RECEIVED: Card and Guest Mail-Art Psychic from ATC Rebel David Stafford (Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA)

Mail-art by IUOMA member David Stafford (Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA)


February 17, 2011 - It's not a cellphone, trash from Elgin or a pacifier, it's a beautiful and wonderfully executed Artist Trading Card (ATC) from David Stafford. Mail-art has a tremendous variety and range. I have to admit it was nice to receive this piece and move out of the ether for a while. The high graphic quality and representational nature of David Stafford's card has affinities to a particular strain in mail-art. I once read a blog by RCBz (Minnesota), if I understood correctly, that links this aesthetic to the West Coast of the United States, California in particular. It certainly is refreshing and unmurky. David has a stamp displayed on the card's reverse side:

 I found the quarter in the street. You can find a lot of stuff now that the snow is melting a bit. The quarter might give you a sense of the size of David's piece, if you have some sense of the size of the quarter, which on another plane is deflating and inflating in value before your eyes. But enough of politics and economics. Here is the signature ATC Rebels logo:

Karen Champlin (Oak Park, Illinois) founded the ATC Rebels group here at the IUOMA. With the involvement of David and others, it certainly appears an ATC renaissance is taking place in the network. People are sending and receiving amazing things that we've been fortunate to see on the platform: Here's the other side with the cool stamp again:

And what a bonus! David included a fortune! This means David Stafford is the Guest Mail-Art Psychic for February 17-18 (we have time zone issues), 2011.  Here is David Stafford's Guest Mail-Art Psychic prediction:



NOTE: This is excellent for a Mail-Art Psychic entry, when compared to things such as altered pages from the "Book of Revelations" or pages torn randomly from a St. Louis, Missouri, USA telephone book (with the name Sarah Connor highlighted three time?). Although the greatest instance of a Mail-Art Psychic crashing and burning just out of the gate is Marie Wintzer's #63 Japanese oracle citation. As much as she is a good mail-art friend in other ways, Marie is permanently banned from the Mail-Art Psychic throne. 


Mail-art color of the day: Candy Apple Grey


Mail-art words for the day: Zen Arcade (it's better)



Angie and Snooky




Church of the Sub-Genius

Da Da Wobbler

Dark wall (deleted)


East Bay Ray

Ray Johnson (channeled)

Remote Control Data Corporation

Savage Rain



David Stafford


Views: 54

Tags: Sloan


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Comment by De Villo Sloan on February 21, 2011 at 12:01pm

keep yer paw paws off a me. glimmer twin seal of approval: we only steal from the best

Comment by De Villo Sloan on February 21, 2011 at 11:41am
Please, no more comments on this one. Apologies have been issued, and a disclaimer will be attached to future Mail-Art Psychic readings. Marie Antonette ;)))
Comment by Marie Wintzer on February 20, 2011 at 10:52pm

Oh, what's happening in here? Yesterday I was banned, and while I have my back turned for 5 minutes I am held responsible for monkeys throwing weird fruits at Cheryl and called marie atonette? I don't think I want that gig anymore, please take me off the psychich hall of fame Sloan!

(PS I feel so bad for not even saying a word about David's art, but it's cool stuff)

Comment by David Stafford on February 20, 2011 at 8:30pm
Some people may prefer to prolong the Paw Paw pickle but I have updated my resume and am ready to get on with my life...(takes wing)
Comment by De Villo Sloan on February 20, 2011 at 7:33pm
Man Cheryl, David is done. He has been for hours. Mail-Art Psychic is the toughest job in the network. I hope David's parachute works. Now I have to have a freakin Marie tribunal. The predictions are not necessarily linked to monkey raids. Probably something else causes them.
Comment by cheryl penn on February 20, 2011 at 7:28pm
over and out??? What about the paw paw?????? Yes, Davids cool, does that mean he's still the resident psychic?? Wots on the cards for the morrow I wonder???
Comment by David Stafford on February 20, 2011 at 7:16pm

whew! I'm glad that's behind us...over and out...

Comment by De Villo Sloan on February 20, 2011 at 7:05pm
the monkeys r not pawpers! marie atonette did this. she with the grigster. dave s b cool
Comment by cheryl penn on February 20, 2011 at 6:56pm
she's gone and got me a fortune too i confess i'm a little nervous... David - Paw Paw privileges!!! :-)))  Thats a new one - I dont think we have it in South Afirican law - an American thing??? I think people retain Paw Paw possession - its 9/10ths of the law.
Comment by De Villo Sloan on February 20, 2011 at 6:54pm
David, man, if you are negotiating with the monkeys - I hope you know what you're dealing with.


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