5, 2011
Pamela Gerard
Jul 19, 2011
Carolyn Kinzbach Lackey
Jul 19, 2011
John Tingey
Great mail received from MaryAnne today
- well done the Royal Mail for delivering it.
Jul 20, 2011
Carolyn Kinzbach Lackey
John, I was just googling Bray when I discovered that you're an author! Very impressive! Very interesting!
Jul 21, 2011
Henry Denander (HankD)
Hi John, Great to hear from you. You know I'm a big fan of your book! I think your book on Bray should be read by everyone who has any interest in mail art, your book is very inspiring.
I will write you soon. I'm in Greece for another month, at PO Box 21, GR-180 40 Hydra Greece. Then back to Sweden and the ice and snow... /Hank
Jul 21, 2011
Patricio - The Celestial Scribe
Í am ready when you are. Your envelope should read as follows:
The Celestial Scribe
Av. Paraná, 1489 apto. 1004
I look forward to see your piece arriving on the mail. I will do my homework after receiving yours. That’s a celestial promise. I´m the Celestial Scribe
Aug 1, 2011
Yvonne Neldel
Thank you for the friendship! You now have an enthusiastic follower of Brays Life and Art. I became a fan-he indeed was a very unique personality---.....and if he/you would leave some traces in my postbox I´d thank you.
Until soon and you really did a great job in keeping his spirit alive.....Yvonne.
Aug 4, 2011
Nadine Wendell-Mojica
Aug 9, 2011
Patricio - The Celestial Scribe
Official Report: "Yesterday we received a crazy postcard register 33, dated 04Aug coming from Planet Earth. I do not like it. It is, by far, better when compared to what our Celestial Mail Art School masters produce". Patland Post Master General
The real report: Excellent homework! The stamp is something to write home about. You were able to relate the card to my name Celestial Scribe. Congratulations.
The Future: The Celestial Oven will be coking something for you soon. You will notice the arrival of it because one of our "postbirds", a hummingbird will be flying over Newbury. Let me know when it happens. Caelestis
Aug 13, 2011
Guido Vermeulen
Card 46 arrived today without problem. Photos on "my photos IUOMA" and on the book of Ann blog. I signed the card as requested and also mentioned the date of arrival.
Aug 22, 2011
Hi John,
Thanks for your work (Card N°31). Here are the wanted photos.
Aug 22, 2011
Nadine Wendell-Mojica
John- Such fun! I will scan and send the two cards (latest is the candy jars-today). Am I to sign where indicated or is that only for your signiture? I've GOT to buy your book! The stamps of yours are really quite great.
Aug 24, 2011
Patricio - The Celestial Scribe
John: a hummingbird, the "postbird" of Republik van Patland Postal Service, left heaven today and is on its way to Valley Road. Pay careful attention to the sky, postbirds usually arrive when no one expect them, mainly when they carry a Celestial Promise. All the best from the heavenly Republik van Patland.
Aug 26, 2011
Hello John,
Two new sendings towards your house...I hope that they are going to arrive...
Amitiés d'Utopia.
Oct 9, 2011