What next from Dean the in Seine artist? A cardboard egg tray full of fried eggs arrived in the mail today. Some of them looked a bit off, there's a black yolk, three gold whites and a silver one. Is this a code of some sort? Does he expect me to make an omelette out of them and send it back?

On the other side, pizza with a pun.

Views: 99


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Comment by Thom Courcelle on March 15, 2016 at 1:59pm

Well don't I feel like I have egg on my face!  Votre Oeufs d'Or are like the famous white-gold-blue-black dress that hit the internets last year! Some people saw a dress of white and gold, and some people saw a dress of blue and black! Magnifique! You've created a new internet optical illusion sensation, Dean!

Comment by Dean aka Artist in Seine on March 15, 2016 at 1:26pm

Oh that Alan is just winding me up.  First of all, he post the photo upside down.And second, that's Royal Blue, not black.  I have never ever hear of black eggs, and as this is real to life, they had to be Royal Blue. 

An omelette?  How so un-Royal.  No Sir Alan, I want you to make a Soufflé au Grand Marnier with this mail art piece.  Ready Set GO !


  • 4 dl lait
  • 80 g sucre
  • 1 sachet sucre vanillé
  • 50 g beurre
  • 50 g farine
  • 15 g fécule
  • 4 œufs
  • 1 pincée de sel
  • 5 cl de Grand Marnier.


  • 2 casseroles
  • 1 fouet
  • 1 moule à soufflé (20 cm de diamètre)


  1. Faire chauffer le lait avec le sucre et y laisser infuser la vanille
  2. Dans une casserole, faire fondre doucement le beurre et lorsqu'il mousse y ajouter la farine et la fécule; bien mélanger
  3. Verser ensuite le lait bouillant et porter le tout à ébullition en remuant sans arrêt, laisser donner quelques bouillons puis retirer du feu
  4. Ajouter les jaunes un à un hors du feu et ensuite la liqueur
  5. Battre les blancs en neige avec une pincée de sel puis les incorporer délicatement à la crème
  6. Verser dans un moule à soufflé beurré et saupoudré de sucre cristallisé. Cuire au four à 200° pendant 35 mn environ
  7. Servir tiède dès la sortie du four.

Thanks for the fun blog.  The golden & Devil egg are inspiring. As is the Eggcel.  A new spreadsheet program.

Comment by Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) on March 13, 2016 at 9:55pm


Comment by Thom Courcelle on March 13, 2016 at 3:13pm

Ooof!!…  I mean, Oeuf!!  There's a crafty devil behind those deviled eggs!  (I definitely wouldn't try the black one. Do you think that's from a black swan?)  Yuk, yuk, yuk! … I mean, yoke, yoke, yoke!

Comment by stripygoose on March 12, 2016 at 7:46pm

The goose that laid the golden eggs might have been involved here.


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