My first mail from Heleen from the Netherlands!

Really cool mail art arrived from Heleen in the Netherlands!  Here's the front of the envelope, which I've been spending a lot of time studying.  This lady has really thin, fine pens and uses them to make these amazingly fine details.  I love her signature and hope you can see it in this photo.  I <3 the shading on this knight chess piece.  I have kept the envelope next to my bed since it arrived, I guess because I'm hoping the process of osmosis (or just looking at it frequently) will give me the ability to shade like this.  I also love the details of the dots around the edges and the way she makes a crossword puzzle art out of "Minneapolis Gnome". 

But there's MORE before the envelope is even opened, the second photo shows the back.  I think the mail art stamp on top is brilliant (mail art, then washing / care instructions), and I think the platypus hand carved postage rubber stamp is SO VERY COOL and adorable!

Third pic is FISH STAMP WATERCOLOR AWESOMENESS!  So classic Heleen style, which I have been admiring online for quite some time before we ever made each other's E-acquaintance.  I love it, I'm going to put it on my wall along with the chess piece, that's all there is to it.

Thank you, Heleen! 

  (Modeling courtesy of Daisy McCloud, French Angora rabbit)

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Comment by Heleen de Vaan on April 13, 2016 at 8:38am
Ooh, I just now see your blog post... Thank you for posting, Mineapolis Gnome, and thank you so much for your kind words!

Great pictures! So also thank you, Daisy McCloud, for holding the envelope and content (and not eating the paper). If there wouldn't have been constrictions in sending organic material to the US I would have sent you fresh parsil leaves as a 'thank you, too'.
Comment by Minneapolis Gnome on April 4, 2016 at 3:53pm

Daisy is as tolerant as she can be of my shenanigans, bless her soul.    

Comment by Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) on April 3, 2016 at 11:49am

'Love Heleen's BLUE, and "stamp" illustrations. Always fabulous!

Comment by Toni Hanner -- tonipoet on April 2, 2016 at 10:59pm
Very nice of Daisy to act as your easel!


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