Start Here at IUOMA

A group with information for newcomers to the IUOMA. Some hints and tips written by VHM and BJ  to help you find your way at the IUOMA platform. For mentor of the Month we are always looking for volunteers.

New members are encouraged to join this group.

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  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    2012 : Jan.,or  Feb.or Mar.or Apr.....Ruud needs volunteers to "mentor" the new members to IUOMA. Anyone? It is an eye-opener and fun!

  • Ruud Janssen

    yes, we still need volunteers for some months. The ones who do get administrator rights in this group.

  • Poison Label Productions

    YIKEs - 
    back on it again.... 

  • Poison Label Productions

    Back to work !!!

  • Mary Jo Cartledgehayes

    I've just signed up to mentor for the month of March.  That gives me all of February to read the guidelines and bring my page up to snuff.  xxxooo Boo

  • Ruud Janssen

    your help is very welcome Boo!

  • Ruud Janssen

    Thanks for the good work PLP!

  • Ruud Janssen

    see also: for a lot of previously asked questions and their answers.

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    We need someone for September?

    And possibly I will be traveling then ;-0

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Welcome Erni!

    Delighted to have you on board. I am sure you will make an excellent mentor, given your wealth of experience.

    We take turns to be mentor of the month. There isn't one for September, and mim is continuing 'in office'.

    Would you like to take over from her? It's very easy -- all that you have to do is send new members a welcoming message when they join (the sooner, the better). The one I send them is at the bottom of this message. Then you sit back and wait -- some contact you for help, others just get on with things.

    It's a good way to meet new people, and to get them started.

    If you want to be the mentor for September, please tell Mim directyly. I'm going to Holland for a few days, and won't have easy access to a computer, but I'm sure that the two of you can sort things out.

    Thanks again, Val.



    Dear ,

    Bonjour and Welcome to IUOMA!

    It's a great bunch of folks and I hope that you enjoy exchanging Mail Art with us. I'm your Mentor, and if I can help to ease you into IUOMA in any way, then please don't hesitate to ask and I'll try to explain what's going on and how IUOMA works.

    If you haven't already done so, I suggest you take a look at the 'New to IOUMA' page (4th from the left at the top of the IUOMA home page) where you'll find a 10-point Introductory Guide that should give you an insight as to what is going on.

    You have to get started somewhere, and I wonder if you would like to exchange some Mail Art with me? If so, send me something to 1 Rue de la Vieille Fontaine, F-11130 Sigean, France, and I PROMISE to send you something back. (Make sure that you provide your mail address on your Page and/or the piece that you send me so that I will know where to reply to.)

    Hoping you enjoy your IUOMA days.


    Val Herman

  • Mim Golub Scalin

    I'm willing to continue on in September as Mentor until some one picks up the baton & carries on. Val explained it all very well. Anyone? Anyone? Let me know and I'll be able to tell you where I left off.

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Ruud...can you bring some influence to bear on this please? We have 2500+ members, but only 7 or so mentors. Perhaps you could recruit some more of the 'old guard' to be the mentor of the month?


  • Poison Label Productions

    i will take it on Mim ....
    i relieve you of your current mentor duties!

    Mark - 
    i think we need more mentors - but i have been asking people to mentor for almost a year...

    I will back up anyone who needs a break - 
    Hell, i already cover half of the year!!!

  • Poison Label Productions

    On Duty ....

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Only half of the year? Not good enough APLD aka  PLP!

    I can take over in October if you like, BUT you must remind me to do so at the end of September.

    I've asked Ruud to try and find other mentors: he must know people who are suitable, and whom he can approach.


  • Poison Label Productions

    you will never get october from me ..

  • Poison Label Productions

    i pass to Kat for November...

  • Poison Label Productions

    as another month blows by....
    i prepare to take over mentor duties for December....

  • Poison Label Productions

    almost time to take over again....

  • Poison Label Productions

    here it is ...
    march & i have neglected my duties....
    i will step down if required...

  • Poison Label Productions

    i may not be around here much & posting as part of the welcome wagon much ...

    but i am still dragging people into mailart....

    Ruud - there should be an influx of mail artists due to a mail art section of the coursera course "intro to art"

  • Mim Golub Scalin

    I've been remiss in welcoming. Must get to that even if not on mentor duty. Most people seem to appreciate a welcome message.(some never are heard from, ever)

  • Mim Golub Scalin

    So we'll be on Vacation in July? I'm on for August. I'll be away a bit in July but will continue to welcome people as I can, just so they won't feel not-connected to the group. I'll be on duty full on in August. Everyone - have good holidays!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Enjoy your summer vacation, Mim, and othrs.

