Received: Cryptic mail-art from Jon Foster (Winston Salem, North Carolina, USA)

October 21, 2010 - Jon Foster sent me a second round of mail-art, and there certainly has been some evolution. The earlier work I remember was much more minimalist and image-dependent. He appears in this piece to be moving toward mail-art that integrates image and text - a slippery slide toward vispo? The printer images indicate a movement toward more complex collage and material that is a bit more randomly found - perhaps getting more comfortable with the medium of mail-art and what you can do with it? All I'm getting from the words are: "As Curtis the printers are evil." To fulfill my own need to give it a name, I call it a cryptic communication. I saw the piece to Bifidus with Faulkner - really enjoyed - and apologize if there's a reference I'm blanked out on.

YO JON!!! - With your students if you like: Send me a card that says "Monkey Purge" or incorporates the concept. There's a cool little flap on the piece that looks like a natural tear, but I think it's intentional. It makes Jon's mail-art a bit more three dimensional and interactive. The playfulness with letters is also displayed on the address side:

Thanks much, Jon. It's nice to be reaching a point where I'm getting multiple installments from people. After a time - as I'm sure people will learn, already know, or discovered long ago - you start to find what people are about and trying to accomplish; and the dialog becomes more meaningful.

Views: 95

Tags: Sloan, punk


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Comment by Marie Wintzer on October 24, 2010 at 7:10am
Hahaha, the vacuum cleaner used to freak out my cat too, big time!
Comment by De Villo Sloan on October 24, 2010 at 1:09am
Snooky - the vacuum cleaner freaks Simba out most of all. But Snooky. I thought you would have spoken out about scanners. The amount of scanning Angie has you doing is unbelievable. I thought that's the reason why you joined a UNION.
Comment by De Villo Sloan on October 23, 2010 at 11:19pm
Jon & Marie - I enjoy these reflections on the "means of production." I have to add, though, my gripe is with the scanner. With mine, I'm thinking exorcism. You should see the outtakes of what that thing has done to YOUR work that never made it for IUOMA posting.
Comment by Marie Wintzer on October 23, 2010 at 12:11am
Couldn't agree more, printers are definitely evil!
Comment by jon foster on October 22, 2010 at 2:51pm
I'm glad that you're enjoying what I'm sending, but I doubt there will be much of a theme to anything else. The things I make are just expressions of what I'm thinking about that day and at that time, always with a nod to some form of humor...I like little jokes and puns hiding here and there. In a very dada-ish way, there's not really much to get, just to enjoy...if you do or if you don't.

Anyway, you're on the list of like-minded weirdos.
Comment by De Villo Sloan on October 22, 2010 at 2:18pm
Thanks Jon - it struck me as being something like that - and I appreciate it because it is sincere expression resulting from your environment and then to mine. But then I had seen some of the cool literary stuff you were doing and didn't want to diminish it either - so I think I'm starting to "get" it - thanks, hope there's more. Think about the Monkey Purge thing. In my feeble circumstance it is that dim lightbulb that flashes once in a while.
Comment by jon foster on October 22, 2010 at 2:11pm
To be honest, I was really made at our school's printer that day so I thought I needed to make something about it.

I will make sure to add you to my "send often" column in my IUOMA address book.


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