Neil Gordon


Wethersfield, CT

United States

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
just started, but i'm loving it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
spread art,repair the world, make friends! Plus- I jave loved getting things in the mail since i was very young. I got inot Shortwave radio when i was 13, got a lot of cool stuff in the mail, then the government began to open my mail! it was like "1984" Anyhoo- Ive been addicted to mail,art, letters ever since! I would like to exchange mail art with others !!
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
Neil Gordon: 20 Temple Court, Lehigh Acres,FL. 33936,USA

Comment Wall:

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  • Svetlana Pesetskaya

  • E

    Hi Neil,

    Thanks for Add and pass "Cavellini" !


  • Fleur Helsingor

    Hi Neil! I'm glad that you liked the stickers that I sent.

    I especially enjoy working with images of that particular Zeppelin. It's the real thing, the Eureka airship that is based near where I live. I sometimes catch a glimpse of the Eureka through my window as well as on walks along the shoreline of the San Francisco Bay. I've gotten quite a few photos of it ... more fun!

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Your *great* asemic taped envelope arrived today, Neil, and I am flat-out crazy about it. Please tell me I'm not supposed to open it.
  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Thanks Neil, and you didn't cause any upheaval, I was hoping you'd say what you did, which is to leave your mail art envelope alone. I love it as it is!
  • Guido Vermeulen

    Did you hear this shocking news: white people don’t care about black people; worse even: they don’t care about whities neither! (so you can’t accuse them of discrimination)

    In the mail for you

  • Terry Reid

  • PIRO

    Glad you liked the Asemic Book on the taino Culture and thanks for the invitation to your group.Ill see what i can get about the Taino theme and let you know. How's your Spanish?
  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Thanks Neil, but I won't join the new Group, 'cos I'm cutting back on Group activities; i may contribute a piece, though; Good luck with l'arc en ciel (one of my favourite French words).

    Regards, Val

  • E

    Hi UbuNeil !

    Thanks for comment ! 

    Happy that my work arrived at your home.

    Amitiés d'Utopia.


  • PIRO

    I'll be searching to see if i can find a book about Tainos, maybe in English will be better. Will let yyou know if a get one, Mean while Mail art will do. Hasta pronto.

  • PIRO

    Hola Neil

    Glad you liked what i sent. I use everything i find for my art. magazines, Internet images, letter stamps , photoshop, printshop, newspaper, you name it, lol. Pictures from graffitti. The stamps are made with images i like ,  postcards (collages) i have made, photos i have taken, drawings, etc. I bought this sissors for the stamp edge. I scan and print them stamp size.  The guy in back of  the GOTIJ  is a magazine image. It's not me and not done by me :) 

  • PIRO

    Music?   Pop and New Age.

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Your enthusiasm has made my evening, Neil. I'm very happy you like it so much ~ had read somewhere (have no idea where now) that you have a thing for libraries, and so that just seemed to belong to you. I love when that happens!

  • PIRO

    Ohhh yes i like Shakira, Tito El Bambino and Daddy Yankie, Flamenco and other music but always end up trying to relax music.

  • DKeys

    Thank you so much for the fantastic envelope I received. Loved all the trashpo bits and i have already used one of them in a piece I'm sending to Nadine. Hope you are having a great week. As always, In Trash We Trust


  • PIRO

    Hola Neil:

    I just got your postcard today. Very Asemic, still trying to find any acult meaning but it is very difficult. It is absolutly pure asemic . Dots and lines remaind me of Brayle code and also can see what llooks like an up side down heart.   The symbols do start and end very whimsical but in the middle of the writting you come to a different kind of writing.  The blue and pink line background gives you the sence of a writting paper. This is cool. Thanks !!!!!!!!

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Bonsoir Neil...and Kyle! Thanks for your nice card! I spotted Joey Ramone --one of my favoutrite bands; if you ever go to Berlin, there's the world's one and only Ramones' Museum there (which, of course, was closed on the day I went ot visit it).

    I'll be mailing you something back soon; Hope you are well, and thanks again.


  • Amy Irwen

    NEIL! thank you for all the TRASHPO tid-bits...I'd better get crack'n!!  I've been super busy with a new foster dog and then my (3) have been sick all week!!!  YUCK....I'm hoping that tomorrow will be a better day...

    Take care and thanks again...Amy  *-*

  • De Villo Sloan

    Hi Neil, I thought we were friends! Glad that's fixed. Quick catchup: Picked up your asemics at the PO Saturday; many thanks. That is Richard Hell, TCHoO book on Amazon is mine but I don't see we need to bring it into the ma arena. Hope you have survived the Conn. power outage. Bad stuff. DVS

  • DKeys

    Hi Neil-thank you! I have know idea of what Dario's interests are but I'm sure he will like whatever you make. The stuffing came out great---it's the only kind I like. Got through thanksgiving now itz time to get the bug out bag to deal with xmas:)
  • Terry Reid

    Neil, big floral sock made by a company called Duchamp



    must be for pedaling the bicycle wheel

  • Terry Reid

    (belated reply)

    or off the list

    Tell Me Tell Me SECREts; MoCA; San 58-4, Makgye-dong; Gwacheon-si, Gyeonggi-do; Seoul, Korea 427-701

    the show will go to February 19

    pass it on

  • DKeys

    Hi Neil-you're so sweet:) It's always a good reminder to be kind to yourself as my dear friend Bridgette says "Go gently". You can send Dario's mail to me-just let me know it's for him. I'm going to put together all of his mail in a bundle and give it to him with a holiday thing I made him. Yes, public schools are terrible, particularly for special needs. Luckily I fought to get my child into a private school and she is doing GREAT. That was an old report card from last year and it made me mad all over again seeing how they were evaluating her. Hope you enjoy your weekend:)

