Tiny Art

This is a group for mail artists who share an affinity for tiny art!  Original tiny art is a unique subset of artistry because it's often more accessible, more easily circulated through postal services, and cheaper to create than larger works.

"Tiny" is a subjective and not rooted in specific measurements, but let's go with "fits in the palm of my hand" as a general guideline.

Paintings, prints, sculptures, doodles...etc.  If it's tiny mail art, you should share it here! 

  • Bradford

    Artistamps are probably the most prevalent form, but ATCs, and then postcards would follow.

  • Devin S. Turk

    I have 3 sheets of leftover card stock, so I decided to go wild with a rubber stamp I commissioned from one of my late night doodles.  I made about 2 dozen (tiny!) little prints, each stamped with my name today's date on the back.  Some of them will be on their way to other mail artists in tomorrow's batch of outgoing envelopes!

  • Bradford

    I love being resourceful by repurposing materials because I hate throwing anything away.  I save the scraps from white plastic eraser carvings and have made tiny rubber stamps out of what would normally have been thrown away.

  • Travellin Penguin Pam

    This looks like fun. If anyone would like to share art email me at psbpars at ymail dot come. Pam in Tasmania, Australia