Denis Charmot




Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
I was an artist and my works were not selling and began to take a lot of place at home. With mailart, I send my work around the world, it takes up less space.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
1051 av Louis Coppel
74300 Thyez

Comment Wall:

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  • Iris Pérez Ulloa

    Gracias, Denis por la invitación. Hace un tiempo (por falta de tiempo y mucho trabajo) dejé de participar en el mail art, ahora, por suerte, ya estoy de vuelta. Te envío un gran cariño y te deseo para este año todo lo mejor y ¡¡¡¡¡UN BUZÓN LLENO DE CARTAS!!!! Un abrazo desde Buenos Aires
  • Isabelle Vannobel

    helle Denis
    j'ai bien reçu ta carte postale moutonneuse. le catalogue a un peu tardé - je suis passée d'une documentation tous les 6 mois à une doc par an ; pour la fin de cette semaine, tout devrait être prêt
    bien postalement
  • Daniel de Culla

    Gracias por los amigos, gracias por el amor y que cada Asno amante de la guerra se haga el harakiri del deshonor.
  • Iris Pérez Ulloa

    Gracias, Denise! Saludos desde Buenos Aires
  • Claudio Romeo

    Ciao Denis,
    merci beaucoup! La poste italienne n'a pas suivi mon "commander": cachet du timbre! :-)

  • Peter Dowker

    Salut Denis,
    Tres bonne idee ton nouveau blog.
    I had to stop going to your site, it would make my computer go crazy each time. Now I can visit you again.
    You made a small error on your main title. It reads
    "since the end of December 2009"
    All the best,
  • Peter Dowker

    Maybe we are talking about the same thing but I meant the "2009". December 2009 is in 12 months from now.
    On Ruuds and Fluxlisteurope it's more the advertising pop ups that are annoying. I don't go there very often.
  • Jennie Hinchcliff

    Denis -- I love origami! My grandmother taught how to make all kinds of different paper ornaments when I was little...
    I will be on the lookout for your mail; sent a little something to you for the new year!
  • Tanja Vos

    Thank you!
  • Ian-Patrick McAllister

    We should do an exchange!
  • Ian-Patrick McAllister

    Not at all. I'm temporarily living in Toronto so if you want to mail me something here my address is:
    506 - 1175 Broadview Ave.
    East York, Ontario M4K 2S9

    I've got some things on the go, so I'll send you something end of next week.
  • Roswitha GUILLEMIN

    Hello Denis
    Toujours top ta rubrique mail art calls !
    Je te souhaite toujours le meilleur pour 2009 !

  • Claudio Romeo

  • Nicole Eippers

    Bonjour Denis
    C'est une grande première pour moi ! Merci de ton accueil
  • Pascale Hulin

    merci, c'est une découverte, @+
  • Ivan Zemtsov

    Hi Denis! Nice to see you here!
  • Em

    Bonjour, Denis - so fun to find old mail art friends in new places.
    Happy New Year!
  • Bruno Chiarlone

  • Nicole Eippers

    Salut Denis
    L'arche de Nicole bien arrivée ce matin...merci beaucoup !
  • Hélène LAGACHE

    Bonsoir DENIS Bonne année aussi à toi!
  • Chuck Gattuso

    And I wish you a belated happy holidays to you and yours, my friend!
  • Celestino Neto

    Welcome friend Denis,
  • Celestino Neto

    Hello Denis,Trank you Friend soon will send works for you.
  • Celestino Neto

    That good Denis, I go to pass you another one that I also have.

    Trank you.

  • Carla Cryptic

    Merci Denis! :)
  • Celestino Neto

    Dear friend I am leaving here is convocatória.


    Mail artists Annijames Rivero and Luis Valera Escarre invite all interested artists around the world to participate in their international mail-art project:

    The Second Biennale International of Small Art - Venezuela
    Exhibition to all.
    No jury.
    Catalogue to all.
    No return.
    Size: Maximum Postcard size (10 x 15 cm.)
    Technique: Free.

    December 31, 2009.

    Send your Work to:

    II Bienal Internacional del Pequeño Formato,
    Apartado 54,
    Zona P. 2101A.
  • Carla Cryptic

    Quelque chose pour toi, mon ami! :)

  • mariano bellarosa

    Ciao Denis, grazie!
  • Carla Cryptic

    Merci! C'est une bonne idée! :)
  • Peter Dowker

    Merci Denis,
    I can see you're having fun with this. I tried to go and do it myself but it asked me to install Flash Player 10. After a few unsuccessful attempts I gave up. Unless I REALLY need something, I don't have much patience with downloads that don't go smoothly the first time.
    Thanks again,
  • Peter Dowker

    je viens de voir que Chantal est au meme niveau de patiance ordinateur que moi. Je retourne au colle et ciseaux.
  • Celestino Neto

    Olá Grande amigo Denis, Magnifico sua arte digital, gostamos muito vou salvar aqui no meu PC e vou fazer selos se você permitir.

