Video & Media Exchange


Video & Media Exchange

Do you have video, DVD, DVD-Rom, CD discs you wish to share with others.  A group to share mail art related media.

Members: 11
Latest Activity: May 12, 2021

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Comment by John Gayer on April 1, 2018 at 3:53pm

I have been searching online for films and/or videos on mail art and thought it might be interesting to list a few things here.

La Historia del Arte Correo en Argentina

Mail Art of Allan Bealy

Mail Art with David Wilson - a basic instruction video

Comment by Michael Leigh on August 26, 2011 at 8:43am
Thanks for the links Ruud.  I seem to have many on your list but one that stands out and which I don't have is" The Permanent Flux "so if there's anything on my list you want do not hesitate to ask and I will be happy to exchange.
Comment by Ruud Janssen on August 26, 2011 at 8:13am



This brings me back to 2003, when I made an overview of the CD's I have:

(a PDF with the latest version)



(a text version)


I stopped with indexing the CD's then. Actually I am no longer doing a lot with CD's since the digital world moved on to cloud computing. I have my files somewhere online, and don't need the CD medium nowadays.

I do value the old CD's and DVD's though since they are a beautiful sample of our times moving from analogue to digital.


Comment by Michael Leigh on August 26, 2011 at 6:55am
Thanks for considering though Rod.  I hope you find time to make a small list in between all your doings. Ah lovely Venice - lucky you!
Comment by Rod Summers / VEC on August 25, 2011 at 8:27pm

Dawkins!  I have so much of this stuff Michael! If I can find some time I'll make a list but over the coming few months I will be writing Helgisaga III.

... and dodging dodgy weather...

and residenting in Venice....


Oh dear!

Comment by Michael Leigh on August 24, 2011 at 5:04pm

Here's a quick DVD(PAL) list -

1. Censored At The Seaside  -  Naughty Postcards     60mins.

2. Artpool 2000     30mins

3. Weirdorama-  Walsall Art Gallery   1994    5mins.

4. De Lauf De Dinge     30 mins

5. Dead Letter Office   (Australian Post Office)  30mins.

6. Artists at Work. Pop Art from the 60's Warhol, Raushenburg etc.  3hrs.

7. John Heartfield     (Montages)   30mins.

8. Joseph Cornell     (Tony Curtis doing the voiceover)   60mins.

9. Peter The Painter  (Peter Blake - collage )     60mins.

10.  Recycled Art.  Martin Parr. Artists at Work etc.     Open Univesity.   3hrs.

11.  Gilbert & George      (Imagine BBC )     60mins.

12. Fun of FUN      (Vittore Baroni)     2004     60mins

13.  Outsider Art    x  2    ( Jarvis Cocker )     2hrs

14.   The Ride Of Life   (Automata)       60mins

15.   Yoko Ono    (South Bank Show )     55mins

16.    Ray Johnson Online   (Interzona Mail Art Mix )     60mins

17.   Exit Through The Gift Shop   (Banksy)      90mins.

18.    Mail Art Romance   (  John. M. Bennet  - C. Mehrl Bennett       30mins

19.   FluxfilmAnthology     2hrs

20.   Axis Of Evil   (Artistamps)   2004     60mins

21.    How To Draw A Bunny     (Ray Johnson)    90mins.

Comment by Michael Leigh on August 23, 2011 at 2:31pm
I have added a page of CD-ROM's to the right.  If you wish for further details about them please don't hesitate to ask.  I will get round to making a more comprehensive list at some point.
Comment by Yvonne Neldel on August 23, 2011 at 1:21pm
Great idea! I also like to change mail art related media...:) Greetings, Yvonne
Comment by Michael Leigh on August 23, 2011 at 12:56pm
Thanks Susanna. I'm glad you are interested in this idea. I wasn't sure how many poeple would be.  I seem to have accumulated lots of media discs over the years as well as videos I have transferred to DVD of films and other stuff that might be fun to share. I will have to make a list.
Comment by Susanna Lakner on August 23, 2011 at 12:40pm

Dear Michael,

many thanks for the invitation to this new group. I´m just back from a long holiday,

but soon will I send you some DVDs.


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