Just when I was PLEADING with the Universe to let there be mail art waiting at home for me,

Just as I was JONESING like an Addict sick for a fix of envelope filled glee,

Holy Cow, there it was, a Tonipoet made and sent art envie,


[all snap fingers here]

There was also a letter on the back of a poem, in like, the nicest handwriting EV-AR!  And what I didn't photograph is this super cool, tiny rubber stamp imprint throughout it all.  Toni, do you carve rubber stamps with a magnifying glass? It's of a guy in a tuxedo with a bow tie and a funnel on top of his head, like a hat, or like the tin man in The Wizard of Oz.  It's very cool, and I'm glad I have it's imprint because I dig it highly.

Now I think these slips of paper with phrases on them which I found inside a very useful looking bag are an incitement to try to create poetry, so the seed is planted in my brain and might successfully grow to fruition this weekend. 

The collage of a man carrying "a bundle of sticks" (don't say the f word...no, the other f word) and rockets with large meat balls strapped to them is actually a magnet, which will promptly go on my fridge because I think it's pretty funny.

I also got a collage of northern passion Nalley Original Chili which temptingly advertises a goat for only $50.  I'm wondering what kind of a goat one can get for only $50 - they run about $150 around here.  I think I'll write and ask them.

There's a nice white postcard with a good quote about art, and it all comes in a lovely cardboard envelope.

Thanks Tonipoet! 

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Tags: tonipoet


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Comment by Toni Hanner -- tonipoet on February 6, 2016 at 7:42pm

Fabuloso blog post, Gnome! I'm happy you're happy! The little funnel head guy is a graffito I saw in Paris several years ago. I liked it so much I had it tattoed on my shoulder. Then made into this rubber stamp--no I didn't carve it myself. His name is Frankie (or François, if you want to be French about it). Have fun with the poetry prompts (yep that's exactly what they are) and the Dada Coffee Bag (I did not know that's what it was until I saw res' coment)!


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