Oh Boy's Comments

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At 9:55am on May 10, 2023, Tomoe N said…

Hello. I have got your happiness mail a while ago. Thank you. I wasn’t active before but I kind of started back. I will send back whatever I can.
Tomoe from Japan 

At 7:41am on September 18, 2019, Richard Canard said…

18.09.19  Dare Mister Oh Boy, ...& what a rich source your 337 photos prove to be. Thanx for pointing them out again. I certainly wish there were more Oh Boy creations in my so-called "archive". Best to you. Richard Canard

At 6:11am on April 3, 2017, joey Patrickt said…

Oh Boy are youstill in Burbank?

At 12:28am on November 14, 2016, Juan Carlos Vargas said…

I invite you to participate in www.mailartunidosporlapaz.blogspot.com.co

At 11:08am on January 16, 2016, Carlos I. Botana said…


Las Meninas by Diego Velázquez
Size: Free
Technique: Free
Deadline: August 15, 2016
Exhibition: September, 2016
No sales. No jury. No return
The work is publisehed in the "blog": mailartlasmeninasdecanido.blogspot.com
Send your work to:
Carlos I. Botana
C/. Javier López López
Nº 11 - portal 2 - 3º E
15009 - A Coruña - Spain
At 4:44pm on October 2, 2014, Amy Irwen said…
Hey! Received your two add n Passes...thank you...and a BIG thanks for the Robin Williams tribute arty stamps!!!
At 8:57pm on October 15, 2013, The Blessed Father said…
I made artistamps from Eraser's carvings. . . will send you some this week. Let be know when you'll be in SD. BF
At 10:22pm on September 27, 2013, The Blessed Father said…
Did Eraser Heed mail you our joint stamp project?? I took his hand carved images and made artistamps. How have you been, and please let me know when you're going to be in San Diego. Rick
At 9:00pm on March 21, 2013, The Blessed Father said…
Thank you so much for all the addresses, got something off to EZ today
the other's next week. Yes, I would enjoy getting together, I live in Talmadge,it's next to the College area. I'll send my Phone # to your
other email. Karen and I were in the Jan-Feb 1995 issue #79. BF
At 12:59am on March 16, 2013, The Blessed Father said…

All of my old mail art shit is in a storage. . . this weekend I'll find the issue Karen and I were in. . . I'll let you know.  BF

At 10:40pm on February 19, 2013, The Blessed Father said…
Did I ever mail you a TUBE-O-GRAM ???BF
At 7:42pm on February 19, 2013, The Blessed Father said…

You have got me so excited, it was one of three that I mailed out and to think it's still together. . . God Bless rubber cement. Could you please blog the photo's. Say it's a twenty year old piece from the Blessed Father aka Rick & Karen.  I would really appreciate it.  Much Thanks Rick

At 6:52pm on February 19, 2013, The Blessed Father said…

Wow. . . it's great seeing that piece.  I put a lot of work into those mini suitcases. Thank you so much for sharing it.  Rick aka Blessed Father

At 12:53am on February 16, 2013, The Blessed Father said…

Thank you for your response. . . I was hoping EZ wasn't, well. . . you know

RIP. You, EZ, and the Cracker Jack Kid were my inspiration. I have gotten into artistamps. I will mail you some crap next week. I've been getting into rubber stamps again as well.  The Blessed Father aka Rick and Karen  

At 6:09pm on February 13, 2013, The Blessed Father said…

We use to exchange mail back in the 90's (formerly Rick & Karen) I've been getting back into it.  Is E Z Smith still around??  You and E Z were are favorites.  BF

At 8:57am on February 1, 2013, Dean aka Artist in Seine said…

Dear Oh Boy,

      We are having a Banana Mail call for the following events.  

February 21 World Banana Day .

February 23 International Banana Bread Day in Candace Canada    

     Let me know if you want to be put on the list.     You can send to as many people on the list as you want.

     The goal is to try to have your piece arrive on the day of 21 or 23 February.

Go Bananas


At 4:29am on December 2, 2012, vizma bruns said…

Hi Oh Boy! I've sent my fakes to NY, and I've posted them in photos if you want to have a squizz. Cheers, Vizma.

At 3:05pm on November 21, 2012, Valentine Mark Herman said…
I've added (again)
Nad passed (again)
Regards (again).
At 4:47pm on November 15, 2012, Guido Vermeulen said…

Mailed to address of John Evans

At 4:47pm on November 15, 2012, Guido Vermeulen said…

Mailed 2 you:


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