Hi Jimmy, Welcome to IUOMA. Love the paintings I saw on the website. Great work. Care to exchange a bit of Mail Art? I am here: Heebee Jeebeeland. Sounds like a good idea to me. I lived in SF for many years, but am now up in the rainy Northwest the last 5 years or so. It's nice out in the avenues where you are - I miss it. Anyway let me know. Cheers, Test.
Hey Jimmy, thanks for being a friend. Hope to find you in the 4th Dimension sometime. I really miss S.F. - probably always will. Aw well....... Portland is pretty cool too and I am there a lot. Cheers, Test
I LOVE my little town. It brightens my day when I leave for work and when I'm going home. There is something very special about it :) Glad you were able to check it out.
CALL | Regina ATC | Regina ATC Celebrates 7 years; Show us your stuff! | MAR 31
Submit 6 of your best cards by March 31, 2010 to: ATC Celebrates
7, MacKenzie Art Gallery, 3475 Albert St., Regina, SK. Canada S4S 6X6.
Please include: 1. Self-addressed & stamped, return-envelope 2.
Brief statement: tell us a little about yourself & discuss your
techniques and tools, and your image content 3. How to reach you:
contact information and e-mail (so we can send you an invites & e-
vites to the display)
All cards submitted will be displayed in the Learning Centre at the
MacKenzie Art Gallery; Please tell us if you DONT want your work
to posted on the web. Opening reception: Sat April 25, 2pm.
Display Closing: August 2010, when you will receive 6 trades
mailed back!
ART OLYMPIC; Equivalent to the; Sport Olympic; Will B the greatest event ever Globally; please join CASA & relay 2 all THE LEGACY OF THE CENTURY; www.casaart.org
Nobel Prize 4 Children; The addition of children to Nobel It will just take a moment of your time but will impact for a lifetime We humbly request you to Send Emails to; info@nobel.se; weboffice@nobel.se; supporting & declaring your solidarity to include NOBEL PRIZE 4 CHILDREN; please join CASA & relay 2 all THE LEGACY OF THE CENTURY; www.casaart.org
hi Jimmy, a reminder if you have not yet responded,
here is an invitation to pARTicipate in the SECREt eXCHANGE exhibitions...pass the invitation on to your friends, and let me know on my page if you will or won't be able to contribute; go to IUoMA Events...or click on the link http://secretexchange.yolasite.com/ thx, Terry Reid, send me a friend request for easier communication
Ruud Janssen
Jan 16, 2010
Jan 16, 2010
Test Tower
Jan 17, 2010
Maurizio Follin
is a pleasure to do your knowledge

Jan 18, 2010
karen c
Jan 19, 2010
Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)
Greetings from Greece:
and welcome to IUOMA!
Jan 23, 2010
Test Tower
Feb 2, 2010
Itty Bitty Kitty
Feb 2, 2010
Bifidus Jones
Feb 23, 2010
curbside treasure
Feb 23, 2010
Submit 6 of your best cards by March 31, 2010 to: ATC Celebrates
7, MacKenzie Art Gallery, 3475 Albert St., Regina, SK. Canada S4S 6X6.
Please include: 1. Self-addressed & stamped, return-envelope 2.
Brief statement: tell us a little about yourself & discuss your
techniques and tools, and your image content 3. How to reach you:
contact information and e-mail (so we can send you an invites & e-
vites to the display)
All cards submitted will be displayed in the Learning Centre at the
MacKenzie Art Gallery; Please tell us if you DONT want your work
to posted on the web. Opening reception: Sat April 25, 2pm.
Display Closing: August 2010, when you will receive 6 trades
mailed back!
Feb 27, 2010
Bifidus Jones
Mar 2, 2010
Bifidus Jones
Mar 9, 2010
Bifidus Jones
Mar 11, 2010
Itty Bitty Kitty
Mar 12, 2010
cross RYU★
I hope to meet your mailbox:)!!!
Mar 14, 2010
Claudia Ligorria
"Mi lugar en el Mundo"
Mar 24, 2010
Jennifer Jones (JJalltheway)
Apr 15, 2010
Bettina Alcántara
Apr 15, 2010
Nobel Prize 4 Children; The addition of children to Nobel It will just take a moment of your time but will impact for a lifetime We humbly request you to Send Emails to; info@nobel.se; weboffice@nobel.se; supporting & declaring your solidarity to include NOBEL PRIZE 4 CHILDREN; please join CASA & relay 2 all THE LEGACY OF THE CENTURY; www.casaart.org
CASA Founder
Recipient of 10 International Award
Amman ,Jordan
00 96 2 65 81 59 55
May 2, 2010
Julian Grant
Jun 13, 2010
theme: "who I am"
format: max. A 4, technique: free
deadline: 31.12.2010
no fee, no jury, no returns
works should be send by post at the following address:
Cindy Schmid, Gützkower Str. 70, 17489 Germany
please insert name, surname, country, address + e-mail address [for notification of final documentation].
exhibition: may 2011 in Greifswald, Germany and on my web-site:
…and now show me, who you are…
Jun 19, 2010
Lyudmila Dakhova
Jun 22, 2010
Maria M. Malonzo
Jul 4, 2010
Samuel Montalvetti
Jul 18, 2010
Celestino Neto
Sep 7, 2010
Yuri To
Jan 9, 2011
Tomoe N
Mar 15, 2011
Have a nice day.
Mar 16, 2011
Terry Reid
here is an invitation to pARTicipate in the SECREt eXCHANGE exhibitions...pass the invitation on to your friends, and let me know on my page if you will or won't be able to contribute; go to IUoMA Events...or click on the link http://secretexchange.yolasite.com/ thx, Terry Reid, send me a friend request for easier communication
(in facebook it is at :https://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=100000748977585 )
Jun 26, 2011