
Literature and Art

For people who read and enjoy good literature--literary classics or literary contemporary and like to make art about it.  Using literature as inspiration for our art.  Also for people interested in writing letters about literature.  This is also a meeting place for The New Arzamas Literary Circle, which is dedicated to writing creative letters on literary topics. 

Members: 127
Latest Activity: Mar 10, 2024



Handmade Ezra Pound (Ezruckus Poundamonium) paper doll for a series of skits in which E.P is the main star. --Theresa Williams



Automatic writing by Nancy Bell Scott.



One of a set of cards made while contemplating the poet Theodore Roethke.  On November 12, Roethke suffered the first of what was to be many mental episodes.  It happened in the cold Michigan woods, and he described the experience as having a "secret" revealed to him, which he said was the secret of "Nijinsky."  Nijinsky was a famous ballet dancer who was institutionalized for schizophrenia.  With your permission, I'd like to post your artwork at my blog:  The Letter Project.   I'm also looking for letters about literature and creativity.  All works from the blog have gone through the postal system.

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Literature and Art 1 Reply

 gentili Signori poeti e artisti visivi, sono felice di far parte di questo gruppo.Ecco il perchè.Da sempre il mio lavoro cammina tra immagine e parola.Testo e materia visiva.Poesia e carta dipinta…Continue

Started by Alfonso Filieri. Last reply by Theresa Ann Aleshire Williams Jul 12, 2011.

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Comment by Rebecca Guyver on May 28, 2012 at 6:10pm

Received this envelope entitled: Last night I dreamt I saw Paul Klee, from Guido Vermeulen. Inside was the complete collaborative poem of Small Funny Apple(Guido and Simonne Pauwels) - see in earlier post. Also De geboorte van de onschuld and the translation! Love it. Thank you Guido. 

Comment by yves maraux on May 28, 2012 at 10:35am

"some help for automatic translation" copier coller dans reverso par exemple !

le texte a été publié dans un petit zine en 1985


Comment by Guido Vermeulen on May 28, 2012 at 12:00am


I am in te middle of a discussion with another guy who is loosing ground and becomes very angry.

Shut the f*** up, he yells at me, or I’ll become violent in a while.

He looks a bit like my brother but he is not my brother.

I continue to reason with him because I like the controversy of our debate.

Shut up, shut up, shut up, he shouts and changes into somebody close to the incredible Hulk. His muscles are swollen and thick. I see the veins pulsing in his face. He blows up like an elephant but all I see is a giant torso, shoulders, part of the back, arms with fists like sledgehammers but no legs or feet at all.

I am going to kill you, he mumbles.

How are you going to do this if you only have a torso, is my final question and I walk away from the ugly scene towards a nearby town.

I try to find a bar because I am thirsty after all that shouting and menaces.

I see what I think is a bar but it is not, it is a mix of a giant shop and a factory.

Conveyor belts run thru the place from different sides at ones. It is like being caught in a maze. On the conveyors are a mixture of shoes, men shoes, women shoes, shoes for children, orthopedic shoes, shoes for little people even. I try to get out but I cannot find the entrance anymore.

I am puzzled. How do I leave this crazy place? I ask to a shopkeeper who looks a bit like my brother but who is not my brother.

You have to choose a pair of shoes, says the guy.

Man, I am like Alice in Wonderland but instead of eat me, drink me, it is pick up a pair of shoes!

I pay for a pair of ladies shoes, all sparkling, with many colors and little stars and ribbons around them, a pair of art shoes for my friend Liza is my thinking. Suddenly I see an escape door.

I take the subway to visit Liza when a train arrives at the platform. I see another lady friend of mine entering the train. I have not seen her in years, so I follow her and try to connect with her on the train. I go from wagon to wagon but without any success. It is like she is vanished in thin air!

Louise, Louise, I cry, where are you? It is Guido here!!