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Why thank you, Neil. There are MANY more (sox fiend here). And the shoes used to be Erni Bar's but he sent them to me as mail art a week or two ago. Just to keep you up to date in case you missed it :--}

  • Amy Irwen

    Hi Neil..hope you had a great Thanksgiving..
    Just let me know if you get tired of them.. Superhero sends them to me..
    I am going to start using your trash for send..
    Thanks again for sharing!
    Hugs *!*
  • prettylily

    Wonderful! Glad you like.
  • PIRO

    Hola Neil:

    Have a wonderful day tomorrow !!!!!!! Happy BDay.   FELICIDEDES !!!!

  • Amy Irwen

    Happy Happy Birthday (tomorrow)  :-)

  • Susan McAllister

    Have a great birthday.
  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Neil, happy birthday in an hour! ***

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    I can't help it either, Neil ;--}

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Happy Birthday greetings from Greece, too, Neil! OPA!

  • giuli.fiori

    Hi Neil! Happy birthday to us!!!! Sorry, I've been very busy these days, but now I'm back to mail art. I'm looking forward to trade mail art with you!

  • Susan McAllister

    I'm so excited to receive my first Rainbow Warrior mail art. Thanks so much.
  • Eduardo Cardoso

    I'm glad you liked it. :) See you in the network...

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Bonjour Neil, and thanks for the latest -- er, somewhat weird -- card; Glad you liked the Mayoral stuff -- it was good fun mail arting with lots of kids.

    I'll be mailing you soemthing back in the next day or so.

    Meanwhile, say hi to Kyle for me, and here's wishing the two of you a Happy Xmas and a very merry New Year;

    Regards, Val

  • Svetlana Pesetskaya

  • Thom Courcelle

    Hi Neil!  So glad you like the drawings.  The most prominent native tribe in Seattle was the Duwamish tribe.  Seattle is named after Chief Sealth, who was chief of the tribe.  The Duwamish were mostly decimated by the bombardment of white settlers in the late 1800s, and many of the remnant people of the tribe were "relocated" across the Puget Sound to Bainbridge Island where the Suquamish tribe is now located (and where Chief Sealth is buried).  Today, the Duwamish are fighting for recognition from the U.S. government--in the 1890s industry moved in so quickly and changed the landscape so fast, that there has not been a lot of "evidence" of the tribe's history in order to stake the tribe's provenance, nor are there a sufficiently large enough number of remaining Duwamish heirs to satisfy [the U.S. government's]  criteria for the granting of first-nation status.  The Clinton administration had dangled a treaty in front of the tribe members, but the Bush administration squashed the proceedings and all hope of the tribe to claim its own official heritage.  It's really an example of the awfulness of governmental bureaucracy...  Ironically, with recent construction projects, the city has been unearthing archeological  treasures of not only the early white settlements, but also evidence of the ancient peoples of the area.

  • Thom Courcelle

    You know, I hadn't ever heard of JohnTrudell's music... But now that you've recommended him, I'll be looking him up to have a listen!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Thank you for the nice birthday greeting, Neil!

    Something coming to your mail box soon! xxx

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Hi Neil, i am glad the the CD arrived safely. And it needed only the standard postcard-20 gram stamp! Yes, the image is from an old vintage elementary school reading book. And it is all about "plant-a-tree" for Greece (where we have many forest fires and few trees). 'Glad you like it!

  • Guido Vermeulen

    ThankX Neil,

    Had already an early B-DAY present from a Sandinista neighbor and now I have to rest!


    CV ,a  Jewish Sandinista from Nicaragua but living in my street and disguised as mail art from Giuseppi Riccetti (Italy) and saying HI to all IUOMA members!

  • PIRO

    Hi Neil

    Thanks for your mail art. It arrived today.  Love the Promo of 3 musketeers with mint and DARK CHOCOLATE (MY Favorite) This really made me smile for a while.   Envelope is so cool too. Muchas gracias amigo.:)

  • DKeys

    Hi Neil--thank you so much for the rustic trash boekie-it is fantastic--will blog it soon hope you are doing well much love


  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Great "cocoa" mail art, Neil! Soooo"Greek"! 'Love the train stamp, too!

    Thank you so much and be well! xxx

  • Jim SantAmour

    Love the "Senior Friskies Chili with Beans" piece! Thanks!.  And I like how the cat on the Friskies label is "dreaming" of the lamb, chicken and fish that he's about to devour...

  • giuli.fiori

    Thanks for the beautiful collage! I put something in the mail for you

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Good to see that the green chop-chop card arrived, Neil! I have been doing acrylic splash/paintings on this heavy watercolor stock paper...then cutting up into post card size pieces. Glad you like it! xx

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Neil, how thoughtful of you to read between the lines and realize that "serious weightlifter/powerlifter" is one of my top three goals. Socks always do it, yes! Truth be told, SockDreams has become a top company thanks to my addiction to socks. You wouldn't believe ...