Dean aka Artist in Seine

Odesa & Paris


Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
1 April 2011
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
Currently inactive with Mail Art
But if you do send me something, I will return something to you, but it might take a little while.
After 6 years (+3000 pieces sent) it's time to take a Mail Art break.
Hope to be back someday when I retire for good.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
Off-line, but you can send me a message here

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  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Your look+shred is a knockout, Dean. It's beautiful, I can't stop looking at it, plus as usual you made me laugh. It survived with 1 minor mishap, which is a miracle since you left stuff poking out for the post office to take offense at. You'll see when I scan. Thank you, Dean! I hope your birthday present is arriving--it's in a box, it kind of had to be. But more boldness will happen soon. Stamp, drop, and run.

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Someone in Argentina should tell Samuel ...

    Later today I will scan and post this, Dean, but can't remember where all this was talked about. Where would you like me to post? I don't think it goes with Bananas ...

  • Marie Wintzer

    Dean! Thank you for the "also human" barcodes! I was really happy to get your card, it's a great one, thank you!

  • Annapop

    Happy Birthday to youhappiness, love and good cheer!

  • Susan McAllister

    I hope you are having a wonderful birthday.
  • Cernjul Viviana María

    Happy Birthday, Dean. Have a wonderful day.

  • Nancy Bell Scott

    Hey, dear Dean, H A P P Y  B I R T H D A Y, are you 39 yet? Come down from that mountain you're on and see your presents sometime. In the meantime, enjoy your special day/weekend.

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    PARTY  TIME, for Dean!

    Happy Birthday greetings from Greece! OPA!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Here are all the Birthday presents for you, Dean!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    And a super choco birthday cake...yay!

    Have a great Happy Birthday weekend up at Mont Blanc!

    We will be celebrating for 3 days...see you on Monday! xxx

  • cheryl penn

    I'm a few hours short - BUT Happy Birthday - I hope its well - all the things you wish for, including (...............) - you know those things :-)))! X

  • Marie Wintzer

    oh nooo. AmI still on time? Happy Birthday Dean!

  • Terry Reid

    no doubt they did; they are slow in their list, but eventually I will put that together


    don't think you need to worry

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Welcome back, Dean, from Mont Blanc, and glad you did not get lost in all the snow!

    Thank you for the great bar-code card that was in my mail box today as I returned from Athens! 'Will blog ;-) Blue mouse likes it a lot! xxx

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

  • Cristian Sima

    i love picasso but i love nancy more...

                 i love her with her toilette...

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Bonsoir! Would you like to be the Dishonorary Treasurer of Arty Slides International? We need someone with your financial experience.* The duties will not be onerous. I am undecided as to which of my off-shore bank accounts the membership fees should be paid into.

    Let me know, Thank you. Val

    *Could you lend me €5 until I get my wages, please.

    ** But if you join ASI and accept the position offered to you, then, as an Executive Officer,  your membership fees will be waived.

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    A bent-up Mt Blanc arrived in my mail box today, Dean. The postgal loves to "stuff-it-in" and so she bends up the mail art to fit :-(  But it is fine and panoramic! Is that 007 Bond, James Bond, looking over the mountain??? Thank you...its special, and I'll have to blog it ya know!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    6 kilos of Erni headed for Paris! Wow! 

    and, Dean, you have been blogged...(and not only by me ;-)

    Looking over the mountains...from Dean Marks

  • Louise Kiner

    Hey Dean! I received your "lucky card" last week and I apologize for not commenting sooner (it was just one of 'those' weeks). Anyway, I finally blogged it and here is the link:

    Thanks again and I feel quite lucky now.


  • Amy Irwen

    Hi Dean, just wanted to say a BIG thanks for the most recent mail art of the Banana Families ski trip...too bad there were no survivors...

    Got a good chuckle out of that one *!*
  • Mail Art Martha

    Guide to Retailia ebook

    Sorry about this but a friend found I had misspelled Retailia several times so I took it off Issuu and this is the new code. I had to, the Queen is very strict with grammar and she could have chopped my head. Cheers

  • Louise Kiner

    The Kat can go to "E" next when your done with her. Do you need the address? 

    That's great that Zombie Kitty Kawaii! and her companion "PhatKat" can join you at the Paris Mail Art Meeting. I can't wait to see those photos. Awesome!

    Looking forward to seeing the mail art you have coming my way.

  • Annapop

    Hello Dean!! thanks a lot for  you interesting card and very beautiful stamp!! I like it!!

  • Susan McAllister

    Hey Dean, I received a card about the Banana family ski holiday. There was no return address, but I'm guessing it's from you. You sending out mystery cards these days? Thanks.
  • Jen Staggs

    I have been remiss in thanking you for your latest artwork!  I'm a baaaad girl, so sorry I'm so late!  I've had your amazing op-art postcard on my desk for a couple weeks, so I think about you all the time.  Thank you!!  Also, I loved your interactive art installation with Erni's mayo!  That was hilarious!  One time, Erni took the wrappings of a piece I sent him, mixed it with gelatin, and made Jen Jam.  Then he sent it to me.  It STUNK.  It had rotted in the Texas sun, but Boy, the gift was amazing!!!  And I didn't even have to stamp on it!!  What great luck you have!!  Cheers Ami!!

