Mail-Art Books

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Which book still needs to be written?

In the TAM-Archive there are already lots of books on the subject Mail-Art. But what kind of book on this subject still has to be written?

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    Ruud Janssen

    Yes, personal stories are always interesting. When enough mail-artists are willing to write their stories, I am willing to make a book out of it and publish it........

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      Ruud Janssen

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        Heleen de Vaan

        Great, Ruud!

        And I was wondering: how about a ‘jubileum’ book for the next lustrum / anniversary of IUOMA?

        There were ideas for the 35th anniversary (and I still must have the article / essay I wrote for that, I can adjust it to present years).
        I would love to contribute to a book about mail art (in general, thus interesting for IUOMA members but also a wider audience) in honour of the 40th anniversary of IUOMA.
        And I guess I am not the only one :-)