NODE PAJOMO- a contact zine in the spirit of GLOBAL MAIL.

Some of the headings I will steal from GLOBAL MAIL are: Mailart, Actions, Art Projects, Books Seeking Contributors, Boycotts, Co-op Publishing, Comix, Compilations, Distros Seeking Things To Distribute, Exchanges, Messages, Networks, Newcomers, Politics, Postal Stamps, Postcards, Rubber Stamps, Sound, Writings, Video, Zines Seeking Contributors.

The deadline for submissions is March 15, 2009 and the publishing date is April 1. Price:cheap. Email for submissions only. No email addresses or URLs in the zine. Keepin’ It Postal.

Node Pajomo- POB 2632, Bellingham, Washington, 98227-2632 USA

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Thanks Node Pajomo !



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