NODE PAJOMO- a contact zine in the spirit of GLOBAL MAIL.

Some of the headings I will steal from GLOBAL MAIL are: Mailart, Actions, Art Projects, Books Seeking Contributors, Boycotts, Co-op Publishing, Comix, Compilations, Distros Seeking Things To Distribute, Exchanges, Messages, Networks, Newcomers, Politics, Postal Stamps, Postcards, Rubber Stamps, Sound, Writings, Video, Zines Seeking Contributors.

The deadline for submissions is March 15, 2009 and the publishing date is April 1. Price:cheap. Email for submissions only. No email addresses or URLs in the zine. Keepin’ It Postal.

Node Pajomo- POB 2632, Bellingham, Washington, 98227-2632 USA

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This is great! Will send you something to publish as well.

I have two mail art calls to share with you. First is Mayworks 2009. Send a work 8 1/2 inches by 11 inches or smaller with some reference to "Work - evolution, revolution, devolution" or anything else pertaining to "work" to Mayworks, 4426 Island Highway South, Courtenay, BC, V9N 9T1 Canada by April 15th, 2009. Hosted by the Oceanside Art Gallery in Parksville, British Columbia. Opening May 1st, 2009.
The second is the Mail Art Olympix which is coming soon at the same time as the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics. The deadline is October 15th, 2009. There are three "events." The first is self portraits. The second is artist stamps and artistamps. The third is manifestos. Maximum size 8 1/2 inches by 11 inches. Same address Mail Art Olympix, 4426 Island Highway South, Courtenay, BC, V9N 9T1 Canada. Hosted by the Comox Valley Art Gallery and the Penticton Art Gallery. Opening November 15, 2009. Both projects curated by Ed Varney. Catalogue to all participants.
Submnitted by Ed Varney
Hello Ed!

thanks for telling me about your projects. The Mailart Olympix listing will read like so:

Mail Art Olympix. (Self Portraits, Artistamps and Manifestoes). 21.5 x 28 15.10.09. Catalogue. 4426 Island Highway South, Courtenay, BC, V9N 9T1 Canada

I'm not going to include the 'work' project because it's deadline is so close to the publish date ( April one 09) of the zine.


Ed, is it OK to distribute these listings otherwise?
You could publish that all mail-interviews from the period 1996-2003 are now avaialable in bookform through LuLu. Just have a look at for all the details.
Hi Ruud:

I think that that would be too much like an advertisement.


I agree. The only information I would send out is that about 1500 pages of hard work (it took me 6 years) are available. But you are right, looks like advertising.
It is definitely the sort of thing I would want to advertise if I was advertising!
Whoo hoo!
Always love to see another mail art zine hit the mailbox; will you be including artwork or any sort of articles?
Best of luck -- look forward to seeing it once it's out...
My current plan for the first issue is just listings, but who knows what the future might hold. Cost is the most prohibitive issue. I'd like to make it as close to FREE as possible, but what is possible, I do not yet know. Thanks for your interest!

The covers of the last 3 Global Mail's 17,18 and 19 published by Ashley Parker Owens, San Francisco, USA
Thanks so much for posting these, Ruud! I only have one issue (#11) and it is one of the few zines I have kept over the years. What ever became of it? I heard someone took it over after APO was done and then it soon collapsed... Perhaps I should research this and put it in NODE PAJOMO!



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