
Share envelopes you really like, special envelopes received or sent.

(Photo: mail art from Richard Baudet)

  • Envelope materials

    I typically think of an envelope being made of paper, but what about other materials that could be used to create an envelope? Have you ever made or received an envelope made from something other than paper? If you have lets see them. The one I show here I made for a friend a few years back and…

    By Thomas Burns

  • Postcards or Envelopes?

    What do you like the most? Postcards or envelopes?I myself like both. Only with the current rates, the sending of a postcard costs the same as an envelope. So when I send out a postcard, it costs the same as sending out an envelope with included 3 postcards. So I am sending out mostly envelopes the…

    By Ruud Janssen

  • advice on finishing envelopes please

    I have only done a couple of envelopes and each time I used just watercolours, tomorrow I am going to do one with some collage on it,  my question is to those who use watercolours, or clue things onto your envelopes to you put anything over the top to protect it during its travels and if so what do…

    By Annette R

  • Envelopes

    Qualquer tipo de envelopes e sem tema?Obrigada, se me puder informar.SaudaçõesMizé

    By Maria José Silva - Mizé
