Mail Art Knitting Art Lyndale and 40th Minneapolis

I saw this guerilla knitting art on a mail box at Lyndale and 40th St. South in Minneapolis (look at the knitted feet on the legs of the mail box). I thought other mail artists would like to see it too. This mail box sits outside a store full of eye candy called "LaRoue's".

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Comment by stripygoose on January 4, 2016 at 10:30pm
Those are definitely a bird's feet - I love this. It's just perfect. Do no harm and add something positive to the everyday seems pretty much like a mailart philosophy to me - more of that in 2016!
Comment by Richard Canard on January 4, 2016 at 6:38pm

04.01.16 Dare Minneapolis G.,'s not that I'm really into so-called "guerilla knitters"--but do admire any gesture that does no harm & adds a positive element to the everyday. We are all habitually bombarded by constant graffiti, etc. that doesn't really offer much but more visual blight. I had to look twice at your photo in order to see what you were presenting..... Yes, as  IUOMA member Reid Wood so eloquently stated already: 'A BETTER NEW YEAR'   Richard Canard

Comment by Minneapolis Gnome on January 4, 2016 at 3:08pm

Thank you Richard, those are some high compliments!  Minneapolis has a number of guerilla knitters who make sweaters for trees, cozies for bike rales, etc - but this is the first addition of feet to any object I've ever seen.  Happy 2016!  

Comment by Richard Canard on January 3, 2016 at 7:09pm

03.01.16 Dare Minneapolis G., ...thanx for posting. You have what I would call a "good eye" & a generous heart in your willingness to document & share. ... a subtle, humorous & audacious (but modest) artist at work here. The world needs more of this kind of nonsense. Since riley, Richard Canard


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