Michael Scott

11th Hour Pagescapes and other work relating to the mail artist Michael Scott who lived in Leeds. U.K. and was active throughout the 70's and 80's.

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  • Michael Leigh

    I will send out invites before the exhibition. You must try and come over to see it Ruud. Possibly the biggest mail art show in the UK ever!   Michael Scott organised the last one "Post Restante"  back in 1979 so it's long overdue.

  • Michael Leigh

    More mail sorting today - this time some big A4  envelopes and 11th hour pagescapes -

  • Michael Leigh

    Some of Michael's 11th Hour Pagescapes at the Curious Things exhibition in Manchester. His wife Susan was hoping to come and see the show but sadly she is too old and frail to make the journey from Yorkshire.