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Bonjour! I found Laurence Gillot here in IUOMA but couldn't find his Amazing Bubble Machine -- help? (I might make a machine so that everytime a bill drops in my mail box, the company that sent it -- EDF, Orange etc -- gets blown up. Unfortunately I don't do do it yourself, but if I knew anyone who could adapt kitchen cupboards...)

    The track that i mentioned this morning is called 'The Gift' by The Velvet Underground on their 'White Light/White Heat' album. Take a look if you have a moment.

    Au revoir, Val

  • Mim Golub Scalin

    17 Feb. 2012 Cite Internationale des Arts - Look at us!

  • cheryl penn

    Safe arrival of interplanetary quite extra---ord---inary RED! I think you know the tune? Many thanks :-) X!

  • Mail Art Martha

    Hi, I have added photos of the Shopping Trolley with the new show on in which features your artwork. You can see it at the begining of the slide show on my page.I was lucky with the weather and with certain photo of a very appreciative art lover.

  • Louise Kiner

    Hello Dean!

    Captain Balloon Glasses arrived today! He has a very special place in my work room where I can gaze upon him continually. More on this tomorrow...

    Merci! Mon ami!


  • cheryl penn

    Dear Dean,

    Don't be Dense. Especially as we are forever bound together on a shopping trolley.  From Space, I see ALL color test patterns. It is of course the first time that I will have OWNED one.  That seems to make all the difference I'm pleased? to say.  I use the term Dense of course with reference to Raging Red which appears to have the density of a black hole having swallowed up the printing company.  Having written that, perhaps I should keep the card in a cage. The world at large may then be a safer place? Or are color test patterns just dangerous to printing companies? Please clarify as Houston is nervous that they have not heard from you - and worse, that the clapping started after the curtains were drawn...

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    xxx Thank you, Dean, it really is special. And mailed-on-Monday-arrived-early Wednesday morning! Amazing! As you probably know, I blogged it on your blog, it's called "hijacking" :-)

  • Mail Art Martha

    Dearest Dean, the order of the factors do not alter the product, as I was told in math and me thinks the same in art.

  • cheryl penn

    Ok - I have NO idea how, but a piece of an archeological dig arrived in the mail. INTACT! I will blog - but have all the pieces been treated for radio-activity? I can hear one of them humming I'm all shook up? 

  • De Villo Sloan

    Dean. so glad you received and are enjoying the D-Kit. Thanks for the kind words, With the assistance of Dark wall, the legend of the Elgin Shroud is spreading across the globe. Don't worry about blogging! We may check back for a testamonial when the power kicks in and your life is changing. Again, please don't wear on your forehead. As ever, DVS

  • vizma bruns

    Dean, my friend, what's this "hard to beat" of which you speak? There's no such thing in Mail Art!! If you really want to win, you can send me 3 mail arts every time I send you one, ok? That would make you a winner in my eyes!!! I was going to respond earlier, but the wind blew a tree down, which made sheep and kangaroos flee, and then I needed to drink half a bottle of Shiraz to calm me down. You know how it is.

  • Jen Staggs

    Ooh!  I love the banana sonogram you sent!  It made me laugh out loud.  I popped something in the post for you today too, so keep your eyes on the mail!

  • Mail Art Martha

    Thank you Dean for the magnificent art piece. Too large for the trolley but it shall be archived for future showing.

  • Nikoya Mills

    Darn it, I guess I am going to have to live with getting art from another awesome person :).

    I really like coupon bar codes ;).

  • Laura P (spopod)

    Dean, I don't have your blog info, let me know so I can take a peak, Laura P.

  • Ptrzia (TICTAC)

    have a great week Dean!

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Dear Dean the Bean,

    Did you ask if I do Skype?


    Or no.

    (I don't do lots of other things too -- central heating, DVDs, opera, ballet, dish washers, iAnythings except for iRons, etc.)

    I'm back home now: there are lots of things to do, but I don't feel like doing them.

    O me miserum.

    Perhaps tomorrow will be better.

    And it's le Crunch day, too.

    Hope you and the Beanette are well.

    Regards, Val

  • Mim Golub Scalin

    Oh no, poor zkk getting burned up like that. It's so "cool" that you are now making videos.

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    As the old song goes:

    "When it's spring again,

    I'll sing again,

    Bananas from Tenerife;

    With a hear that's true,

    I'll sing to you,

    Bananas from Tenerife.

    Like a windmill keeps on churning,

    That's how my heart keeps on burning,

    (And then I forget what comes next but here we go anyway),

    Tulips from Amsterdam".

    OR please pass my thanks on to El Sauzal for the Banana card from Tenerife.


    El Val


  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Look at the Mail Art project page. The latest exhibition is about WC Art. What a load of cr*p! There is going to be a 'performance' on 3 April, and all I can say is 'M*rd*!'. (The name of the street where, er, contributions have to be sent ahas nothing to do with me.)


  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Hello Dean, I just returned from my trip to Athens, and look where I have been. Do you recognize the place?  :-)

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Exactly...while in Athens, I stood under the Eiffel Tower!

    (At the French Institute ad for the Franch Film Festival :-)

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Wow, Mim really had a glue job going for that "FLY" CD! Now I am happy that I painted mine and just had to let them dry :-) And then i got jooked on now postcards (without envelopes!)...and without the mail to you soon. xxx

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Then I got HOOKED on painting :-)

    You know what I mean..even when the spell chick is sleeping?