

Elgin, IL

United States

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
It is cheaper than therapy and is an amazing way to connect with fabulous like minded people. It is also a great place to recruit for my Kult
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
407 S Liberty St
Elgin, IL 60120

Comment Wall:

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  • Andrea Jay

    Hi Diane!  Sorry for the dee-lay, but my computer was at the "shop" for 2 and a half weeks getting fixed.  Yeah, absolutely, send the book to anyone who wants it!  I hope lots of people partake!  I don't know how to "scan", so perhaps someone can scan what's in there so far?  Can't wait to see it!!!

  • Audrey Wagner

    Thank you!! I can't wait to get started! Would you like to exchange mail art?
  • Audrey Wagner

    Sounds great!!
  • Andrea Jay

    Hi Diane!  Great!  Can't wait to see it!!!!! : )

  • Audrey Wagner

    I had a mail-art extravaganza this weekend :) Expect your mail VERY soon! I'm waiting for the rain to clear up so I can get to the post office.

  • Audrey Wagner

    Yes that is no fun. I actually ordered stamps this weekend also. Seriously, my whole weekend was consumed with mail related activities haha!
  • De Villo Sloan


  • Kerri Pullo

    Thank you so much for the mail art! I love red and black! I just realized you live in Elgin! I grew up in NW Indiana, just west of Gary....I miss Chicago!

  • CrackerJack Kid


    Thanks for that b-day note three months ago. I looked at some of your slides

    and saw a framed work called "Mail Art Romance." That yours? I made something

    similar to that as a stamp sheet. I call it "Romantic CrackerJack". Working on some

    new stamps now. Made a "Free Fluxus" cancellation stamp last September. 

    all the best,


  • De Villo Sloan

    World-famous Ralph, the swimming pig, performs a perfect swine dive in the world’s only Submarine Theatre, Aquarena Springs. Ralph was a Texas institution.  Actually, hundreds of pigs were used over the decades, since they quickly became too big to swim. In 2008 it was announced that San Marcos, Texas’ Aquarena Center, formerly a hilarious tourist trap called Aquarena Springs, will be bulldozed, with the land being restored to turn-of-the-previous-century condition.

  • Marie Wintzer

    DK! Your..... doll arrived! :-)) You're right it's a bit cold and she needs... errm, something. Maybe I should ask Thom to knit some nice clothes for her? Thank you!! very funny...


  • Audrey Wagner

    Yay! I'm glad it made it there and glad that you liked it! :)

  • Daniel Wayne Qualls (BEAR)

    For me it has to be C D O in alphabetical order instead of O C D
  • Daniel Wayne Qualls (BEAR)

  • viola may rollins


  • Mail Art Martha

    Nice to be in touch Diana, see you soon here.

  • vizma bruns

    I could be and I will be!! Cheeers DK!!

  • Austin Wills James


    I just dropped a card in the mail for you.


  • Austin Wills James

    Don't we all? Hehe.


  • stan askew

    thank you for being a friend, diane!

  • Henning Mittendorf

    Thank you, dear Diane, for your kind words, warm greetings and friendly invitation!

    All the best!


  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Diane! I LOVE the packed little package that came from you today, what a treat. Treasures! Mini-trashbook is far out, a little masterpiece, didn't your fingers get twisted and tangled while making it? It's a wonder. Saltine cracker print cracks me up, it's going on the wall. All other loose materials are great for me. And now you've done the ultimate with the fels naptha paper. You've outdone yourself, to make me a key tag with that very favorite paper that needed your talents. It's a FAB tab of finest trashpo, and I'm *in love* with it. Thank you thank you thank you ...

  • Andrea Jay

    Hiya!  Thanks for showing me the continuing story!  It took me about 20 minutes to figure out a way to write back to you -- I just don't understand this computer stuff.  Can't wait to get the book!!!!  : )   Andrea

  • cheryl penn

    Tomorrow :-) X

  • Arac

    I would, I could and I absolutely shall...thanks for the "friendvite"

  • Svenja Wahl

    Glad you like it :-))

  • De Villo Sloan

    Hi, the latest version of the D-Kit can be found here w/ the first-ever issue of the "Miracle of the Mexican Swans" story:



  • De Villo Sloan

  • Alicia Starr

    toadily rad DK. and thanks for the wishes. ;---D

  • Arac

    Hey Diane, thanks so much for the hippie dippy send, very cool! Will post it as soon as I have time to scan, I appreciate your participation in my artcall :)

  • Arac

    P.S, I really like your Attitude Girl ;)

  • vizma bruns

    Thanks Diane for the Trashbook, just blogged it! And something is on it's way to you! ;-)) What? Is Angie getting a tat on her bum?

  • Svenja Wahl

    Diane, superwonderful trashpo arrived here!!! Thanks a lot, I love the personality modulation information, how very teaching. yours in trashpo, Svenja

  • Jen Staggs

    Thank you for the recent DKult card, I am eager to receive a dKoder ring as soon as I give up trying to decode it on my own.  'Cause I'm a nerd.  And I like deciphering codes.

  • Carina

    Thank you so much for your card, Diane! It is a collector's item! :)

  • Neil Gordon

    Trashgasm!!!!! Yes that's it KDJ!

  • Karin Greenwood

    H i Diane, thankyou so much for your kind birthday wishes and it is nice being friends with you on IUOMA, take care, Karin.

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Thanks so much for the DKult card...and aroma of incense is from you? Very oriental and lovely trashpo it is, ticket and a bit-of-blue-for-me! xxxx 'Super (and being posted at Trash group :-)

  • Amy Irwen

    Diane...the Add and Pass has just spread it's wings!!

  • Svenja Wahl

    Look with whom I spent the afternoon:

    xx Svenja

  • Ana Karina

    Hi Diane, received your beautiful card today. Thank you for sending it twice! It's silly they sent it back the first time.

  • Sandra Lefever

    got your mail, got your mail, already sent you a reply!

    Somewhere, Ben Franklin is doing a soft-shoe

  • Susan McAllister

    Thanks, Diane.
  • Amy Irwen

    Hi Diane..thanks for letting me know you got the mail art...I loved the corn dog was just too good not to reuse!
  • Eraser Heed

    A big merci! see blog


  • Nancy Bell Scott

    DKult trashbook with two left staples, DK, that's an alternative format, yes? Hey, it's a beauty, as is the trashpo card----my sox are officially knocked off. LOVE it all, and the office courtesy thingy is hilarious. AND great recycled envelope. I hit the jackpot with you today, a hundred thanks ~

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Oops, forgot the feminine disposal bag--first one I've seen in a while, haha.

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    And I too will re-use the envelope, though it's tempting to keep. Not the gross franks, but the stamps and crossouts and so on.

  • Marie Wintzer

    Diane, I received a VERY gorgeous envelope from you. I can't open it yet because I can't take pictures because there is no light because the weather is so terrible. Very frustrating....

  • Arac was me.  I knew as soon as Viz saw it she would bust me, I just couldn't pass up sending it to you when I read the purple trees in Illinois thing especially after I had gotten the purple shroud shred. Hope you were at least mildly entertained for a spell :)