    I see that Valentine is welcoming new members this month...

    wish I could help in July, but I am away from computer alot by the seaside.

    In August...if not in july,

    we might just be welcoming IUOMA member #3000 ! Wow!

  • Valentine Mark Herman


  • Mim Golub Scalin

    I'm just finishing 2 months of mentoring. It's been fun and I've "met" some good people. PLD up next, I hope, oh please, yes!

  • Mim Golub Scalin

    Hello all, I've agree to take on the Mentor role for January 2014, from Val. Please get in touch with me if you have questions not answered in our group - Ask Anything, New to IUOMA, or other places for newcomers to learn about our Union.

  • Poison Label Productions

    i made a special e-mail for mentor / questions / concerns , so that i may be better able to respond when new members join....
    i have posted that e-mail above in the mentor list....

    Feel free to e-mail me directly at that address for faster response to mentor / questions / concerns 

    Thank you all for playing & have a poison filled holiday.....

  • Poison Label Productions

    This another day in mentor land....
  • Poison Label Productions

    I am not sure if VAL is still mentoring after the last group email so - temp it up I shall....
  • Poison Label Productions

    I made a group for those that fall under my mentor duties.
    Join or don't,
    Not like you have too or something.

    "Mentor - PoisonLabel"
  • Poison Label Productions

    Wrote a poem for our mystery Mailer....
    Thanks for inspiring words Bertha!
  • kay rodriques

    Hello, i am new to iuoma. I joined because i wish to exchange art as i expereriment with various techniques. Of course, i hope to get (and give) inspiration via mail art exchanges. I am reaching out to this new members group because i just received a very disturbing friendship request from someone in/from the Sudan. Her(?) profile is listed as private on iuoma. Has anyone in this group encountered such a problem? Thanks for your feedback.
  • Mary Jo Cartledgehayes

    I'm happy I checked in here today. I lost track of my mentoring information following some major losses and a major move - and didn't realize I'm on for March. Looking forward to meeting and +greeting the new kids on the block.

  • Mary Jo Cartledgehayes

    FYI:  I'm the mail artist formerly known as Boo Cartledge, which is how my name appears in the mentor list for March.  Having an alter ego was fun, but now I'm simplifying. 

  • Ruud Janssen

    Today I received sad news Poison Label Productions (alias Veneno Stampo on Facebook) died quite suddenly.

    His wife posted on Facebook:

    It is with deep sadness that I tell you my husband the light and love of my life passed away suddenly due to an accident on Thursday. His spirit has walked on but i carry him forever in my heart. He was truly my soul mate. He loved life and he loved so many people. I am gathering with the family. We will be planning services and a celebration, since that's what he wanted. More than anything he celebrated and lived life to the fullest.

  • Ruud Janssen

    Any volunteers for the job of mentor for a specific month? Please check the months that are vacant. Also when you are on the list and want off. Send me an e-mail on

  • Ruud Janssen

    The settings for this group used to be that it was by invitation only, so only the mentors would have access. That is now changed, and anybody can join this group so the discussions and welcomes can take place in this group too. So this might become a large group from now on.

  • Ruud Janssen

    p.s. Mentors who join the group will be given administration rights for this group.

  • Mim Golub Scalin

    I'm always available to mentor.
  • Ruud Janssen

    If someone is new to IUOMA, it is now possible to join this group too and share questions and options here.....

  • Daniel de Culla

    Season's Greetings and Iuoma Blessed Be¡

  • Henning Mittendorf

    Cognition and communication create reality, man - mail art makes man ...

    Best season's greetings from HeMi

  • Ruud Janssen

    For specific questions there is a special group where already other members asked questons and members gave their answers. That is a first place to find answers........

  • Bruno Cassaglia - netpoetartist

  • Headguy

    Thank you Ruud for the guide.  I look forward to sharing my project(s) with the community.

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Welcoming new members in November :-)

    the TORmentor,


    "November = Katerina Nikoltsou"

  • Severino Domenico

  • Laurence Roberts

    hi i  how doo i change my postal address please ?

    I have moved !

    Moved from the E7 9QE address i London to


    6 Downview Road,



    East Sussex

    BN12 6QR

    many thanks,


  • Daniel de Culla

    Season's Greetings¡