In the last wagon a lot of people are packed before a bar. A jazz orchestra is playing New Orleans music and people are drinking and dancing and talking loudly because of the noise.

Midgets are carrying the drinks between the people. They have naked torsos but wear pants and a bow tie. We have to be careful or we trample on them, a drunken man whispers to me.

He looks a bit like my brother but is not my brother.

That’s why we leave our shoes behind, so we cannot hurt the little folk.

Everybody has indeed bare feet. Are you a cross dresser, a woman asks me, she looks like my niece but is not my niece. No, these are escape shoes for Liza, I explain.

The train fades away and changes into a giant bed. Everybody is asleep. I try to look thru the window and am facing a black wall which is crossing by at incredible speed. I focus on the wall and then see that the background color is black but that the wall has several colors (mainly red blue, yellow and orange). The colors make forms and shapes, without any meaning, almost amoebic forms, asemics in strange patterns and rhythms, no clear harmony or balance.

I close my eyes and open them again to focus more on the wall. Lights sparkle in my retina.

I feel someone is jumping on my legs.

I close my eyes and open them again and see the wooden cupboard in my bedroom.

My youngest kitten is walking on my legs.

Did you bring any shoes for my poor paws, he asks me and I return to sleep at once.

Guido Vermeulen, May 2012

Comment by yves maraux on May 27, 2012 at 3:46pm

some help for automatic translation

Aout 1983 Alamorogado , nouveau mexique : l'aboutissement d'un modèle hollywoodien d'une littérature électronique en forme de vidéo jeux ou de mini films sur disques ou selon le journaliste , les choix impartis définissent un certain type de fin . Alamorogado , nouveau mexique : 14 camions de surproduits ATARI en grande partie des cassettes de jeux vidéo sont déchargés sur le dépotoire municipal et immédiatement coulés dans du béton pendant que des gardes maintiennent à distance des curieux venus du voisinage accompagnés de quelques journalistes . LE PREMIER TIRAGE HOLOGRAPHIQUE  OBTENU PAR VISION SATELLITE ET DESTINE DANS UN PROCHE AVENIR A REMPLACER LES CRUCIFIX ET AUTRES IDOLES PIEUSES EST COULE DANS LE BETON FROMAGE APHRODISIAQUE DE LA CULTURE . Sur l'écran mural tout point coordonné projette à volonté le cliché que les satellites envoient toutes les 24 secondes

Comment by Guido Vermeulen on May 26, 2012 at 6:02pm



Large painted envelope around poetry from Marina Tsvetaieva, written in 1916!

Mailed to David Stone to thank him for Blackbird Issue 10, May 2012

Comment by Guido Vermeulen on May 26, 2012 at 5:59pm

Large painted envelope around a poem by Harry Burrus



(Blackbird anthology issue 10, editor: David Stone)

Comment by yves maraux on May 26, 2012 at 10:13am

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in the 80ths i used to be a conceptual artist . that time i spotted my artspace in Alamorogado as i started to work with the holographic globe ( le globe terrestre holographique ) this is how it was , published in ultre small fanzines .

if any problems with automatic translation don't hesitate to ask anything (postedX2 in Art & litterature )

Comment by Guido Vermeulen on May 24, 2012 at 3:32pm

My friend Simonne added a 4th item


Meet my shadow, said an anthropologist.

It was a smile,

on the lips of the Other.

Simonne Pauwels

Comment by Guido Vermeulen on May 24, 2012 at 1:41am


Meet my shadow, said a cat.

It was a mouse.

That explains a lot!

Meet my shadow, said a house.

It was homeless,

begging on the street.

Meet my shadow, said a painting.

It was an artist who

could not understand what hit him!


May 2012


Comment by Guido Vermeulen on May 24, 2012 at 1:07am

Watch the great Nebula of Andromeda swim like a phosphorescent amoebe slowly around the Pole (Kenneth Rexroth)

Small painted envelope based on above lines


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