The Epistolarium

e·pis·to·lar·y (adj.) 1. Of or associated with letters or the writing of letters. 2. Being in the form of a letter: epistolary exchanges. 3. Carried on by or composed of letters: an epistolary friendship. [From Latin epistolris, from epistola, epistle; see epistle.]


The Epistolarium is ...

*...the place where mailart happens, where it is received, where it is stored.  A place in your house, in your studio, in your mailbox, in your head or in your heart.

*...going to be a series of free downloadable journals dedicated to letters and mailart.

* an extention of my online blog called The Letter Project

*...will have periodic themes, to be announced. 


What to do...

*...join this group!

* something connected to the current theme.  Check the discussions list for the current theme.

*...send works to

Theresa Williams


1800 Bowling Green Road East

Bradner, OH  43406-9783