
Mail Art UK

I'm just interested to see how many mail artists in the UK right now. Are you one?

Location: Cheshire UK
Members: 92
Latest Activity: Dec 19, 2024

The UK Embassy

Some stamps that me and Vittore Baroni in Italy collaborated on a couple of years ago.


Discussion Forum

El Titnoiss Ucsid 4 Replies


Started by Michael Leigh. Last reply by Michael Leigh Nov 22, 2022.

RIP Dawn Redwood 4 Replies

Sad news just in that Dawn lost her long fight with cancer recently.  Deepest sympathy goes out to all her friends and family.Continue

Started by Michael Leigh. Last reply by Mail Art Martha Mar 9, 2020.

What Is It That Makes It So Postal ? 2 Replies


Tags: collage

Started by Michael Leigh. Last reply by Jennifer Wallace Oct 18, 2019.

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Comment by Mail Art Martha on April 4, 2022 at 2:29pm

Yes Michael, so sneaky, but I can still use mine. I have quite a lot of second class stamps that can be used until January 2023. It is the international stamps that cannot be used from today, I need to add postage to get to £1.85 (15p up!) Rats,rats,rats! The bother! I have to get to the post office, now at the back of a long, poorly ventilated Covid filled shop! We had a large Post Office but it was sold. Grrrr! Arghfffff... Spit, spat!

Comment by Michael Leigh on April 4, 2022 at 1:14pm

"The cost of first class stamps will increase by 10p from their current price, from 85p to 95p each. Meanwhile the price of second class stamps will increase to 68p, up 2p from 66p."  That was very sneaky - didnt have time to stock up!  Even the local post office lady wasn't aware of any price rises when I quizzed her a couple of months ago!  Grrrrrr!

Comment by Mail Art Martha on April 4, 2022 at 12:52pm

I do not know what they intend to do, but guess it is away of getting more money from us. The rats! (sorry Vermina)

And just now I got another email. International postage prices have changed! I have not read it, it is nearly lunch time, but I can assure you it is not a reduccion. Grrrrr!

Comment by Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) on April 4, 2022 at 7:22am

Me not a Brit, but a friend-of-the-Crown :-)

Reading the comments about UK postage going barcode ?

(someone enlighten the Artist in Seine!)

Does that mean I won't see the handsome Prince

or Her Majesty on mail art envelopes next year?

:-( Please send lots of mail art with fun UK postage until then...

Comment by Michael Leigh on April 4, 2022 at 6:29am

Thanks Martha.  Yes, this is annoying or some it seems but I guess we must change with the times!   Barcodes are ugly but like electricity pylons you kind of get used to them and eventually they have a kind of beauty all of their own!  ( really?)  yes, looked at under a microscope they emit a certain frission of energectic yet unmistakable dreamlike geometry.  Squinticential in all it's pretentious drivel like artistic benevolence.  I think you know what I mean.  Here. have a good squint- you see it don't you?  I'll get me coat.

Comment by Mail Art Martha on April 4, 2022 at 1:28am

Important news from the Post Office, UK.

(I got this in an email, presumably because I buy my stamps online.)

Stamps are changing
We’re adding unique barcodes to our Definitive stamps.
Definitive stamps are the iconic everyday stamps that feature the profile of HM The Queen. The new barcode feature promises to expand the number of Royal Mail services available to you.
With this change, there are two options available for your existing non-barcoded stamps.
Use them
Non-barcoded stamps – excluding Special Stamps – will remain usable until 31 January 2023, when they will be phased out.
Swapping them out
Alternatively, your non-barcoded Definitive stamps can be exchanged for the new barcoded version through the Swap Out scheme.
There isn’t an immediate rush to swap out your unused stamps but we would encourage you to use your non-barcoded stamps before 31 January 2023.
Special Stamps and Christmas Stamps without a barcode will continue to be valid and don’t need to be used up or swapped out. Special Stamps are stamps that have an image other than the profile of HM The Queen.
Forms to swap your stamps are now available via local Customer Service Points, the Royal Mail website and via our Customer Experience team.
For further details, or to download a Swap Out form, visit our website.

Comment by Michael Leigh on January 6, 2022 at 6:35pm

Thanks James -  new flyer with updates.  If you cant find any tools to draw round - made up ones will do!

Comment by Michael Leigh on January 6, 2022 at 6:32pm

Comment by James Warren Felter on January 2, 2022 at 3:57pm

Shed? Shed?  I got rid of my shed years ago.  Now I'm trying to get red of my S%@T.  I do have a deck with a few garden tools hidden somewhere - will see what I can find! :)  Happy New Year!


Comment by Michael Leigh on January 2, 2022 at 2:54pm

A new project for a new year!  Get sending!


Members (92)



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