Recycling Mail Art

Recycling Mail Art or Why I have been doing this for WAY TOO LONG... Ray Johnson Tibet Wheel of the Deadpan Duchamp Eon Spin Club ...soirée I am spoken for.

Sadly enough end of 2013 Rain Rien died and wll no longer be moderating this group. It is kept online as a rememberance.

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  • Samuel Montalvetti

    Postal intervenida por Maria Da Gloria Jesus de Oliveira, Nadia Poltosi, , Torma Cauli y Samuel Montalvetti
  • Susanna Lakner

  • Elizabeth Rose

    Hi all Please vote for my project and if Iwin, many of you can submit and maybe show yourwork.

    Thank you


  • Lancillotto Bellini

    Samuel & myself... recycling art...
  • Helder Coelho Dias

    I will soon organize a New MAIL ART CALL with a friend here in PORTUGAL, the exhibition will be in a historic and well-known coffee which usually organizes Art Events I hope to count on your participation. Soon I will give all the detailed information, stay tuned.
  • John M. Bennett

  • Samuel Montalvetti

  • Helder Coelho Dias

    It is with great pleasure that I will outline and appeal, which is already available all information in the first Mail Art Call that im organized in partnership with the owner of the historic coffee "Cabana dos Parodiantes  " in Salvaterra de Magos, Portugal.

    The Theme is "Planet Earth is a large island with a huge ocean around! " 

    A new event was created here on IUOMA, where you can access all detailed information, or visit the attached link created for this Mail Art Call

    I would like that the event become a great success, then I am counting on your participation and   would like on behalf of the organizers, to thank all those who choose to participate with your Mail Art pieces.



  • Samuel Montalvetti

  • Lancillotto Bellini


    A new Recycling Art booklet with a little collection on my digital images....

  • Lancillotto Bellini

    Page 2page 3page 4Cover 2nd
  • Samuel Montalvetti

  • Ruud Janssen

    do you recycle recycled work that is archived in a museum?
  • Samuel Montalvetti


    Debido a los traductores no comprendo bien su pregunta, pero igualmente me permito contarle que estoy tratando de generar un registro importante de los artistas invisibles del correo postal - comunicacion a distancia - de ahi que intento registrar los detalles utilizados por los artecorreistas, como ser sellos, estampillas etc.

    El ultimo libro de mi querida Graciela Gutierrez Marx y las charla mantenidas con ella me dan una idea de como continuar el camino.

    Cuento sin duda, con la ventaja de este sitio IUOMA, para agilizar y difundir lo que intercambio con otros artistas ya no tan invisibles del arte correo.




  • Marcela Peral

    Gran trabajo por delante Samuel!!! Muy interesante para explorar y documentar. Este sitio es un excelente espacio... lástima que la mayor parte está en inglés
  • Strelnikov (Стрельников)

    "Nebraska Gothic" -1886 Custer County, NE (United States)


  • Ruud Janssen

    There is so much to recycle, but sometimes you want to hold on to things....
  • Ruud Janssen

    what is the criteria to recycle or not?

    Olá...estou feliz em participar do grupo. Adoro reciclar, reutilizar, transformar...isso tudo. Há tempos faço isso, e agora trabalho com reciclagem na Arte Postal. Vamos trocar ideias? Abraços a todas e todos.
  • Ruud Janssen

    oops, didn't get that.
  • Heleen de Vaan

    I like to recycle with the purpose to make mail art. For example I recycle museum tickets (archived museum work alas I cannot get :-) ), train tickets, pictures on cardboard packaging, etcetera.

    It's an excellent way to get rid of unusable ephemera which are too beautiful to throw away into a paper-recycling-bin.


    But to recycle my received mail art, ay!... That's hard!

    And I think I can't, at this moment. Because I consider each received original self-made work of mail art as a Treasure, and treasures should be Treasured.

    The only exceptions are 'add -and-return' pieces of mail art, or for example original pictures sent to me for pimp-my-photo projects (although I must confess I still have two nice photos at home waiting to be pimped for already over a year...)


    But in fact I think recycling Mail Art is one of the characteristics of Mail Art!

    So I have to withdraw from my hesitation and start to cut and paste...


    (PS for all people having difficulty reading other languages: google.translate and babelfish might help! - they provide in different translations, so that's fun, too!)

  • Samuel Montalvetti


    Eu também adoro fazer isso; etiquetas de roupas são lindas, não dá pra jogar fora, então, reaproveito, faço arte postal com ela, dando-lhe uma nova face e função. Estou elaborando um minilivro de artista com essas etiquetas...são o máximo mesmo...

  • Samuel Montalvetti

  • Strelnikov (Стрельников)

  • Samuel Montalvetti

  • Samuel Montalvetti

  • Samuel Montalvetti

  • Samuel Montalvetti

  • Luzia Castañeda

  • chimerastone

    I don't recycle other people's mailart but I do take paper ephemera, packaging and incorporate into collage with rubber/carved stamps. Mailart is the original recycle. There's upcycling which I'm trying to figure out. When I go abroad I collect/hoard foreign packaging to be added to my scrapbook on my arrival. I hate throwing away stuff and often best to use items in your stash.

  • chimerastone

  • Erica Durante

    I've recently taken to using old receipts in my mail art. 


    Olá amigas e amigos...Estou lançando uma convocatória para o Ano Novo, e podemos reciclar à vontade, se for o nosso desejo. Encontre-a no blog


  • Bruno Cassaglia - netpoetartist

  • Bruno Cassaglia - netpoetartist

  • Samuel Montalvetti

  • Bruno Cassaglia - netpoetartist


    Enviei esta máscara para a Argentina...É toda em material reciclado: caixa tetra pak, restos de papel fantasia, diskets...Adoro fazer isso...

  • Bruno Cassaglia - netpoetartist

    Vieni nel mio gruppo" performances" ? un abbraccio ,bruno


    Será um prazer, Bruno Cassaglia...Mande o convite....

  • Bruno Cassaglia - netpoetartist

  • Bruno Cassaglia - netpoetartist

  • Susan McAllister

    Very nice, Bruno.
  • Lancillotto Bellini

    Ciao Bruno... bellissima immagine! ...


  • Bruno Cassaglia - netpoetartist

    Che bello Lanci!!! ci ritroviamo ovunque! è un bel mondo questo del network web ... mi ci trovo bene! ti abbraccio

    Un caro abbraccio anche a Susan , bruno

  • De Villo Sloan

    "Ask and it shall be given; seek and you shall find."

  • Ruud Janssen

    find and you will lose it.

  • Ruud Janssen

    Nancy Glades posted to Rain Rien's profile:
    "My loving partner, Rain Rien, is in hospice care at home in his struggle with colon cancer which was diagnosed January. He's done the whole thing - surgeries for colosotmy (2), chemo (various kinds), radiation (32 sess, and is now on palliative care. Comfortable. Confused, often. Enjoying his life as it is. I will be sure he gets to read or hear any messages or art you might send his way - he isn't doing much on the computer any more though he does draw and write quite a lot still. Thanks in advance for your care and concern, and prayers."

  • Ruud Janssen

    peanuts from Rain Rien some years ago....... (must be about 15 years ago since I lived still in Tilburg then). The transparent envelope arrived without any problem in the P.O. Box. Lucky enough the postal workers weren't hungry in those years....