    Abraço da Toca do Lobo.
  • Celestino Neto

    My Mail Box Toca do Lobo

    É nosso amigo carteiro nos chama todos os dias para entergar as correspondências para mim, moro num apartamento e meus visinhos são pessoas com falta de ética, tem deles que já abriram carta mim por isso o carteiro entrega para mim.

  • Ruud Janssen

    Yes, the Obamaecon is fun indeed. Thanks for creating the discussion-gallery. Any plans with the collecions of images? COuld be something good....
  • Celestino Neto

    Denis este é o link do projeto Confecção de Collar Exotico do Amigo J. Nogueira integrante da Toca do Lobo.


    Blog do Amigo

    Ah você conhece a artista Pinky endereço dela é

    23 Impasse Rotrou
    28000 CHartres

    Preciso do e-mail dela.

    Poderia me ajudar.

    Você corresponde com o artista madrange Michel.
  • Roswitha GUILLEMIN

    J'adore ton Gainsbourg !

    Tu connais Obey Giant, le street artist américain qui a réalisé le portrait d'Obama pour sa campagne ?
    Moi j'aime bien ce qu'il fait dans la rue et j'ai eu plusieurs fois l'occasion de voir son travail dans des galeries à PAris. J'adore !!!

    J'en ai rêvé, Denis l'a fait !!!

    La bise timbrée et parisienne
  • Nicole Eippers

    Merci Denis pour le beau cochon "Piggy"
  • Maurizio Follin

    Ciao Denis
    sei sempre più "fuori di testa"
    Un abbraccio
  • Carla Cryptic

    Je t'ai envoyé quelque chose dans la poste aujourd'hui ! :)
  • Carla Cryptic

    I'd love it but don't feel you have to! This is a RAK (random act of kindness)... just because you're you. :)
  • Isabelle Vannobel

    super l'obamicon mouton, merci ..
    j'ai très peu de temps en ce moment car je viens de commencer une nouvelle formation assez prenante , il faut que je reprenne un rythme ...
    mais je ne manquerai pas de venir m'amuser avec vous dés que je le pourrais.
  • Celestino Neto

    Olá Denis, Beleza vou ficar aguardando a chega e logo que chegar já publico, muito obrigado pela participação.

    Vou enviar algo para você também, ah você tem algum projeto.
  • Celestino Neto

    Ok, mando junto também!!!!
    Vou navergar na minha fonte de inspiração....
  • Judy Skolnick

    Thanks Denis, I am 62, and having a great day, I already lost and earring but had to get another. I took a lot of pictures at one of our best art museums. In case you have not been to Washington DC. I want you all to see it.
  • Judy Skolnick

    We are so worried that Barack Obama is only human and won't be able to pull us out of this horrible downward spiral that happened with the Bush administration. We have lost 3/4 of our investments and if the compaies fold, it is all gone.
  • Judy Skolnick

    I do not think we knew him in his second term. The biggest problem was Rummsfeld and Cheney who is a habitual liar and letting the military be the Department of State instead of a statesmen. I am hoping, Hilary was my choice, she is a real fighter after her situation with Monica Lewinsky, living in Washington DC has some points in media coverage. I had a customer who was a newswoman and I would talk to her outside the watergate where Lewinsky was staying. I hope it all works out. We need it.
  • Judy Skolnick

    The problem was the democrats stupidly put up Kerry and his loud mouth wife (first husband Heinz, ketchup guy millionaire many tines was republican) and he couldn't come out with a plan and she always had a headache it was a waste. Otherwise I think with a viable candidate the dems would have won. It was a laugh. What a waste.
  • Isabelle Vannobel

    salut Denis, je suis allée faire un tour sur ton site de photos de stars -
    je t'avoue que je ne connais même pas de nom la plupart des personnes que tu as prise en photo .. euh .. c'est à mille lieux de ce que je connais et de ce que j'aime - mais j'imagine que tu dois beaucoup t'amuser .
    pour ma part, je fais beaucoup de photo de concerts, de groupes qu'on dirait plutôt alternatif ou underground ( punk, globalement métal, ska ...) . on a chacun nos univers propres. c'est sympa cette diversité
  • Thomai Kontou

    I received your e-mail Denis. The reason, I late to answer you, is: I broke my right hand and I can not work on my computer, for some months.. I will send to you soon, the newspaper clippings.
    All the best
  • Ivan Zemtsov

    Hi Denis, thanks for this image! Where have you found it? What does "OBAMICON.ME" mean?